Newsletter No. 352

No. 352, 4.2.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 於 2009年8月1日升格為學 院的建築學系,在2010年 1月15日舉行成立典禮,邀得香 港特別行政區財政司司長曾俊華 先生( 左六 )、發展局局長林鄭月 娥女士( 左七 ),以及校長劉遵義 教授( 左五 )為主禮嘉賓。國際著 名建築師、美國麻省理工學院建 築系教授及系主任張永和教授 ( 左一 )更遠道來港,主持專題講 座,與建築學院師生分享他對現 代建築的獨特見解。 曾司長祝賀學院的成立說:「過去 二十年,中大在建築教育的佳績 有目共睹,在綠色及可持續建築 設計、城市規劃、以至建築科技 等範疇的教學與研究均臻精善, 最重要的是讓學生了解建築專業 可對社會有莫大貢獻。學院協助重建受地震重創後的四 川所作的努力,更讓我印象深刻。」他深信憑藉嚴謹的課 程、世界級的教學人員,以及先進的設施,建築學院可培育 出竭誠盡心的本地建築專業人才,服務社會。 建築學系成立於1991年。劉校長對該系過去的發展深感 滿意,並祝願升格後的建築學院更上層樓。創院院長何培 斌教授( 右四 )表示,學院將改革教學和研究,並因應時代 轉變及新的建築使命,全力開拓下列五個研究範疇:建築 設計與設計理論、建築技術與可持續設計、設計演算、建 築歷史與理論及文物建築保育、城巿設計及研究。 T he Department of Architecture has changed its status to School of Architecture on 1 August 2009. An inauguration ceremony was held on 15 January 2010 on the University campus. Officiating at the event were The Honourable John Tsang (6th left), Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government; The Honourable Mrs. Carrie Lam (7th left), Secretary for Development of the HKSAR Government; and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (5th left), Vice-Chancellor. A lecture by world famous architect, Prof. Chang Yung-ho (1st left), professor and head of Architecture of MIT, took place after the ceremony, in which he shared his insights on contemporary architecture with members of the school. The Honourable John Tsang congratulated the school, ‘Over the past two decades, CUHK has gained a well- earned reputation for architectural education. It excels in both teaching and research in areas ranging from green and sustainable architectural design to urban planning to building technology. Most importantly, students learn about the enormous contribution the profession can make to society. I was impressed to learn about your involvement in reconstruction work in the earthquake-hit region of Sichuan. This new school marks the start of a new era in architectural studies at CUHK. With its well- structured programmes, world- class teaching staff and state-of- the-art facilities, I am confident that the School of Architecture will cultivate locally trained professionals who have the passion and the heart to serve our community.’ The Department of Architecture at CUHK was set up in 1991. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau expressed great satisfaction over the development of the Department of Architecture over the last 19 years, and wished the new school to go from strength to strength. Prof. Ho Puay-peng (4th right), founding director of the School of Architecture, remarked that teaching and research at the school will be reformed and due to the changes of the time and new architectural missions, it will develop the following five academic areas: architectural design and design theory; building technology and sustainable design; design computation; heritage conservation, and history and theory; and urban design and urban studies. 偉倫訪問教授談氣候變遷 Wei Lun Public Lecture on Climate Change • 中 大邀得美國普林斯頓大學地球物理流體動力學實 驗室劉雅章教授出任偉倫訪問教授,並於1月13日 發表題為「東亞暴雨、颱風與寒潮:觀察、模擬和氣候變 遷的影響」的演講,剖析氣候觀察的現況,以及計算機模 型在天氣和氣候研究的趨向。 劉教授1974年畢業於中大物理系,1978年獲華盛頓大學 博士學位,現為美國國家海洋和大氣管理局地球物理流體 動力學實驗室氣候診斷項目的首席科學家,同時擔任普林 斯頓大學地質學系及大氣和海洋科學課程的教授。他也 是聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組成員,曾參與撰寫氣候變遷 研究報告的物理科學部分。該報告於2007年與美國前副 總統戈爾共同獲得諾貝爾和平獎。 C UHK presented the Wei Lun Public Lecture on ‘Rainstorms, Typhoons and Cold Surges in East Asia: Observation, Simulation and Impact of Climate Change’ by Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Geosciences, Princeton University on 13 January. In his lecture, Professor Lau reviewed the current state of observations and computer models in climate and weather research. Professor Lau graduated with a BSc degree in physics from CUHK in 1974 and got his PhD from the University of Washington in 1978. He is the lead scientist of the Climate Diagnostics Group at the GFDL of NOAA. He concurrently serves as a lecturer with the rank of professor at the Department of Geosciences and Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at Princeton University. He is also one of the contributing authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former US vice president Al Gore. 建築學院成立典禮 Inauguration of School of Architecture •