Newsletter No. 403

2 No. 403, 19.9.2012 中大今年雙班收生人數逾六千五百人,通過各收生渠道 錄取不少本地和境外優秀學生。 今年透過大學聯合招生辦法共錄取兩批學生,分別是 2,451名最後一屆高考生及2,897名首屆中學文憑試學 生。今年全港四名考獲6A佳績的高考生中,中大錄取了 三名,另外還錄取了五名5A生,近四成考獲3A或以上 成績的考生獲中大錄取。中大錄取的學生中有1,080人 (46.8%)在高考中考獲A級成績,人數為參與聯招的九 所院校之冠。  大學在首屆中學文憑試收生成績理想,以錄取成績的中 位數計算,平均為五科5級。於文憑試考獲五科5**成績或 以上的考生中,有25%獲中大錄取。 海外招生方面,中大今年共錄取了近五百名新生,除來自 內地三十一個省市、澳門、台灣外,還有奧地利、保加利 亞、加拿大、德國、印度、印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、緬甸、葡 萄牙、荷蘭、尼日利亞、菲律賓、俄羅斯、新加坡、南非、 瑞士、泰國、英國、美國等地。 中大錄取的內地生在高考中均名列前茅,位列省市三甲 的有四十五人,包括二十八名省市的第一名。逾四十人在 不同學科的全國比賽中,例如奧林匹亞學術競賽、科技 創新競賽、英語能力比賽及徵文比賽等,取得省級一等 獎。 With a double cohort of students this year, CUHK has admitted over 6,500 high-calibre students through different admission schemes. Through the Joint University Programmes Admission System (JUPAS), the University has admitted 2,451 students who sat the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) and 2,897 students who sat the first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Among the four students who scored six As in this year’s HKALE, three have been recruited by CUHK. The University also has admitted five candidates who scored five As. Furthermore, close to 40% of all candidates in Hong Kong who scored three As or above were offered admission by CUHK. Out of all HKALE candidates who have at least one subject at A grade, 46.8% have 重回正軌的新學年 Back on the Right Track 暑 假過後,校園迎來創校近五十年來最熱鬧的新 學年。因為由本學年起,全港大學實施本科四年 制,今年是有兩批新生同時入學的「雙班年」。對中大來 說,實行四年制是重回正軌,恢復自1963年創校起就實 行、本校認為最適合於香港的學制。 沈祖堯 校長在9月10日新生入學禮上即稱今年是「歷史 時刻」。實施四年制後,學生多了一年在校時間,沈校長 建議新生好好利用,每個月讀一本書,每年至少認識一 位來自不同國家(或地區)的朋友,並參加書院的服務之 旅,結交志同道合的朋友。 他說:「如果你照我的話做,接受我的建議,畢業前就會 讀完三、四十本書。會了解三、四種不同文化,會講幾種 語言,對世界事務也開始有所了解。你會喜歡與人合作, 而不是人爭我奪。你的世界會更廣闊,而不只局限在維多 利亞港兩岸。你會更懂得待人接物,更擅於隨機應變,人 緣也更好,每個人都樂於和你交朋友。未來發展事業時, 你會更有本錢遨遊四海。在世界任何地方你都能找到工 作、發展事業和建立家庭。」 以最高收生分數計算,收生成績最高的五個課程/專修範圍 Top five programmes/streams in terms of results of the best applicants admitted •心理學 Psychology •醫學 Medicine •保險財務與精算學/計量金融學 Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis/Quantitative Finance •數學精研 Enrichment Mathematics •環球商業學 Global Business Studies A fter the summer vacation, the CUHK campus is bustling with activities as the University has admitted the largest number of new students since its inception. This year, known as the double-cohort year, sees the implementation of the four-year curriculum in higher education in Hong Kong. For CUHK, we are finally back on the right track and have resumed the system that we have always seen as the best for Hong Kong. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor of the University, described this year as a historical moment in his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the new academic year. He urged freshmen to make good use of the extra year, so that their university life would not go to waste. He challenged them to read a book every month, make at least one friend from a different country (or region) every year, and join at least one service trip offered by their Colleges to find like-minded friends. He said, ‘If you follow my instructions, take my advice, you will read 30, may be 40, books before you graduate. You will know three to four different cultures, speak a few languages and start to understand some global issues. You will be able to appreciate cooperation instead of competition. Your world will be much bigger than just the two sides of Victoria Harbour. Your interpersonal skills will be much improved. You will be resourceful and approachable, someone with whom people like to make friends. You will be much more mobile in your future career. You can find a job, build a career and establish a family anywhere around the world.’ 2012年新生 New Students of 2012 Intake been offered places by CUHK, the highest percentage amongst all nine institutions participating in JUPAS. The Chinese University has an impressive intake of HKDSE candidates this year. On average, the median was Level 5 in five subjects. Of all candidates who achieved Level 5** in five subjects or above in the HKDSE territory-wide, 25% were admitted by CUHK. The University’s 2012 intake includes about 500 non-local students from 31 mainland provinces and municipalities, Macau, Taiwan, as well as countries all over the world, including Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Portugal, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, the UK, and the US. As for the newly-admitted mainland students, all were among the top scorers in their respective provinces/ municipalities/autonomous regions. Forty-five ranked among the top three in their respective provinces/cities, including 28 top scorers. Among the newly-admitted mainland students, more than 40 were prize winners of various national competitions, including Olympiads, innovation competitions, English competitions and writing competitions. 請掃描QR碼閱讀校長演說全文版 Scan the QR code for the full version of Vice-Chancellor ’ s speech ——————— ■ ■ ■ ——————— 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 曾幾何時,幾乎每個高中生都讀過Thomas Hughes的《湯 姆.布朗的學校生活》。這本1857年出版的小說今天仍然 廣為人所閱讀,吸引力不減。但很少人知道Hughes還寫了 一本叫《湯姆.布朗在牛津》(1861)的續集,書中這位主人 翁上了大學。今年9月,更多湯姆、約翰和美玲來到中大校 園,接受大學教育。本期專題特寫為讀者介紹這些新臉孔, 並講述他們怎樣開展校園生活。 對一般人來說,「核仁應激」和「小腦萎縮症」是醫學書籍 中晦澀難解的名稱。但是,今天香港有三百人因腦部控制 動作和身體協調的區域不斷受損,令生活大受影響。陳浩 然教授深入淺出,為讀者講解這個不治之症的可能成因,以 及其研究為病人帶來的希望。 考考大家:科學館、邵逸夫堂和碧秋樓,哪座最早落成?答 案在第9頁的「昔與今」。 最後,如果翻開《中大通訊》,就可以聽見音學系畢業生鄺 勵齡高歌,那該有多好。但在這份紙本刊物變得具有多媒 體功能之前,讀者暫時只能從文字認識這位在歌唱界嶄露 頭角的女高音。 Thomas Hughes’s Tom Brown’s School Days has been on the reading list of almost every high school student. The 1857 book is still in print and very much with appeal. But very few know that Hughes wrote a sequel, Tom Brown at Oxford (1861), sending the eponymous schoolboy to university. This September, many more Toms, Johnnys and Mei-lings have arrived on CUHK campus to start their college education. Our main feature article shows you some of these fresh faces and tells you how they have been initiated to life on campus. To the layman, nucleolar stress and spinocerebellar ataxia are arcane phrases safely tucked away in medical tomes. But progressive deterioration of the part of brain which controls movement and bodily coordination is actually wreaking havoc on the lives of some 300 people in Hong Kong these days. Prof. Edwin Chan will make it plain for the reader what possibly causes this incurable disease and what hope his research can offer. A pop quiz that favours old-timers: Which is the oldest building among the University Science Centre, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and Pi Ch’iu Building? The answer is on page 9, ‘Then vs Now’. Lastly, it would be so much better if you could hear the recorded singing of Miss Louise Kwong, a music graduate. But until the Newsletter has gone multi-media, readers should do well in settling for what the budding soprano spake. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 重回正軌的新學年 Back on the Right Track 2 是誰在干擾信使? 6 Tracking down the Culprit that Rocks the Boat 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 7 校園消息 Campus News 8 昔與今 Then vs Now 9 人事動態 Ins and Outs 10 宣布事項 Announcements 11 鄺勵齡如是說 Thus Spake Louise Kwong 12