Newsletter No. 328
No. 328, 4.12.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 公開講座 Public Lectures • 由崇基學院及新亞書院合辦,中大歷史系協辦之「香 港中文大學第二屆余英時先生歷史講座」於10月舉 行,主講嘉賓為新加坡國立大學的大學特級講座教授 王賡武教授(左)。王教授分別於24日及25日在本校利 黃瑤璧樓和香港歷史博物館主講「華僑性:海外,香港 與中國」及「帝國、中國、天下與世界史」。 香港特別行政區律政司司長黃仁龍資深大律師(中)於 11月7日蒞臨逸夫書院,擔任該院聚會的嘉賓講者,以 「領導與服侍」為題,與一千五百名學生分享高見。 新任美國駐香港總領事唐若文先生(右)應邀於11月 19日主講「香港成功於美國的重大意義」。百多名嘉賓 出席,包括中大師生、政商界和學術界人士,以及多國 駐港領事。 • Jointly organized by Chung Chi College and New Asia College, and co-organized by the Department of History, the Yu Ying-shih Lecture Series in History 2008 was held in October. Prof. Wang Gungwu (left), university professor at the National University of Singapore, was the guest speaker. His lectures, ‘Being Overseas Chinese’ and ‘Empires, Zhongguo, Tianxia: China and World History’, were delivered respectively • • • on 24 and 25 October on CUHK campus and the Hong Kong Museum of History in Tsimshatsui. • TheHonourableWong Yan-lung (centre), SC, Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, shared his views on ‘Leadership and Service’ with some 1,500 students at the Shaw College assembly on 7 November. • Mr. Joseph R. Donovan Jr. (right), the newly-appointed Consul General of the United States of America in Hong Kong, spoke on ‘Hong Kong’s Success Is Important to the United States’ on 19 November. Over 100 guests attended the lecture, including CUHK staff and students, members of the political, business, and academic sectors, and various foreign consuls. Cadenza是古典音樂名詞,是協奏曲中由演奏者 以超卓技藝演奏出的華彩段,往往出現於協奏曲 中的最後部分。培訓計劃以此為名,並意譯作「流 金頌」,寓意步入晚年應是人生最煊燦華麗的高 峰,是適當時候安享歲月,奏出人生的華彩段。 In classical music, a ‘cadenza’ is an extended virtuosic section, usually near the end of a movement in a concerto. The word is used here in a figurative context to describe the apex of one’s life and the celebration of a lifetime’s accomplishments. Here CADENZA stands for: Celebrate their Accomplishments; Discover their Effervescence and Never-ending Zest as they Age. For the informal caregivers of older people such as family members of the elderly and staff of homes for the aged, the courses will be carried out in the form of workshops. ‘This series is practical. Participants can learn feeding and lifting skills for caring for older people who have had a stroke, the basic treatment of infectious disease and fever.’ Prof. Lee pointed out that the elderly in fact can avoid going to hospital repeatedly if their family members take care of them well. She observed, ‘Without proper care (Continued) at home, the elderly will get relapses easily and need to be hospitalized again after they are discharged. It’s an endless cycle and this is a very common phenomenon.’ Online courses are available to suit the needs of professional social and health care workers. Two seminars will also be run to provide in-depth study of the topics. From May this year, the school has been running various courses and promoting them through community centres, elderly centres and homes for the aged. According to Prof. Lee, the courses were extremely well received. 參加者心聲: What the Participants Say: 張志新 ,任職老人護理院保健員只一年多,由於老人院規模較小,因此要兼顧各類工作,工作坊令她更 了解長者的生理及心理變化,從而明白他們的需要。 霍惠珍 ,智障人士護理中心護理員,工作上要照顧長者,在家中也要照料八十多歲的媽媽,工作坊中角 色扮演的一環,使她有機會易地而處,代入長者的想法,掌握溝通之匙。 姚麗珊 ,長者鄰舍中心服務幹事,訓練讓她掌握長者的脾性,籌辦活動時,會更貼合他們需要。 • Ms. Cheung Chi-sun , health care worker for just over a year. The workshop gave her knowledge of the physiological and psychological changes of ageing which benefited her work in a small-scale home for the aged. • Ms. Fok Wai-chun , nursing staff in a centre for the mentally retarded. She has to take care of elderly clients in her working place. In addition, she has to look after her 80-year-old mother at home. From the workshop, Ms. Fok learned to be more considerate and understanding of their difficulties and hence communicate better with them. • Ms. Yiu Lai-shan , project officer of a neighbourhood elderly centre. The course gave her more knowledge about the characteristics of the elderly and take their needs into account when organizing activities. • • •
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