Newsletter No. 428

P8 「氣候這議題是不受地域 和政治所限的。」 ‘Climate change is an issue beyond regional and political boundaries.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 黃金陣容 11月22日的香港中文大學金禧校友音樂會以校友黃學揚改編的〈獅子 山下〉為終篇,安排盡見新意—李歐梵教授指揮,崇基管弦樂團及新 亞國樂會合奏,校友黃健羭管風琴助陣,沈祖堯校長與四位學生領唱, 中大合唱團伴唱。文化中心音樂廳內氣氛熾熱,觀眾叫好之餘,紛紛加 入再來一個。 A Heart-warming Surprise The CUHK Golden Jubilee Alumni Concert, which took place at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 22 November, featured in its grand finale a phenomenal cast. ‘Under the Lion Rock’, re-arranged by alumnus Alfred Wong, was performed jointly by Chung Chi Orchestra and New Asia Chinese Music Society, with alumna Wong Kin-yu at the pipe organ, Vice- Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung and four students as leading voices backed by the CUHK Chorus—under the baton of Prof. Leo Lee Ou-fan. 第四二八期 二零一三年十二月四日  No. 428 4 December 2013 P2 「我盼望畢業生不流俗,對 社會有貢獻。」 ‘I hope graduates will be thought and trend leaders without drifting into vulgarism.’ P4 工程學生揚威全國挑戰盃 Engineering students shine at national Challenge Cup