Newsletter No. 84
CUHK Newsletter 4 No.84 4th March 1996 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校外進修學院院長 New Director of SCS 大學委任尹葉芊芊博士爲校外進修學院院長,由 一九九六年二月一日起生效。 尹博士早年於拔萃女書院就讀,後負芨美國西雅 圖太平洋大學,獲授物理化學學士學位,一九七二年 獲加拿大西安大略大學頒授生物物理學哲學博士學 位,一九八六年取得美國哈佛大學教育硏究學院終身 教育管理文憑。 尹博士加入本校前,任香港浸會大學持續進修學 院院長。她將致力開展中大與海內外院校之交流和合 作,爲中港培訓更多專業人才。 Dr. Wan Chin-chin has been appointed the new director of the School of Continuing Studies from 1st February 1996. Dr. Wan graduated with a B.Sc. in physical chemistry and mathematics from Seattle Pacific University, and obtained her Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Western Ontario. She was awarded a diploma in management of lifelong education by the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1986 and a certificate in higher education management by Ohio University in 1987. Dr. Wan has had extensive experience in teaching and administration in tertiary institutions, in the area of continuing and professional education in particular. Before joining the University she was dean of the School of Continuing Education of Baptist University for over six years. 偉倫講座 Wei Lun Lectures • 美國芝加哥大學物理學傑出講座教授 Prof. Leo P. Kadanoff 應邀以偉倫訪問教授身分訪問本校,並於 三月六日下午四時半假邵逸夫夫人樓 LT1 演講廳主 講「小天地:從計算機模型探求物理世界的眞 實」。 • 威斯康辛大學會計學講座教授 Prof.JerryJ. Weygandt 將於三月十一日下午五時假信和樓二號演講廳主講 「財務報告的新方向」。 • Wei Lun Visiting Professor Leo P. Kadanoff, John D. MacArthur Distinguished Service Professor of Physics from the University of Chicago, will give an open lecture entitled 'Little Worlds: Investigations of Reality in Computer Models with Examples Drawn from the Physical Sciences' on 6th March at 4.30 p.m. in LT1 of the Lady Shaw Building. • Wei Lun Visiting Professor Jerry J. Weygandt, Arthur Anderson Alumni Professor of Accountancy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will deliver a public lecture entitled 'Future Directions in Financial Reporting' on 11th March at 5.00 p.m. in lecture theatre 2 of the Sino Building. 歡迎出席 。All are welcome. 語文基金第四期撥款申請 The Language Fund Invites Applications 語文基金現已接受各機構、團體、學校以及有興 趣人士申請資助,推行各項有助提高本港中文(包括 普通話)及英文水平的計劃或活動。該基金於一九九 四年五月獲政府撥款三億港元成立。首三期申請,共 有七十項語文改善計劃獲得資助,撥款總額達九千五 百二十萬元;資助項目包括硏究、教學資料、培訓及 學習活動等。 校方鼓勵教職員積極申請資助。欲進一步了解該 基金的資助範圍及撥款細則,可與校長室聯絡(內線 七二七四)。索取申請表格,則請直接致電語文基金 秘書處(電話二八九二六六四二)。截止申請日期爲三 月卅一日。申請者請送交申請書影印本乙份予校長室 存案。 Applications are now invited from all educational/training institutions, registered organizations and interested individuals for the fourth round of allocations from the government's Language Fund. The main objective ofthe fund is to raise the standards of Chinese (including Putonghua) and English and enhance the use of the two languages in Hong Kong. A total of HK$95.2 million has been allocated to 70 projects in the last three rounds of allocations. The application deadline for 1996 is 31st March. Details of the scheme are available from the Vice-Chancellor's Office (Ext. 7274) and application forms are obtainable from the Language Fund Secretariat (Tel. 28926642). A copy of the application should be sent to the Vice-Chancellor's Office for records. 國際夏令鋼琴學院招生 International Summer Piano Institute Invites Applications 本校音樂系與耶魯大學音樂學院將於七月廿二日 至八月十日再度合辦「國際夏令鋼琴學院」,爲年靑鋼 琴手提供專業演奏訓練,並安排相關活動,包括大師 班和講座。 學員名額共十一個,另設少量旁聽員席位,只限 出席大師班和講座。截止報名日期爲三月三十日。有 意者請向譜藝管理公司查詢(電話二八三八七八八 五,圖文傳眞二八三六五二一六)。 The International Summer Piano Institute (ISPI) will be held in Hong Kong for the second time from 22nd July to 10th August 1996. Jointly organized by the CUHK Music Department and the Yale University School of Music with sponsorship from the Hui Yeung Shing Foundation, the ISPI aims at providing professional-level piano training to young musicians in Asia. They are selected through highly competitive auditioning to participate in intensive training led by world-renowned musicians. This year's programme will include private lessons for individual participants, master classes, and lectures. There will be 11 places for young talents. A limited number of auditor places are also available on a first-come-first-served basis. Auditors are to attend lectures andmaster classes only. Applications should be made before 30th March 1996. Enquires should be directed to PROARTS MANAGEMENT (Tel. 2838 7885; Fax. 2836 5216). First Aid Course for Staff The University Health Service and the Lab Safety Office will jointly conduct a first aid course for University staff. Taught in Cantonese, the course will run on five consecutive Tuesdays from 16th April. Classes will take place from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. in the first floor conference room of the University Health Centre. There will be an examination on 21st May. Those who pass the examination will be awarded a first aid certificate which is valid for three years. Priority will be given to laboratory related personnel. Interested staff should arrange with their department safety coordinators or unit heads for nomination before 15th March. For further information, please contact Mrs. Kan (Ext. 6436) or Ms. Wong (Ext. 6428). 捐血救人 Donate Blood 本校與香港紅十字會合辦捐血周,定於三月十八 至廿二日舉行,每日上午十時至下午四時半接受同人 捐血。日期及地點如下: 日期 地點 三月十八日(星期一)富爾敦樓二樓 103 綜合活動室 三月十九日(星期二)聯合書院湯若望宿舍禮堂 三月二十日(星期三)新亞書院樂群館學生休息室 三月廿一日(星期四)科學館東座 ELG 104 學生休息室 三月廿二日(星期五)崇基學院眾志堂 All members of the University are encouraged to give blood to the Hong Kong Red Cross at the following places on the specified day between 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.: 1. Rm. 103, John Fulton Centre (18th March) 2. Hall of Adam Schall Res., United College (19th March) 3. Students' Common Room, Amenities Building, New Asia College (20th March) 4. Students' Common Room, ELG 104, Science Centre (21st March) 5. Chung Chi Tang, Chung Chi College (22nd March) 預防乙型肝炎運動 Hepatits B Awareness Campaign 保健處將於本月七至廿二日再度舉辦預防乙型肝 炎運動,包括在保健中心展出乙型肝炎之有關資料, 爲教職員及其家屬和學生抽血檢驗乙型肝炎抗原或抗 體,並爲有需要者注射疫苗。 抽血檢驗的費用爲一百一十港元,注射疫苗(三 劑)則每劑一百元。兩項活動分別於七至八日及廿一 至廿二日(上午九時至中午十二時半,下午二時至四 時半)舉行。 The University Health Service will again hold a Hepatitis B Awareness Campaign this month. It will feature an exhibition at the Health Centre from 17th to 22nd March. University staff, their dependents and students can take blood tests at $110 on 7th and 8th March (9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.; 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.). Vaccination at $100 per dose is also available on 21st and 22nd March (9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.; 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.). 各散東西 交通組聶楚楠先生 八五年餞別入學組高級主任蘇紹興先生。後排左起: 蘇先生和鍾約瑟先生;前排左起:張義發先生、袁榮 森先生和本人。除本人外,他們已先後離職。 跟學生一起 政治與行政學系黄宏發先生 我(左三)常在學生飯堂擺龍門陣,跟學生天南地北無所不談,也與畢 業生時相往還。 意料之外 生物系海洋科學實驗室 張文光先生 「當初以臨時工身分加 入中大服務時,沒想過會幹 這麼久。後因獲上司提拔, 先後於七四和八零年升級加 薪,加上海洋科學實驗室的 工作環境適合我的性格,不 用應酬,又有獨立的工作 間,所以便留下來,一幌眼 就廿五年了。」 「雖然中大沒有雙糧和 加班費,但每年薪金調整的補薪便恰似意外之財。八零年 升職的補薪高達數千元,把內子嚇了一跳,著我查問校方 有否算錯。」 「只要中大願意繼續聘用我,我便願意繼續幹下去。」 中大通訊 5 第八十四期 一九九六年三月四日
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