Newsletter Summer Supplement (1997)
有關申請須經所屬部門主管書面推薦,於一九九七年九月十六日(星期二)或以 前送達人事處,轉交行政事務委員會秘書譚壽森先生。所有申請必須於有關項目舉辦 前提出,而該等項目必須與申請者現行的工作有直接關係,方獲考慮。 隸屬已獲分配職員訓練及發展預算的單位之非敎學職員,其申請則由所屬單位處 理及批核。 查詢可電人事處(內線七二八六或七二八八或七二二二)。 The University will soon consider requests from units/offices without atraining and development budget for reimbursement of training and development expenses (including course fees and registration fees for workshops and seminars) to their non-teaching staff members who will attend training/development programmes which start in or after September 1997. Applications from non-teaching staffmembers in these units should be forwarded with written recommendations by unit heads to Mr. S. S. Tam, Secretary of the Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building on or before Tuesday, 16th September 1997. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted before the training/development programmes start. Such programmes should also be directly relevant to the present duties of the applicants. Applications from staffmembers in departments/units with stafftraining and development budgets should continue to be processed and approved by such departments/units as budget holders. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7288/7222). 臨床職級敎師現金津貼修訂 Revision of Cash Allowance for Clinical Staff 大學校董會參照醫院管理局較早前修訂的僱員服務條例,修訂本校的「與醫院管 理局相類」服務條例,並通過由一九九七年一月一日起生效,適用於由該日起按有關 條例聘用的醫學院臨床職級敎師。修訂後,原有的現金津貼劃分爲「固定現金津貼」及 「彈性現金津貼」;「彈性現金津貼」須受防止享有雙重房屋福利條例的限制。現職僱 員於其現有聘約期內將不受新修訂服務條例影響。查詢詳情,請致電人事處(內線七 二四九或七一八三或七二八五)。 In line with the Hong Kong Hospital Authority's revision of its remuneration package, the University Council has approved the revision of the Hospital Authority-equivalent Terms of Service from 1st January 1997 for clinical academic appointees. Under the revised terms, the previous cash allowance is replaced by aFixed Allowance and a Flexi-Allowance, with the latter being subject to the rules for the prevention of double housing benefits. Serving appointees are however not affected by the revised terms under their current contract of employment. Enquiries related to the revised terms can be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7249/7183/7285). 房屋福利 Housing Benefits 校方最近修訂了有關領取自行租屋津貼或寓所津貼之條例,詳盡閲述各項規條及 解釋。欲索取條例及申請表格者,請向人事處或總務處查詢。至於大學各項房屋福利 之資料,如福利項目、申請手續、防止雙重房屋福利條例等,已印製簡介,同人可於 人事處網頁省閱(網址: ,或親臨人 事處索取。 The regulations on Private Tenancy Allowance (PTA) and House Allowance (HA) (renamed from Housing Allowance) have recently been revised to facilitate easy comprehension of all rules and interpretations concerning the two housing benefit schemes. Copies of the regulations and application forms are available from the Personnel Office or the Bursary. In order that staff members may have an overview of al housing benefits available in the University, and of the procedures of application and the related rules on the prevention of double housing benefits, some 'Explanatory Notes on Housing Benefits' have been prepared for staffmembers' reference. Such notes are available from the home page of the Personnel Office ( personnel/res/benhou_g.htm) and hard copies are obtainable from the Personnel Office. 日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金 「訪問研究員/培訓學員」計劃 Bishop Williams Memorial Fund Visiting Researcher/ Trainee Programme in Japan 日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金現接受一九九八至二零零零年度「訪問硏究員/培 訓學員」計劃資助之申請。 獲選者可在日本立敎大學或其他聖公會敎育機構從事硏究或修讀所選學科。 新年度之硏究或培訓計劃由一九九八年十月開始,爲期一年半,首六個月修讀日 文。獲選者可免繳學費,並獲資助生活費(每月十五萬日圓)、單人宿舍宿費,以及來 回日本之旅費。 串請人須 (一)於一九九八年十月一日時未滿卅五歲; (二)大學或大專畢業,目前須受僱於商業、農業或敎育機構,或任職於政府部門,或 於硏究院攻讀,或具上述各項之同等資格,或畢業於特殊技術或職業學校及具數 年有關工作經驗; (三)爲聖公會會友並經其敎區會督推薦。若屬其他宗派之基督徒,則須由一位聖公會 會督推薦。 申請表格可向人事處索取,塡妥後須於一九九七年十月卅—日前直接寄往下址: Bishop Williams Memorial Fund c/o Office of the President Rikkyo University Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171 Japan The Board of Trustees of the Bishop Williams Memorial Fund of the Anglican-Episcopal Church of Japan (Nippon Sei Ko Kai — NSKK) invites applications for participation in their Visiting Research/Trainee Programme 1998-2000. Successful candidates will be attached to Rikkyo University at Tokyo or other NSKK- affiliated institutions in Japan to do research or receive training in their chosen field. The period of research and/or training will be approximately one and a half years, commencing in October 1998. During the initial six months, participants in the programme will be expected to undertake training in the Japanese language. Tuition will be waived, and astipend of ¥ 150,000 per month and single person's quarters will be provided. Transportation expenses to and from Japan for the visiting researcher/trainee will be reimbursed. The applicant should be: (a) under 35 years of age on 1st October 1998; (b) a graduate of a university or college, be currently employed in the civil service or other commercial, agricultural or educational enterprises, or enrolled in agraduate school, or engaged in research or training at arecognized educational or research institution, or a graduate of a junior college or of a specialized technical or vocational school with a few years' actual working experience subsequent to his/her graduation. (c) an Anglican recommended by the Anglican bishop of his/her diocese, or aChristian of another denomination recommended by an Anglican bishop. Application forms and further information can be obtained from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7222). Applications should be sent direct to the following address by 31st October 1997: Bishop Williams Memorial Fund c/o Office of the President Rikkyo University Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171 Japan Orientation for New Academic Staff and Teaching Assistants The Teaching Development Unit is organizing two orientation programmes for new academic staffand teaching assistants to familiarize them with the University and its services. The Orientation for New Faculty 1997-98 will be held on 28th and 29th August, with 'Nurturing a Culture of Quality in Teaching' as the theme; and the Orientation for New Teaching Assistants 1997-98 will be held on 4th and 5th September. Experienced teachers will be present at both programmes to share their views with the participants. 薪金調整 Salary Revisions 大學校董會已通過加薪決議,本校乙類及丙類服務條款僱員之薪酬,會跟隨公務 員之薪金調整。新訂薪金於本年四月一日生效。大學將於八月按新訂金額支薪,並連同 四至七月之補薪一起發還予僱員。 至於甲類服務條款僱員之薪金調整,尙待港府正式通過,總務處希望可於九月支 付新訂薪金,並連同四月起之補薪一倂發還僱員。 Following the recent payrise by the Hong Kong Government for civil servants, the University Council has approved a corresponding revision of salaries from 1st April 1997 for University staff employed under Terms of Service (B) and (C). New salaries will be paid in the August payroll with backpay for the months up to July 1997. New salaries for staff employed under Terms of Service (A) will be paid as soon as the government has approved their new salary scales. The University Bursar hopes to obtain such approval in time to pay the new salaries with backpay in the September payroll. Facility Charges 1997-98 Fees and charges on the following facilities have been revised and approved by the AAPC to take effect from 1st July 1997: Facility 1996Rate (HK$) 1997 NewRate (HK$) Swimming Pool Student 5.5 No change Staff 11 No change Staff dependant 5.5 No change Alumnus 11 No change Guest 30 No change Coupons (12 tickets) Student 55 No change Staff 110 No change Staffdependant 55 No change Alumnus 110 No change Guest 300 No change Alumni annual subscription 220 No change Re-issue of membership card 17.5 No change Tennis Court Guest tickets (per quest per hour) 24 26 Evening surcharge (per hour) 36 39 Alumni annual subscription 240 260 Re-issue of membership card 11 12 Badminton Court (Sunday & public holidays special booking) Per two-hour session 640 No change Squash Court Student 12 13 Staff 24 26 Guest (surcharge) 12 13 Use of University Teaching Facilities (Per two-hour session) Classroom 205 220 Classroom with air-conditioning 340 370 Lecture hall and laboratories 340 370 Lecture hall and laboratories with air-conditioning 640 690 Chapel, gymnasium and athletic fields 640 690 P.A. systems 205 220 Staff attendant 150 160 Use of laboratory apparatus and fixture (per person) 65 70 Bus Service Shuttle light bus (per ride) 3.5 No change 暑期特刊 一九九七年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1997 3 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter
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