Newsletter No. 174
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS The size of each class will be limited to eight students. The minimum number of students to form a class is five. Enrolment will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$6,320. The University will subsidize 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre at 2609 6727 before 9th January 2001. Information on the CLC can be viewed at the website 體適能測試暨運動處方計劃 Health and Fitness Programme for You 體育部聯同體育運動科學系、保健處及世界衛生組織運動醫學暨促進健康中 心,開展「體適能測試暨運動處方計劃」,以提高教職員的健康狀態。 計劃分兩部分,首部分為健康檢查及醫生評估,由保健處執行,檢查項目包括 度高磅重,以及量度血壓、血膽固醇、血脂及血糖等。 第二部分為體適能測試,需時約九十分鐘,於週一至五下午三時三十分在大學 體育中心進行。體育部導師會根據結果為個別參加者設計運動計劃。 名額五十個,先到先得。同人可於大學或書院的體育館索取報名表格,查詢請 致電阮伯仁先生(二六零九六九八六)或張偉傑先生(二六零九七六九六)。 The Staff Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription programme, specially designed by the Physical Education Unit, the University Health Service, the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion, is open to all staff of the University. The programme consists of a clinical body check and aphysical fitness test. The objective is to evaluate the health and fitness of individual participants and prescribe an effective exercise programme for each of them. The clinical body check covers the testing of blood cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and blood glucose, and the measurement of height, weight, and blood pressure. The physical fitness test will last for 90 minutes, and can be conducted any day from Monday to Friday from 3.30 to 5.00 p.m. in the University Sports Centre. Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis and limited to 50 persons. Application forms are available at college and university gymnasiums. For details, please contact Mr. Bryan Yuen at Ext. 6986 or Mr. Cheung Wai Kit at Ext. 7696. 大學游泳池關閉 University Swimming Pool Closed 大學游泳池由本年十二月一日(星期五)至明年四月停止開放,以開展周年維修 工程。重開日期,容後公布。 The University Swimming Pool has been closed for annual maintenance until April 2001. The date of re-opening will be announced in due course. 圖書館聖誕及新年開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours During Christmas and New Year Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基 及新亞圖書館 UL, CC, NA 大學圖書館 視聽資料組 UL-AV Dept 聯合圖書館 UC 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 21,12,2000 8.20 a.m-5.00 p.m. 9.00a.m-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m-5.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m-5.00 p.m. 22.12.2000 23,12,2000 8,20 a.m.-10.0 p.m. 8.20a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-7.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m-9.30 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-9.00 p.m. 9,0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 8.30a.m.-9.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 24-26.12.2000 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 27-29.12.2000 9.0 a.m-7.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m-7.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-7.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-7.00 p.m. 30.12.2000 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9,0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-12.30 p.m. 9.0 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 31,12.2000 - 1.1.2001 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 停止開放Closed 註:所有圖書館由二零零一年一月二日起恢復正常開放時間。 Note: All libraries resume normal opening hours from 2nd January 2001 onwards. 文物館書刊特價銷售 Art Museum Book Sale 文物館本月舉辦「書刊特價銷售月」,減價促銷名下書刊三十一種,至本月三十 日止。銷售期內,凡購物滿一百元者,獲贈精美展覽海報乙張,滿二百元者兩張, 餘類推。歡迎員生到該館展覽廳選購。 The Art Museum is staging a book sale until 30th December 2000 at its exhibition galleries. The following are sold at a discount. With every purchase of HK$100, aposter will be given. 書 名 Title 原價 Original Price 特價 Sale Price 張穆年譜 The Chronological Biography of Zhang Mu $60 $10 中港臺大專美術學生作品 Works by Fine Arts Students in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong $120 $10 香港中文大學藝術系四十周年系慶教師作品 The Faculty Show in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK $150 $10 臺閣佳器——暫得樓惠贈堂名款瓷器 Elegant Vessels for the Lofty Pavilion: The Zande Lou Gift of Porcelain with Studio Marks $210 $30 黎簡謝蘭生書畫 The A r t of Li Jian and Xie Lansheng $280 $56 冶齋印存 Seals of Ye Zhai $150 $30 朱明遺萃 A Legacy of the M i ng $300 $60 新出歷代璽印集釋 Studies of Seals from Archaeological Finds $150 $45 陽羨砂壺圖攷 A Pictorial Study of Yangxian Pottery Teapots $100 $30 新出歷代璽印集錄 Newly Excavated Chinese Seals Through the Ages $85 $34 黃般若的世界 The World of Wong Po-yeh $350 $140 香港中文大學文物館藏印續集(一) Catalogue of Bronze Seals in the A r t Museum, CUHK, Vol.II No.1 $320 $128 香港中文大學文物館藏印續集(二) Catalogue of Bronze Seals in the A r t Museum, CUHK, Vol.11 No. 2 $200 $80 書海觀瀾 Proceedings for Chinese Calligraphy Symposium $150 $60 秦漢魏晉南北朝官印研究 Official Seals from the Qin to the Six Dynasties $230 $115 中國漆藝二千年 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer $430 $215 廣東出土五代至清文物 Archaeological Finds from the Five Dynasties to the Qing Periods in Guangdong $270 $135 蘇六朋蘇仁山書畫 The A r t of Su Liupeng and Su Renshan $345 $172.5 湖北出土戰國秦漢漆器 Lacquerware from the Warring States to the Han Periods Excavated in Hubei Province $430 $215 清瓷萃珍——清代康雍乾官窯瓷器 $420 $210 Qing Imperial Porcelain of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns 至樂樓藏明清書畫 Paintings and Calligraphy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the Chih Lo Lou Collection $310 $186 東方文明之光——良渚文化玉器 The Dawn of Chinese Civilization: Jades of the Liangzhu Culture $320 $192 江漢地區先秦文明 Pre-Qin Civilization in the Jianghan Region $200 $120 承訓堂藏扇面書畫 The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Painting and Calligraphy on Fans $500 $400 漢延熹西嶽華山廟碑 The Huashan Temple Stele $300 $240 中國歷代璽印藝術 The A r t of Chinese Seals Through the Ages $300 $240 攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具I The Dr. S.Y. Yip Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture I $1,000 $800 攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具 II ——禪椅琴 The Dr. S.Y. Yip Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II: Chan Chair and Qing Bench $1,000 $800 虹影瑤輝——李景勳藏清代玻璃 Elegance and Radiance: Grandeur in Qing Glass 一 The Andrew K.F. Lee Collection $900 $720 御賞壺珍——誦先芬室藏清代鼻煙壺 The Imperial Connection: Court Related Chinese Snuff Bottles — The Humphrey K.F. Hui Collection $750 $600 絢麗晶瑩——淘石齋所藏中國古代水晶瑪瑙器 Sparkling Splendours: The A r t of Ancient Chinese Carvings on Rock Crystal and Agate — The Taoshi Zhai Collection $550 $440 中大通訊 第一七四期 二零零零年十二月四曰 4
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