Newsletter No. 369

2 No. 369, 19.12.2010 2009–10 年度頒授學位數目 Breakdown of Degrees Conferred in 2009–10 榮譽博士 Honorary Doctorate 4 理學博士 Doctor of Science 1 醫學博士 Doctor of Medicine 5 哲學博士 Doctor of Philosophy 291 教育博士 Doctor of Education 7 音樂博士 Doctor of Music 1 心理學博士 Doctor of Psychology 1 哲學碩士 Master of Philosophy 247 文學碩士 Master of Arts 1,537 神道學碩士 Master of Divinity 7 藝術碩士 Master of Fine Arts 3 會計學碩士 Master of Accountancy 34 工商管理碩士 Master of Business Administration 441 專業會計學碩士 Master of Professional Accountancy 63 教育碩士 Master of Education 88 法律博士 Juris Doctor 146 法學碩士 Master of Laws 244 臨牀藥劑學碩士 Master of Clinical Pharmacy 8 家庭醫學碩士 Master of Family Medicine 2 健康科學碩士 Master of Health Science 1 護理碩士 Master of Nursing 17 公共衞生碩士 Master of Public Health 47 中醫學碩士 Master of Chinese Medicine 6 理學碩士 Master of Science 903 建築碩士 Master of Architecture 37 社會科學碩士 Master of Social Science 320 社會工作碩士 Master of Social Work 15 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 471 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 605 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 51 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 73 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 381 法學士 Bachelor of Laws 46 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 133 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 162 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 35 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 25 理學士 Bachelor of Science * 633 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 514 總數 Total 7,605 *其中十名理學士畢業生就讀雙學位課程並同時獲工程學士學位 10 graduates of the Bachelor of Science degree were simultaneously awarded Bachelor of Engineering degrees for a double degrees programme 香 港中文大學在12月16日舉行第六十八 屆大會(新任校長就職典禮暨頒授學 位典禮),由大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士主持 沈祖堯校長就職典禮,並頒授榮譽博士學位、 高級學位及學士學位共七千六百零五個。 沈祖堯校長自今年7月1日起,出任中大第七任 校長,大會以沈校長的就職典禮揭開序幕。 他在演說中指出,全球的高等教育正面臨危 機,大學爭取排名追逐資源,會令它們忽略自 己的基本責任是培養年輕的靈魂。「保存人文 精神、培養創新和判批思維,以及造就世界公 民,是我們的指導原則,我們會繼續憑着這些 原則來教育學生。」 四位傑出人士獲頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰他 們對促進科學技術和社會經濟發展、增進人民 福祉,以及對中大發展的傑出貢獻,他們分別 為陳樂宗博士、鄭維健博士、剛辭世的莫慶堯 博士及徐冠華教授。 獲頒榮譽社會科學博士學位的陳樂宗博士,積 極捐助慈善、教育和科研,惠及本港、內地以 至美國無數莘莘學子,並致力保育中國文化和 歷史遺跡。 獲頒榮譽法學博士學位的鄭維健博士,是商界 和社會的傑出領袖,亦是中大校董會前主席和 現任資深顧問,對教育、經濟、社會及中大發 展貢獻良多。 已故莫慶堯博士則獲追贈榮譽社會科學博士 學位。莫博士為著名內科醫生,對人類健康、 社會公益、文物藝術推廣及中大發展有卓越 建樹。 徐冠華教授獲頒榮譽理學博士學位。徐教授 領導國家發展高新科技,研發國內最早期的遙 感衞星數字圖像處理系統。 四所成員書院也在同日下午為其本科生舉行畢 業典禮。碩士學位課程畢業典禮則於12月17 和18日分八節於邵逸夫堂和林蔭大道舉行。 The 68th Congregation 第六十八屆大會 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its 68th Congregation for the Installation of the New Vice-Chancellor and the Conferment of Degrees on 16 December. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, presided at the Congregation. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung assumed office as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of CUHK on 1 July 2010. In his inaugural address at the Congregation, Professor Sung warned of the crisis facing university education worldwide as universities pay more attention to resources and rankings than to their raison d’être —nurturing the young. He stated that the University will be educating its students by ‘preserving the humanities, cultivating innovative and critical thinking, and realization of world citizenship.’ Four distinguished persons were conferred honorary doctorates, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to academic and scientific advancement, socio-economic progress, promotion of the well-being of the people, and the development of the University. They were: Dr. Gerald Chan Lok-chung, Dr. Edgar Cheng Wai-kin, the late Dr. Mok Hing-yiu, and Prof. Xu Guanhua. Dr. Gerald Chan Lok-chung was conferred the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . Dr. Chan has been highly committed in supporting charity, education and scientific research, benefiting numerous students in Hong Kong, mainland China, and the US, and in preserving Chinese culture and historic buildings in China. Dr. Edgar Cheng Wai-kin was conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa , in recognition of his contributions in education, economics and community service, as well as his unfailing support for the development of CUHK. Dr. Cheng is an eminent business and community leader, former Chairman and currently senior adviser of the CUHK Council. Dr. Mok Hing-yiu was posthumously conferred the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . The late Dr. Mok, an eminent physician, had made remarkable contribution to human health, charity, the promotion of art and culture, and to the development of CUHK. Prof. Xu Guanhua was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa . He led China’s development of high technology and successfully developed the first digital image processing system for remote sensing satellites in mainland China. In the afternoon, the four constituent Colleges held graduation ceremonies for their students. The Master’s degree graduation ceremony was held in eight sessions at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and the University Mall on 17 and 18 December. 左起:陳樂宗博士、徐冠華教授、大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士、沈祖堯校長及鄭維健博士 From left: Dr. Gerald Chan Lok-chung, Prof. Xu Guanhua, Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, and Dr. Edgar Cheng Wai-kin 2 No. 369, 19.1 .2010