Newsletter No. 3174
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。 T he CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. 2. 截稿日期載於本刊網頁: Deadlines for contributions can be found at: 3. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8681 / 2609 8589 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail iso@cuhk. ). 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 中大重奪大專盃手球雙冠軍 CUHK Recaptures Handball Double Championship 銀行家現身說法 商學生得益匪淺 BA Students Learn from Bankers 在 剛過去的一個學期,45名商學院二年級學生選 修花旗銀行與中大首辦的銀行業務課程,每周 兩晚聆聽資深銀行家講課。這番努力,為他們賺取了 三個學分,其中四名表現最出色的學生,更於4月22日舉 行的畢業禮上獲得嘉許,並將於暑假到新加坡或上海 交流。 該課程透過不同的專題、互動的討論環節,以及到銀行 參觀,提供傳統課題以外的金融知識,包括銀行運作、 零售銀行及投資銀行、投資產品、保險、銀行市場推廣 及研究等。各專題由花旗銀行負責有關範疇的專業人 士講授。 花旗環球個人銀行服務行政總裁及總經理盧韋柏先 生,應邀在畢業禮上致辭。他希望課程有助學生認識銀 行體系,並懂得安排自己的財務。中大副校長廖柏偉教 授也指兩機構的合作,反映大家抱同一信念,以培育年 輕優才為己任。 獲得課程「傑出學生獎」的四名學生包括( 左起 )孫貝 貝、李志聰、黃智華及楊敏儀。他們在課堂上積極參 與,測驗成績優異,在期終小組專題研習中表現出色, 獲得一致讚賞。 孫貝貝表示,課程讓她接觸到銀行的實際運作。金融市 場發展日新月異,前線銀行家授課,內容較書本所學的 更尖新。她續稱,單是看銀行家的風采、表達技巧、一 言一行,已可看到成功人士的典範。 I n the last semester, 45 Year 2 business administration students took theCitibankUniversityBanking course jointly offered by CUHK and Citibank. They attended lectures twice a week and earned three credits upon completion of the course. At the course graduation ceremony on 22 April, the students were awarded certificates and the four with the best performance were bestowed Outstanding Achievement Awards. They will go on study trips to Shanghai or Singapore. The lectures covered a wide spectrum of topics, such as banking operations, retail and investment banking, investment products, insurance, marketing and research, and a visit to a Citibank branch. All the lectures were delivered by seasoned Citibank bankers. Officiating at the graduation ceremony, Mr. Weber Lo, CEO and country business manager, Citibank Global Consumer Group, said he hoped the students not only gained knowledge of the banking industry through the courses, but also the wisdom to manage their finances. Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Pro-Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, said the University and Citibank shared the same commitment to nuture young talent for the financial sector. The awards were given to the four students based on attendance, class participation, mid-term results and final projects. The awardees were ( from left ) Sun Beibei, Lee Chi-chung, Wong Chi- wah and Yeung Man-yee. Sun Beibei said that bankers provided up-to-date information about the ever-changing financial sector and the students could also learn from their presentation skills. T he CUHK men’s and women’s handball teams beat Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education respectively in the Handball Competition Finals of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China to recapture the championship after two years. The most thrilling moment of the competition, held on 23 March, was when over 50 team members and alumni ran to the arena to celebrate their victory once the finishing whistle was blown. The opponents of both the men’s and women’s teams were extremely strong as there were many members of the official Hong Kong team in their midst. Lau Sze-wan, a Year 3 student in sports science and physical education and captain of CUHK women’s team, said, ‘We stood up where we had failed with high morale, great strength and a sense of belonging. Our persistence and hard work paid off.’ ‘After losing in the final last year, we were keen on making a come-back.’ Lau Wan-tat, a Year 3 student in statistics and captain of CUHK men’s team, added, ‘We understood hard training and planning were indispensable. We finally proved ourselves in the post- secondary handball community.’ He attributed the success to the effort of the team members, their coach, the alumni, and the cheering audience. 經 過艱苦的努力,中文大學男女子手球隊重奪 失落兩載的大專盃手球賽雙冠軍寶座。 比賽於3月23日舉行,當日最扣人心弦的一幕,是男子 組決賽完場,哨子響起的一剎那,逾50名男、女子隊 員和校友衝出場內擁作一團,慶祝勝利,可見隊員和 校友對奪標期望之殷。 今年,男女子隊的對手分別是香港理工大學和 專業教育學院,兩隊均有不少香港代表隊成員,實 力強大。中大20 05年曾獲雙冠軍,但前年只有男 子隊摘冠,去年兩隊皆屈居亞軍。經過刻苦訓練, 今年隊員的默契及表現均大有進步。 女子隊隊長劉詩韻(體育運動科學三年級)表示: 「我們士氣高昂,發揮出應有的水準和團體精神,終於 在失敗的地方站起來。這都是我們全情投入、刻苦訓練 的成果。」 男子隊隊長劉雲達(統計學三年級)形容:「自上年決 賽戰敗開始,大家內心便有一種強烈的爭勝慾。今年對 手雖被看高一線,但我們卻用行動證明中大是一支有實 力、決心和精妙部署的球隊。這個冠軍得來不易,是教 練、球員、舊生以及觀眾努力的成果!」
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