Newsletter No. 197

2 No. 197 4th February 2002 CUHK Newsletter New Herbal Garden at Shaw F ollowing the establishment o f the School o f Chinese Medicine and the Institute of Chinese Medicine at the University, a Chinese medicinal plants garden was recently built on the campus o f Shaw College. The garden is named HERBSnSENSES in recognition o f the generous donation f r om the GreaterChina Technology Group Ltd., wh i ch has made its c o n s t r u c t i on possible. H E R B S n S E N S ES He a l th Products L t d. is a subsidiary o f GreaterChina. Opened officially on 12th January, the garden measuring 836 square metres is situated next to the lower block o f Student Hostel II, and is planted w i th diverse Chinese medicinal herbs, wh i ch can be used for research purposes. Long-distanc e Drivers Fall Victim to Sleep Disorder A recent study conducted by the Department o f Medicine and Therapeutics o f the Faculty o f Medicine on a group o f middle-aged drivers revealed that 40 per cent admitted to having daytime sleepiness, and 13.4 per cent to having fallen asleep during driving. Sleep studies were subsequently performed on 50 subjects, whereupon 61 per cent and 20 per cent were found to have sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) respectively. Overall it is estimated that at least 14.4 per cent o f the commercial drivers are suffering f r om SDB and 4.6 per cent f r om OSA. Sleep-disordered breathing is defined as the cessation o f breathing at least five times per hour during sleep, whereas obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome means SDB w i t h associated daytime sleepiness. Overseas studies have shown that drivers w i th SDB are six times more accident-prone than those without. Ma ny o f the subjects are overweight and have little time for exercise due to their j ob nature. SDB and OSA are associated w i th many diseases, including heart failure, stroke, and even diastolic dysfunction. The best treatment for OSA is w i th nasal continuous positive airway pressure. S e r v i c e t o t h e C o m m u n i t y a n dI n t e r n a t i o n a lO r g a n i z a t i o n s • Prof. Japhet Law, professor in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Licensing Appeals Board for two years from 1st January 2002. • Prof. Leung Ping Chung, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee for two years from 1st January 2002. • Prof. Simon Ho Shun Man, professor in the School of Accountancy, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Panel of the Inland Revenue Board of Review for three years from 1st January 2002. He has also been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Accountancy Training Board of the Vocational Training Council from 1st January 2002 to 31st March 2003. • Prof. Chau Kwai Cheong, associate professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Town Planning Appeal Panel for two years from 19th December 2001. • Prof. Patrick Leung Wing Leung, professor in the Department of Psychology, has been re- appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Guardianship Board of the Health and Welfare Bureau for three years from 1st February 2002. • Prof. Clement So York Kee, associate professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Mass Communications Training Board of the Vocational Training Council from 1st January 2002 to 31st March 2003. • Prof. Liew Soung Chang, professor in the Department of Information Engineering, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Committee on Information Technology Training and Development of the Vocational Training Council from 1st January 2002 to 31st March 2003. • Prof. KevinAu Yuk Fai, associate professor in the Department of Management, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Committee on Management and Supervisory Training of the Vocational Training Council from 1st January 2002 to 31st March 2003. • Dr. Joseph Lau Tak Fai, director of the Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Health andWelfare as a member of the Sub-committee on Public Education on Rehabilitation for two years from 1st January 2002. • Prof. Wong Chack Kie, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed by the Home Affairs Bureau as the vice-chairman of The Hong Kong Award for Young People for two years from 1st January 2002. He has also been appointed by the Press Syndicate, Cambridge University Press, as an overseas adviser to the Journal of Social Policy until 31st December 2006. • Prof. Alexander Russell Chang, professor in the Department ofAnatomical and Cellular Pathology, has been appointed by the Director of Health as a member of the Cervical Cancer Screening Task Force. • Prof. Thomas Chan Yan Keung, associate professor in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, has been re-appointed by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board as the chairman of the Examination Committee of the Board for two years from 1st January 2002. • Prof. Edith Lau Ming Chu, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been elected as the president of the College of Community Medicine, Academy of Medicine, for a term of two years. She has also been appointed as the chairman of the Cancer Data and Priority Workgroup, Cancer Co-ordinating Committee. • Prof. Lin Hui, associate professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, has been appointed by the Environment and Natural Resources Development Division of the United Nations as a contact person for the Regional Space Application Programme Regional Working Group on Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Satellite-based Positioning. (Information in this section isprovided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) Ms. Jowie Ch an Siu-wai, General Clerk II, Business Office, Bursary Joined C U HK in 1996 Ma in duties: Sales, order placement, product display, and book-keeping for souvenir items at the Un i v e r s i ty Souvenir Counter; loaning and cleaning o f graduation gowns for students and alumni o f the University ‘ I am very pleased to be able to share with my colleagues and readers o f the CUHK Newsletter my feelings on r e c e i v i ng the Ex emp l a ry Service Awa r d. F r om my n om i n a t i on f or the award, to the i n t e r v i ew by the selection committee, to the moment I was notified o f the results, I was anxious and excited. I n fact many o f my coworkers are equally dedicated to their work, and have put in as much effort as I have. But I am luckier, as my post gives me more space to develop my strengths. Although I have been working at the University for five years already, I still feel that I am not quite experienced and have yet to improve in the way I deal w i th people and my work. There is still a lot to learn from my seniors. I personally believe that commitment to one's j ob is very important. Yet, for each client, student, and unit ill the Un i v e r s i ty to be satisfied w i t h one's service requires the seamless coordination and collaboration o f many parties. Wh at I f i nd most d i f f i c u lt is h ow to maintain good interpersonal relations and how to strike a balance between that and abiding by one's code o f professional conduct. I do not wish to elaborate on this here, but I do believe you understand what I mean. I feel extremely honoured to be a recipient o f this award. 1 w i l l wo rk even harder f r om now on to make sure I continue to deserve it. I wo u ld also like to thank all my seniors for having given me the chance, and all my colleagues for their support and encouragement.' Wo r ds f r om supervisors: M r . P a t r i ck Yiu, Senior Finance Manager 'I am delighted but not surprised to learn that Jowie has won this award. She likes to follow the marketing adage that customers and clients are almost always right, and, on the rare occasions when they are not yet right, it is her duty to patiently persuade them to be right. She steadfastly sticks to the Bursary mission of "responding flexibly and proactively to the changing needs of the community", which includes of course her customers and clients. In trying to achieve this mission, she exercises a high standard of skill, care, and diligence, and demonstrates a true concern for the well-being of the people she serves.' Mr. Terence Chan, University Bursar 'As Bursar and in my encounters with Jowie, I find her to be cheerful and patient, and always ready to come up with imaginative suggestions to solve problems arising from her duties. She has made significant contribution towards enhancing the variety and quality of the products at the University Souvenir Counter. As a result, sales have steadily increased over the past few years. The Bursary is justly proud of Jowie's performance and service.' Take Pride in our Exemplary Service