Newsletter No. 76
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Administrative Structure of the University The Administrative and Planning Committee has approved a new organization chart which has become effective since 1st October 1995. 教師新職稱 New Academic Titles Scheme 由一九九五至九六學年起,大學實施新教師職稱如下: 現有職級 新職 稱 副講師 講 師 講師 助理教授或 副教授II * 高級講師 副教授 I 或 教授II * 教授 教授 I 講座教授 講座教授 (* 已符合有關條件並通過評審之教師可獲授該職稱。在日常 公文及刊物中,「教授」及「副教授」職稱將不列出 「I」 或 「II」 的級別。) 新職稱將適用於所有新聘教師。在職教師可即時採用無須 評審之新職稱;擬通過評審而獲准使用較高職稱者,可將個人 履歷送交人事處,以便有關委員會評審。新職稱將不影響有關 教師聘約內所訂定的受聘職級及薪級。如有查詢,可致電人事 處(內線七二八五或七二八八)。 With effect from August 1995, the University has adopted the following new academic titles for teachers: Existing Grade New Academic Title assistant lecturer lecturer lecturer assistant professor or associate professor II* senior lecturer associate professor I or professor II (in a department)* reader professor I (in a department) professor professor (of a subject or speciality) (* for teachers who meet the criteria and the requisite review for this title; the designations of'I'and 'II’ after 'associate professor' and 'professor' will be omitted in official publications and day-to-day communications.) The new academic titles shall apply to all new teachers. Serving teachers who wish to adopt an appropriate new title for which no review is required may do so with immediate effect. For those new titles which require review, serving teachers may present an up-to-date curriculum vitae to the Personnel Office for consideration by the relevant committee. The adoption of new academic titles will not affect either the existing grades of appointment or salary scales as stipulated in the appointees' letters of appointment. Enquiries can be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7285 or 7288). 大學游泳池消息 Swimming Pool News 大學游泳池將於本月廿九日(星期日)暫停開放,只供兩 大體育節水運會之用。 The Swimming Pool will be reserved for the Intervarsity Swimming Gala on Sunday, 29th October 1995. 文物館展出「黃般若的世界 」 Art Museum Exhibitions 文物館將於本月廿一日起,假該館西翼展覽廳主辦「黃般若的世界」展覽,展期至明 年二月十一日止。 黃般若生於一九零一年,卒於一九六八年。早年活躍穗港兩地,致力硏究和鑑藏國 畫,曾籌辦不少重要的書畫文物展覽,如一九四零年的廣東文物展覽會和一九五九年的廣 東名家畫展等,亟稱一時之盛。黃氏又主編多份刊物,撰文推介當時仍鮮爲人知的明淸廣 東書畫家及作品,有「廣東畫壇活辭典」之譽。 在繪畫創作方面,黃氏親炙其叔父黃少梅,遠宗陳洪緩、石濤、華喦等,又是癸亥合 作畫社(後擴展爲國畫硏究會)創辦人之一,在畫藝和繪畫理論方面都有足與嶺南畫派分 庭抗禮的地位。 黃氏於一九四九年定居香港,轉爲投入山水畫創作。是次展覽的主題,是黃氏在五、 六十年代遊蹤所及的香港山水。平洲、八仙嶺、新娘潭、后海灣、赤柱、橫瀾、蒲台、大 嶼山、太平山等地的山光水色,盡入畫圖。其始於鑽研傳統,至此蛻變,建立個人風格, 一空依傍。畫幅構圖簡潔淸新,水墨筆觸靈動多變,屢創新意。全部展品共一百二十幅畫 作,包括有傳統題材及山水畫稿若干,槪略可見黃氏在畫藝上下求索的歷程。 展覽開幕儀式將於十月二十日下午四時三十分假文物館舉行,由庚子書畫會會長鄭家 鎭先生主持。 又文物館東翼展覽廳現正展出該館藏品,有陶瓷、畫像磚、碑刻、拓本及繪畫等,年 代由漢至淸,展現中國文化的豐富遺產。歡迎參觀。 October sees the launch of two exhibitions in the Art Museum: • Th© World of Wong Po-yeh 21st October 1995 to 11th February 1996 (Opening ceremony on 20th October at 4.30p.m.) West-wingGallery Some 70 paintings by Wong Po-yeh (1901-1968) on Hong Kong landscapes of the 1950s and 1960s; some 50 of his other paintings and sketches on traditional themes. • Selections from the Art Museum Collection From 14th October 1995 East-wing Gallery Ceramics, tomb bricks, stone steles, paintings and rubbings ranging from the Han to the Qing dynasties. 畫稿冊(尖沙咀) Tsim Sha Tsui 第七十六期 一九九五年十月十九日 4 中大通訊
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