Newsletter No. 128
4 No. 128 4th June 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 長假代金 Payment in Lieu of Long Leave 有資格按「一九九零年長假安排」領取長假代金的教職員,須於本月三十日前將本年暑 假期間的假期申請經部門主管送交人事處,俾可準確計算所得代金,並如往年般隨七月份 之薪金發放。 人事處響應環保,將不會另行通知個別同人。如欲查詢長假代金或假期餘額,請致電 內線七二九一或七二九二,又或電郵。 Under the 1990 long leave scheme, eligible staff members will, in accordance with the relevant regulations, receive a payment in lieu of untaken long leave calculated as at 30th June 1998 up to a maximum of one month's salary. Payment will be made in their July 1998 payroll. To facilitate the calculation of leave balance, staff members who intend to take long leave in the summer are requested to submit their leave applications via their unit/department head to the Personnel Office on or before 30th June 1998. Separate notice on payment details will not be issued to individual staff. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office at Ext. 7291/7292 or via e-mail to Personnel-6 @ 免費提取醫學文獻 MEDLARS: Enhancing Access to Medical Literature 位於李炳醫學圖書館的香港國際醫學資訊中心,已成功測試美國國立醫學圖書館的資 料庫捜查及文件送遞功能。由六月一日起,本校教職員可經該資訊中心的網頁( h t t p : / / ) 取得本地未存的文件。試驗期間,讀者可免費取得此類文件, 惟數量將有限制。 全球共有廿一個同類型醫學資訊中心,均與美國國立醫學圖書館聯繫,爲全球關注衛 生的團體,提供快捷方便的醫學文獻。 The Hong Kong International MEDLARS Center located at L i Ping Medical Library has completed trial runs of database searches of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) as well as document delivery. As of 1st June 1998, University staff can gain access to documents not available locally through the Center at a nd have articles delivered to them. During this phase of testing, document requests derived from N L M databases are supplied on a limited basis to users free of charge. The Hong Kong International MEDLARS Center is one of 21 such centres around the world designated and supported by the NLM. These centres together with N L M provide the global health care community with extensive coverage of and quick and easy access to biomedical literature. 研究院招聘宿舍導師 Resident Tutor Vacancy at Postgraduate Hall 硏究院宿舍招聘一九九八至九九年度宿舍導師,歡迎單身全職教職員申請,事務助理 職級者可獲優先考慮。膺選者可獲免費宿位(單人房),惟須協助推動舍堂活動。申請表格 可於兆龍樓地下硏究院院務室索取,並於六月二十日前交回。 Applications are invited from single male or female full-time University staff (preference to be given to staff of Executive Officer grade) for resident tutorship in the Postgraduate Hall Complex for 1998-99. The successful applicant will be given free accommodation in a single room and will be expected to help organize and promote hostel activities. Application forms are obtainable from the general office of the Graduate School, G/F, Sui-Loong Pao Building. Completed forms should be returned to the same office before 20th June 1998. 聯合膳堂六月中關閉 Closure of United College Canteens 聯合書院膳堂管理委員會宣布:該院膳堂經營合約將於六月三十日屆滿,現正招標新 的承辦合約,預計可於七月初公布結果,而書院膳堂將由六月十五日起關閉,並可望於八 月初重開。 The catering contract between the United College Canteen Management Committee and the present caterer is due to expire on 30th June 1998. The college canteens will close on 15th June 1998. The tendering exercise for the new contract is now in progress and the result w i ll be announced in early July. Normal service will resume in early August 1998. 雲起軒七月關閉 Yun Chi Hsien Closed in July 新亞雲起軒將由七月一日起關閉,並訂於八月三日起復業。 Yun Chi Hsien at New Asia College will be closed from 1st July and will resume service from 3rd August. 藝術系學生作品展 藝術系本月將主辦「中大藝術——一九九八」,在文物館、誠明館、許氏文化館和人 文館舉辦一連串藝術展覽,展出藝術系本科生和硏究生的創作,開幕儀式將於六月六日下 午三時半在文物館舉行。展出期間,該系特邀多位藝術界知名人士臨場評選各種創作的優 秀作品,發予獎項。 化學作用畢業展 六月七日至七月三日在文物館西翼展覽廳舉行,展出藝術系二十名應屆本科畢業生的 多種中西媒介作品。 燃——系展 六月七至二十日在誠明館四樓及人文館地下五至八室舉行,展出藝術系一至三年級本 科生及一年級硏究生的近作。 消失點 六月七至二十日在新亞許氏文化館舉行,展出第四屆藝術碩士生的畢業作品。 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九八年四月及累積至該月之回報如下: From the Bursary The monthly and cumulative returns for April 1998 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 一九九八年四月 A p r i l 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth -2.97% -3.08% -3.98% Balanced -1.76% -1.89% -2.30% 穩定 Stable -0.40% -0.22% -0.08% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 0.73% (年息 Annualized 8.87%) 0.69% (年息 Annualized 8.34%) 0.54% (年息 Annualized 6.57%) —九九八年一月一日至四月三十日 1st January to 30th April 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth 4.38% 4.30% 6.26% 平衡 Balanced 5.04% 5.76% 6.31% 穩定 Stable 1.67% 3.77% 4.17% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 3.16% (年息 Annualized 9.61%) 3.15% (年息 Annualized 9.58%) 2.42% (年息 Annualized 7.36%) —九九七年七月一日至一九九八年四月三十日 1st July 1997 to 30th April 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -13.68% -17.68% -18.37% 平衡 Balanced -8.10% -8.01% -10.58% 穩定 Stable -2.09% -1.09% -0.73% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 7.68% (年息 Annualized 9.22%) 7.66% (年息 Annualized 9.20%) 6.46% (年息 Annualized 7.76%) Fine Arts Graduation Exhibition 1998 The graduation exhibition for final-year students of the Department of Fine Arts will be held at the West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum from 6th June to 3rd July. The works of 20 students of different genre and using different media will be shown, including Chinese landscape painting, bird and flower painting, oils, acrylics, sculpture, and ceramics. The opening ceremony is scheduled at 3.30 p.m. on 6th June. 中大評議會月底召開周年會員大會 香港中文大學評議會常務委員會宣布:周年會員大會將於一九九八年六月廿七日(星 期六)下午二時假中環德輔道中七十七號恒生大廈廿一樓大禮堂召開,議程包括一般周年 會員大會事項,及選舉兩名評議會常務委員。當選者任期三年,由一九九八年九月一日起 生效。 凡列名中大評議會名冊之校友,即中大學位畢業生及已登記加入評議會之原成員書院 文憑或硏究院文憑畢業生,均有權出席評議會會員大會,並有投票權。 有意出席會議之校友,需塡報登記出席表格。有關表格會刊於六月十五日出版之《中 大校友》六月號,校友也可向評議會秘書處索取。截止日期爲六月廿六日下午六時正。 已登記而屆時不克出席之會員,可以書面形式委託其他評議會會員代表出席會議,並 就議程中列明之選舉事項投票。委託書表格可向評議會秘書處索取。塡妥之委託書必須在 會議舉行前四十八小時,以郵寄或圖文傳真的方式送達評議會秘會。 凡中大評議會會員,均可提名或接受提名參選評議會常務委員議席。有意參選或提名 參選人者,請即向評議會秘書索取提名表格及選舉章則。塡妥之提名表格必須於一九九八 年六月六日正午十二時前交回評議會秘書處。 會員欲提出討論事項者,須於一九九八年六月十三日正午十二時前,以書面通知評議 會秘書。 會議議程連同所有附件將於會議舉行前一星期,郵寄予已登記出席之會員。開會前尙 未收到議程者,可在會場索取。 垂詢請聯絡「香港中文大學評議會秘書處」(電話二六零九七八七二,傳真二六零三六 二二六或二六零三六九七九)。
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