Student Development & Resources Section
In line with the University’s commitment to the promotion of non-formal education, the Student Development & Resources Section (SDRS) is committed to enriching students’ university life through the provision of student development programmes and student amenities, and encouraging students to participate in relevant enrichment programmes and organise student activities to attain personal excellence.
Our works include:
Supporting and Providing Guidance to Student Bodies
Student bodies like the student unions and interest groups could seek guidance and assistance from SDRS. The Section also coordinates meetings between students and various departments/units to facilitate their communication on campus life, university development and new policies.
Supporting Student Development through Activity Funds
SDRS administers various student activity funds. To familiarise students with the requirements and procedures of the application for student activity funds, briefing sessions for student bodies are offered.
Organising and Coordinating Leadership Development Activities
SDRS supports different kinds of University-wide and intervarsity programmes to broaden students’ horizons, e.g. Outward Bound Training Programme, and Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students. Furthermore, the Section organises a number of leadership development programmes such as Student Leader Training Scheme and activities under the Uni-Y (CUHK) Project.
Coordinating Orientation Activities for New Students
SRDS serves as the coordinator of various orientation activities for local students and the related support services. Relevant training is provided for members of the organising committees of the orientation camps to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills to take up the organising duties.
Managing various Student Amenities and Facilities
Various facilities and function rooms at the Benjamin Franklin Centre (BFC), John Fulton Centre (JFC) and Pommerenke Student Centre (PSC) are available for the use of University departments and student societies. Eligible users can reserve facilities and equipment though the OSA Online Facilities Booking System. The University Swimming Pool is also managed by SDRS.
Website of Student Development & Resources Section: http://sdrs.osa.cuhk.edu.hk