Newsletter No. 188
4 No. 188 19th September 2001 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Ap p o i n t me n ts 音樂講座教授 Professor of Music 大學委任陳永華教授為音樂講座教授,任期由二零零一 年十月一日起生效。 陳永華教授在本校修習音樂,一九七九年取得文學士學 位,其後負笈加拿大多倫多大學,進修作曲,先後於一九八 一及八五年獲授音樂碩士和音樂博士學位。 陳教授一九八六年加入本校服務,為音樂系講師,並分 別於九二及九六年晉升為高級講師及教授。 陳教授是許多國際及香港音樂團體的團長、成員、駐團 作曲家等。他曾在十多個國家指揮不同樂團演出,並屢獲作曲獎項。 Prof. Chan Wing-wah has been appointed professor of music with effect from 1st October 2001. Prof. Chan obtained his BA in music from The Chinese University in 1979, and his master's and doctoral degrees in music (composition) from the University of Toronto in 1981 and 1985 respectively. He was appointed coordinator of the Part-time Degree Programme in Music at The Chinese University in 1989, and head of the Graduate Division of Music in 1992. He has been chairman of the Department of Music since 1992, and sub-dean of the Faculty of Arts since 1999. Prof. Chan is chairman of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild, director of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, appointed trustee of Inter-Artes, UK, vice-chairman of the Asian Composers' League, and elected member of the executive committee of the UNESCO International Society for Contemporary Music. Prof. Chan has about 60 major compositions. He has also written many congregational hymns and anthems, as well as children songs and school songs. 心理學講座教授 Professor of Psychology 大學委任張妙清教授為心理學教授,任期由二零零一年 十月一日起生效。 張妙清教授在美國攻讀心理學,一九七零年獲授柏克萊 加州大學文學士學位,五年後取得明尼蘇達大學哲學博士學 位。 張教授學成回港服務,出任基督教聯合醫院臨床心理學 家,一九七七年受聘為本校講師,先後於八五及九二年晉升 為高級講師及教授。張教授九五至九六年出任社會科學院院 長,九六至九九年曾出任由政府創立的平等機會委員會主 席。 張教授公職眾多,亦為多個專業學會的成員,又出任共十種學術期刊的編委或 評審。 Prof. Fanny Cheung Miu-ching has been appointed professor of psychology with effect from 1st October 2001. Prof. Cheung received her BA in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley in 1970, and her PhD in psychology from the University of Minnesota in 1975. She was a clinical psychologist at the United Christian Hospital from 1975 to 1977 and honorary clinical psychologist to the Department of Psychiatry of The Chinese University from 1984 to 1992. Prof. Cheung joined the CUHK Department of Psychology as lecturer in 1977, becoming senior lecturer in 1985, and reader in 1992. She is now chairperson of the department, as well as the founding director of the Gender Research Centre. From 1995 to 1996, she was dean of the Faculty of Social Science. Prof. Cheung took leave from the University to serve the Hong Kong community as the founding chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission from 1996 to 1999. 副校長續任 Reappo i n tment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors •金耀基教授再度獲委任為副校長,任期由二零零一年十月十一日至二零零三年七 月三十一日。 •廖柏偉教授再度獲委任為副校長,任期兩年,由二零零一年十月一日起生效。 • Prof. Ambrose K i ng has been reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor of the University from 11th October 2001 to 31st July 2003. • Prof. L iu Pak-wai has been reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor of the University for a term of two years from 1st October 2001. Renaming of Appo i n tmen ts Board The Academic Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC) has approved the renaming of the Appointments Board as the Career Development Board with effect from 1 St August 2001. Its Chinese name remains unchanged. 中醫學院遷往信和樓 SCM Mo v i ng 中醫學院已於九月十日遷往信和樓一樓,但沿用所有電話及傳真號碼。查詢請 致電該院辦公室(二六零九六三六零)。 The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) has been relocated to 1/F, Sino Building, on 10th September 2001. Please contact its General Office at 2609 6360 for enquiries. 學生工讀計劃 Student Campus Wo r k Scheme 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 02 二零零一至二零零二年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受申請。該計劃讓需要經濟 援助的學生,利用課餘時間協助教職員進行研究或處理其他工作,獲取報酬(本 科生和研究生時薪皆為五十港元)。 工作性質規定為(一)協助大學教員從事研究工作,(二)協助各行政單位在 繁忙期間的工作,或(三)其他獲工讀計劃委員會批准之工作。 大學同人可向學生事務處索取申請表格,填妥後寄回范克廉樓一樓學生事務處 學生工讀計劃委員會秘書,截止申請日期為二零零一年十月四日。 學生不得連續工作四星期,而每星期工作時數須在十八小時以下;每段受僱期 也不得超逾五十九日,而兩段受僱期之間最少須暫停工作一個月。 所有撥款只可用作支付本校工讀生薪酬,並須於二零零二年九月三十日前全數 支付。獲資助之教職員須於二零零二年十月卅一日前擬就報告,經學生事務處學生 工讀計劃委員會秘書轉呈有關捐助機構。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. Aim To help needy local students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting University academics/administrators in their projects. Nature of Work (a) To assist academic staff in their research projects. (b) To assist administrative staff in projects which require a large task-force on a short-term basis. (c) Any other job assignments as may be approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. Remuneration HK$50 per hour for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Application Staff members who are interested in applying should return the completed application forms to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs at 1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre no later than 4th October 2001. Remarks (a) Approved funds should only be used as remuneration for students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (b) Students w i ll not be allowed to work for 18 hours or more in any one week for four weeks or more. (c) The duration of each engagement should not exceed 59 days. There should be a break of service for at least one month between two engagements as student helper in the University. (d) Approved funds should be expended in full before 30th September 2002. (e) Supervisors of approved projects w i ll be requested to forward a report to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs by 31st October 2002, for onward transmission to the donors for information. 二零零二至二零零三年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff De v e l o pme nt Gr an t s / Pr og r ammes 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 03 關祖堯教職員發展基金及利希慎教職員發展基金現已接受申請。有關詳情已於 九月初送呈各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參考。有意申請者,請與 所屬部門負責人聯絡。截止日期為二零零一年十月十三日。 其他主要教職員資助計劃,以及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流/交換計劃的資料, 可於網上查閱,網址為。 查詢可電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development are now open for application. Staff members interested in applying for the gra nts may consult their department/ unit heads and faculty deans, who should have received detailed information on these grants in early September. The deadline for application is 13th October 2001. A summary on the regular staff development grants/programmes administered by the Personnel Office and the major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Office of Academic Links are obtainable from the following website: Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288).
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