Newsletter No. 58
C U H K NEWSLETTER CUP V i deo Wi ns Awards An instructional video package produced by The Chinese University Press (CUP) recently won two awards: the Silver Award of the Outstanding Community Participation Projects Award 1994, and the Best Display Award of 1994 Civic Education Display. Entitled 'How to Conduct School Society Meetings', the video explains the essentials of conducting effective meetings and shows how an effective meeting can streamline the activities of a school society. The script was written by Mr. Fung Yee-wang and Ms. Teresa Siu of the Faculty of Education. The awards were presented on 2nd July at the opening ceremony of the 1994 Civic Education Display organized by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education. The Language Fund Invites Applications Applications are now invited from all educational/ training institutions, registered organizations and interested individuals for allocations from the government's Language Fund. The main objective of the fund is to raise the standards of Chinese (including Putonghua) and English and enhance the use of the two languages in Hong Kong. Disbursements are expected to reinforce existing efforts in this area and to meet temporary shortfalls in language teaching resources. Application deadlines for 1994-95 are 20th September 1994 (first call), and 31 st March 1995 (second call). Details and application forms are obtainable from the Language Fund Secretariat (Tel. 892 6477). New Academic Year Begins VC's Discretionary Fund for Excellence - Second Call for Applications The CUHKNewsletter first announced the introduction of the VC's Discretionary Fund for Excellence in June. Applications for grants from this new incentive fund are now invited again from individuals, groups, or departments (academic, research or administrative). The objective of the fund is to support projects that can contribute significantly to the improvement of academic/ educational quality in the University. Both teaching and research activities will be supported, for up to five years. These may incl ude, for example, appointment of or provision of top-up salaries for visiting professors on specific tasks, providing teaching relief for a staff member to go on sabbatical leave to complete a book/research project of excellence, or providing seed monies for the development of new or pilot programmes. Projects will be assessed on their own merits and vetted by the Resource Allocation Committee, in consultation with internal/external experts, if deemed appropriate. For practical reasons, there is no deadline for application. Applications should be supported by a detailed proposal and a budget, and be sent to the Vice-Chancellor's Office. For further information or gudieline packages, please contact Mrs. Vivian Ng, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, at Ext. 7253. Guideline packages are also available at department and faculty offices. NO. SEPTEMBER 1994 3
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