Newsletter No. 301

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 崇基學院與浙江大學學生訪問計劃 Chung Chi College Student Visitor Programme with Zhejiang University 北京外國語大學來校訪問 Beijing Foreign Studies University Visits CUHK 萌芽學者學術交流計劃 Budding Scholars Exchange Programme Twelve Steering Committee members of the Human Resource Management Network of the Association of Commonwealth Universities visited CUHK on 26 July to 泛珠三角高等中醫藥院校訪港 Representatives of Chinese Medicine Institutions Visit Hong Kong 中醫學院於6月23、24日接待了近20 名來自泛珠三角區域14所中醫藥院 校的辦公室主任,共同商討如何落 實合作及發展。這是繼去年簽署「 泛珠三角高等中醫藥院校合作發展 框架協議」後,14所院校的代表首 次來港開會及作學術交流。 是次會議取得具體成果,包括確定 「第三屆泛珠三角區域高等中醫藥 院校合作發展聯席會」將以「中醫 人才培養質量的探討」為主題,會 期定為今年11月,由江西中醫學院 承辦。 About 20 senior administrators from 14 institutions of Chinese medicine in the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) meet with representatives of the Personnel Office for sharing and exchange of HR professional practices. Mr. Thomas Wu, Director of Academic Links, gave a presentation to them to showcase the work and achievements of the University. Prof. P.W. Liu, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, also met with them on that occasion. 北京外國語大學校長郝平率 領該校高層人員一行23人, 在7年29日至8月3日訪港, 期間一連三天到訪中大,與 副校長鄭振耀教授會晤,參 觀校園,並聽取了教務處、 英文系、人事處、學生事務 處、資訊處、聯合書院、拓 展及籌募處等部門介紹各自 的工作。 A 23-member delegation led by President Hau Ping from Beijing Foreign Studies University visited Hong Kong from 29 July to 3 August. During their trip in the city, the delegation visited CUHK meeting Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and representatives from various offices of the University. 今年的崇基學院與浙江大學學 生互訪計劃主題為「城市發展 與社會文化的互動」,香港部 份於7月12日至20日舉行,而 浙江部份則於7月29日至8月6 日進行。兩校共20位學生在香 港及杭州進行分組研討,並一 同參加講座、參觀和交流等活 動。 The Student Visitor Programme of Chung Chi College with Zhejiang University was launched in July with the theme ‘Interaction between City Development and Social Cultures’. The first half of the programme took place on Chung Chi campus from 12 to 20 July while the second half at Zhejiang University from 29 July to 6 August. Twenty student participants from the two universities gave presentations related to the theme following a series of seminars, organization visits and group research projects. Region visited the School of Chinese Medicine of CUHK on 23 and 24 June. This was their first visit to Hong Kong for meeting and academic exchange following the signing of the ‘Framework Agreement on the Cooperation and Development of the Higher Institutions of Chinese Medicine of the Pan-PRD Region’ last year. In themeeting held inCUHK, they agreed that their third joint meeting would be organized by the Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine around the theme ‘Education of Quality Chinese Medicine Practitioners’ in the coming November. 暑期交流掠影 Summer Activities Highlights 英聯邦大學協會訪問中大 Association of Commonwealth Universities Visits CUHK 英聯邦大學協會人力資源管理督導委員會成員一行12人, 於7月26日蒞臨中大,聽取了學術交流處處長吳偉岸介紹 大學概況,並與人事處代表交流。副校長廖柏偉教授還與 委員會成員共進午餐。 為慶祝五十周年院慶,聯合書院與美國密蘇里大學聖路易斯分校及浙江大 學於本年度合辦港、中、美三地萌芽學者學術交流計劃。一行八人的聯合 書院萌芽學者學術交流團於6月15日至24日出訪浙大,期間以「香港土地利 用與可持續發展」為題進行專題研究,並在浙大發表研究結果。 In celebration of its 50th anniversary, United College organized a three-way Budding Scholars Exchange Programme in collaboration with University of Missouri–St. Louis and Zhejiang University. The College Budding Scholars delegation visited Zhejiang University from 15 to 24 June and conducted a seminar there on the topic of ‘From Land Use to Sustainable Development’. 1 2 3 5 4 1 4 5 3 2 -