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Task Force on Education and Training (Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment)
Terms of Reference and Composition:  



To be appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment


A representative from each College
A representative from the Human Resources Office
A representative from the Office of Student Affairs
A representative from the Information Technology Services Centre
A representative from the Communications and Public Relations Office
A representative from the Postgraduate Halls
A representative from the CUTA
A representative from the CUSA
A representative from the CUEGU
A representative from the CUHK Student Union
A member of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Convenor of the Panel Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Four faculty members or staff members who have sensitivity to sexual harassment matters


Secretary of the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Terms of Reference:  

The Task Force on Education and Training is established under the Committee Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment to promote awareness of the Policy through circulars/leaflets, seminars and workshops. The objective is to ensure that the Policy is properly received and correctly interpreted, and to prevent unlawful discrimination and harassment in the University community. The Task Force may request individual units/departments, staff associations or student bodies to render assistance in the promotional activities as deemed appropriate. It may also assist relevant units/departments to review their operating guidelines/procedures to avoid situations of unlawful discrimination and harassment.
Contact Information of Diversity and Inclusion Office:  
Person in Charge: 陸燕芳女士
Ms. Yvonne Luk
Telephone Number: 3943 1722