Newsletter No. 403
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P2 「如果你接受我的建議…… 你的世界會更廣闊,而不只 局限在維多利亞港兩岸。」 ‘If you take my advice … Your world will be much bigger than just the two sides of Victoria Harbour.’ P6 「無論老幼都可能患上小 腦萎縮症。」 ‘Spinocerebellar ataxia is a disease that can strike both young and old.’ 汗滴禾下土 敬文書院新生探訪本地農民,親嚐農耕滋味。書院在迎新活動中 安排了社區外展活動,藉以協助他們成長和融入大學生活。中大 幾所新書院陸續錄取新生後,大學的迎新活動比以往更多元化。 (見第4—5頁) Sweat and Toil Freshmen of C.W. Chu College got a taste of farming when they visited a local farm as part of their orientation. Community outreach excursions were arranged in orientation camp programmes to offer new students an opportunity for growth and to ease the transition into university life. With the addition of the new Colleges, orientation activities on campus have become increasingly diverse. (see pp. 4–5) 第四零三期 二零一二年九月十九日 No. 403 19 September 2012 P12 「晚上常和同學從後門溜進音 樂系的樂室去,唱歌、玩樂器, 練習嬉鬧到三四點。」 ‘I remember sneaking in through the back door of the department’s studio at night. We would have fun there until 3 to 4 am, singing and playing instruments.’ Photo by Michael Law Photography
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