Newsletter No. 414
P2 「村裏沒有商店,各家都 過着自給自足的生活。」 ‘There is no shop in the village but people are self-sufficient.’ P4 研究發現操練冥想與腦部 刺激和活動大有關係。 His research has found correlations between the practice of meditation and mental stimulation and activity. P12 「 我想以運動員的性格 和工作態度,轉做其他 工作應該不會太差 。」 ‘ Equipped with such characteristics and attitude, I think an athlete can do other jobs equally well .’ 多元文化校園 十多位作非洲民族打扮的學生在文化廣場表演非洲鼓,讓觀眾感受源於非洲 的動感節奏。學生事務處於3月13日舉辦文化節,當天其他節目還包括韓國學生 大跳《江南Style》和漢服時裝表演,可謂將各地文化共冶一爐。 Cultural Diversity on Campus A dozen of CUHK students in African costumes and make-up gave an African drum performance in the Cultural Festival held by the Office of Student Affairs at the Cultural Square on 13 March. Attendees of the event were fascinated by the pulsating beat of the drums. Other performances that day included the Gangnam Style dance by Korean students and a Hanfu (Chinese clothing) fashion show, making the campus a cultural crucible. 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第四一四期 二零一三年三月十九日 No. 414 19 March 2013
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