Newsletter No. 421

P4 「品牌建立非單靠宣傳。」 ‘The promotion of a brand can’t rely only on advertising.’ P12 「這麼苦仍甘之如飴走下 去,就是因為自己真的很 愛戲劇。」 ‘It’s bitter, yet sweet. Despite all that, I will strive on, because I really love drama.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 金禧劇的幕後功臣 五十周年慶祝活動接踵而來,即將上場的是由校友莊梅岩(左)編 劇、陳焯威執導的話劇─《教授》。他們以在中大的求學經驗和 體會為基礎,通過該劇反思教育的本質。(見第2 – 3頁) Behind the Scenes of the Golden Jubilee Drama Celebratory activities of the University’s 50th Anniversary have been rolled out one after another.The latest is a play The Professor , scripted byCandace Chong (left) and directed by Octavian Chan, both alumni of CUHK. Based on their first-hand experience and knowledge, the play aims at prompting the audience to reflect on the nature of education. (Please read pp. 2–3) 第四二一期 二零一三年八月十九日  No. 421 19 August 2013 P5 基因血液測試可辨識 早期鼻咽癌。 DNA-based blood test identifies early nasopharynx cancer.