Newsletter No. 55
CUHK NEWSLETTER In Bygone Days of Long Ago In this and the next issue of the CUHK Newsletter, we shall share with readers the reminiscences of this year's long service award honorees and some old photos they have hoarded for many years. Some honorees wrote down their feelingson paper, sometold us their experience by word of mouth. Most of their written contributions were in Chinese but have now been rendered into English for those not familiarwith the Chinese language. Comfort and Joy Mrs. Lee Huen So-ping, United College Branch Library After graduating from Chung Chi College I joined the Christian Students Centre t o tak e charg e o f programme s and th e librar y there . Ther e wer e n o fixed hour s an d I coul d easil y b e working 1 3 or 1 4 hours a day. As I gradually had a family to look after, I decided that I had to get back to normal workin g hours . S o I cam e t o Chung Chi for an opening in its library. Later on , with the establishmen t o f the University Library System, I was posted first to the University Library , and then the Unite d Colleg e Librar y i n 197 7 where I have sinc e been responsible fo r cataloguing an d book traffic. During the 25 years I have been associated with the ULS I have see n new facilitie s and new technologies introduced from time to time, and as I learn to make good use of these innovations, I realise that it is in mutations that we can find immutability. I have been with the University fo r over 9,000 days, and have helped a good number of library- users in collecting data for their theses and dissertations. It invariably gives me great comfort and joy to hear from them, and to learn that they have successfully completed their projects. (Translation) An outing with Chung Chi Library colleagues in 1970. I am in the centre the others are (from left) Cheng Ngok-chin, Wong Sin-yee, Lau Sau-ye Marguerite Giezentanner, and Chan Sik-koon. This picture shows I from the rigth, midd of the present poolside A Better Dea l Than I t Would Have Bee n Mr. TseSiu-fai, CollegeOf f i c e ,United College I starte d m y caree r a t Th e Chines e University as an office asistant, a job which required much trave l throughou t campu s an d to town for the delivery of documents. However a motorbike accident over 1 0 years ago put an end to all these and I hav e sinc e bee n workin g a t th e Colleg e Head's Office . Having serve d successiv e college heads, I someho w lear n tha t VIP s seldom put on airs. (Translation) NO.55 JUN E 1994 6
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