Newsletter No. 26
CUHK Newsletter No.26 January 1992 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Division of the International Academy o fPathology 14th-15th December 1991 Prince of Wales Hospital Hosted b y the Department o f Anatomical and Cellular Pathology t o promote pathology education and research, the meeting was attended b y over 150 pathologists from Hong Kong, USA, Australia, China, Taiwan, the Philippines an d Japan. Prof. Richard L . Kempson from Stanford University and Prof. F . Stephen Vogel from Duke University delivered two keynote lectures o n ‘Smooth Muscle Tumors o f Borderline Malignancy' and 'Diagnostic Problems in Surgical Neuropathology' respectively. I n addition t o short courses i n breast pathology and surgical pathology, a total o f 71 papers were delivered i n th e form o f either platform o r poster presentations. International Conference on Business Forecasting 21st December 1991 Omni-Prince Hotel The conference was jointly organized by the University's Department o f Operations and Systems Management and the America Chinese Management Educators Association i n the USA t o provide a better understanding o f business forecasting, and to promote closer interaction between academics and practitioners i n th e business sector. Participants from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and the USA attended the conference and presented papers o n forecasting i n business firms, statistical analysis o f sales and sales penetrations, and forecasting methodologies and practices. Ne w Publ icat ion s o f Th eChines eUniversi t y Pres s The following books will b e sold a t a 2 0 per cent discount to staff members a t the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. • Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (i n English) edited b y C . Andrew va n Hasselt & Alan G . Gibb, 302 pages, hard cover, HK$480. - Economics an d Hong Kong (《經濟金融與香港》)( in Chinese) by Choi Hak, 154 pages, paperback, HK$35. Services to the Community and International Organizations • Dr . Lam Kin-che, senior lecturer i n geography, ha s been appointed a member of the TownPlanning Appeal Boardby HE the Governor for tw o years from 18t h November 1991. • Prof. T . E . Oh , dean o f Faculty o f Medicine an d professor of anaesthesia and intensive care, has been appointed a member of the Hospital Authority b y H E th e Governor fo r tw o years from 1s t December 1991. • Prof. Rance P . L . Lee, professor o f sociology, ha s been appointed a member o f th e Social Welfare Advisory Committee b y H E th e Governor fo r on e year from 1s t December 1991. Prof. Lee has also been invited b y th e Hong Kong ADDS Foundation t o be a co-opted member o f its Education, Research and Services Committee until 1993. • Prof. David Gwilt, professor o f music, served as conductor t o th e Hong Kong Sinfonietta i n a concert held at the Sha Tin TownHall on 17th November 1991. • Dr . Robert E . Allinson, senior lecturer i n philosophy, has been invited to serve as an external assessor fo r the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York at Buffalo. Dr. Allinson has also been appointed t o th e Board o f Editors o f The Asian Journal of Philosophy published b y National Taiwan University, Taipei. (All information in this section is provided by the Information Office) 4
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