Annual Report 2007–08
大事回顧 Calendar of Events 22.8.2007 霍英東遙感科學館奠基,科學館落成後將 成為華南及亞太地區的衞星遙感重鎮。 The foundation stone laying ceremony for the Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building was held. The building will be one of the most important satellite remote sensing research facilities in Southern China and the region. 24.8.2007 新生於迎新營拼出心形圖案和文字,為大學生活 揭開序幕。 The assembly of the heartshape human jigsaw by new students in the orientation camp marked the start of new life in the University. 22.9.2007 為慶祝楊振寧教授八十五歲華誕及榮獲諾貝爾獎五十 周年,中大舉行楊振寧教授銅像致贈儀式。 In celebration of Prof. Yang Chen-ning's 85th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his being awarded the Nobel Prize, CUHK held a presentation ceremony of the bronze statue of Prof. Yang. 29.9.2007 本科入學資訊日吸引逾二萬名預科學生、 家長和教師出席,氣氛熱烈。 Over 20,000 prospective students, parents and teachers flocked to CUHK for the orientation day for undergraduate admissions.
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