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Career Planning & Development

  • Career Counselling Session
  • Career Guidance Programmes
  • Career Guide for Non-local Students (a booklet)
  • Career Services for Non-local Students (a ppt Presentation in English)
  • Careers E-coach
  • CUHK Careers Fair
  • CUHK Mentorship Programme
  • Global Internship Programme
  • Graduate Employment Survey
  • Information on Entrepreneurship
  • Information on Further Studies
  • Information on Non-local Students
  • Job Board: CU Job Link
  • Job Board: JIJIS
  • Personality Assessment
  • Police Mentorship Programme


Learning & Cultural Enhancement Section

  • Campus-wide Cultural Diversity Programmes
  • Off Campus Housing Information
  • i-LOUNGE
  • Learning Enhancement Service
  • Re-application for student visa
  • Tips for Incoming Students


Student Development & Resources 

  • Guidance to student associations
  • Student activity funds
  • Leadership development programmes and intervarsity activities
  • Orientation activities
  • Amenities in Staff-Student Centres 
  • OSA Online Booking System
  • University Swimming Pool
  • International House (on campus student residence)


Support Services for Students with Disabilities

  • Support Services we provide
  • Seeking Support Services


Wellness & Counselling

  • Types of Services
  • 'uBuddies' Peer Counselling Network 
  • Self-Help Materials
  • Make an Appointment