Newsletter No. 432

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 中大師生與傳媒慶賀新春 2月6日,農曆正月初七,即中國習俗所稱的「人日」,沈祖堯校長 與一眾副校長及學院院長穿上傳統中國服飾,於漢園舉行新春 茶敘,招待記者。十一位新亞國樂會學生及國際學生演奏賀年歌 及生日歌,沈校長也打鼓助興,又即席揮毫寫春聯向傳媒朋友拜 年,之後更與各副校長及學院院長一同參與裝飾生日蛋糕比賽, 慶祝這眾人的生辰。 CUHK Members Celebrate Chinese New Year with Media The seventh day of the lunar new year is known as renri (Day of Mankind). Legend has it that human beings were created on this day. This year renri fell on 6 February. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, hosted a Chinese New Year Media Reception at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge together with Provost, Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Deans on that day. Professor Sung picked up the drumsticks and joined the international students and students of New Asia Chinese Music Society to present a Chinese music performance to media friends. He also wrote Chinese New Year couplets for them, wishing them an auspicious Year of the Horse. The host party also had fun in the birthday cake decoration game to celebrate renri . P2 「快樂其實很 簡單,簡單其實 很快樂。」 ‘Happiness is simple. Simplicity is happiness.’ 第四三二期 二零一四年二月十九日 No. 432 19 February 2014 P10 「我的職責是在設計和 發展校園時,尊重中大 的歷史和價值觀。」 ‘My job is to design and develop the campus to respect CUHK’s history and values.’ P3 「此地學英文像是做功 課,談不上激發起孩子任 何動機。」 ‘Learning English here is more like homework. That’s not really motivating children in any way.’