Newsletter No. 222
第三及第四任 The Third and Fourth Vice-Chancellor 四 十 年 點 滴 A Retrospective o f t he Pa st 40 Ye a rs 高錕教授—邁向卓越(一九八七至一九九六) Prof. Charles K. Kao: Onward to Excellence (1987-1996) 隨著政府資助和員生人數的大幅增加,高錕校長於任內下 放決策與管理權力予學系和行政單位,推行新的資源分配 模式,並加強教研評核的機制,以改善效率,獎勵卓越表 現。 With increase d governmen t fundin g fo r a muc h expande d student an d staf f population , Prof. Charle s K . Ka o decentralized decision-makin g an d managemen t authorit y to th e departments/administrativ e units , adopte d a ne w mode o f resourc e allocation , and strengthene d assessmen t mechanisms fo r teachin g and research , wit h a n aim t o improve efficienc y an d rewar d excellen t performance . 任內大事紀要 Major Events •成立工程學院( 一九九一) Faculty o f Engineerin g established (1991 ) •教育學院升格(一九九一) School o f Educatio n upgrade d to become Faculty o f Education (1991 ) •推行靈活學分制( 一九九一) A mor e flexible credi t uni t system introduce d (1991 ) •改革校政(中央權責下放,資源與表現掛鉤)(一九九二起) Decentralization o f authority an d responsibilit y to faculty / department level s and the implementatio n o f performance - based resourc e allocation (fro m 1992 ) •中大評議會正式成立(一九九三) Convocation o f the Universit y establishe d (1993 ) •成立/重組七個主要研究所 Establishment/reorganization o f seven majo r researc h institutes —香港生物科技研究院(一九八八) Hong Kon g Institut e o f Biotechnology (1988 ) 一亞太工商研究所(一九九零) Asia-Pacific Institut e o f Business (1990 ) —香港亞太研究所(一九九零) Hong Kon g Institut e o f Asia-Pacific Studies (1990 ) 一香港癌症研究所(一九九零) Hong Kon g Cance r Institut e (1990 ) —人文學科研究所(一九九一) Research Institute fo r th e Humanities (1991 ) —數學科學研究所(一九九三) Institute o f Mathematical Science s (1993 ) —香港教育研究所(一九九三) Hong Kon g Institut e o f Educational Researc h (1993 ) 1) 中大評議會成立(一九九三) Convocation o f the Universit y establishe d (1993 ) 2) 香港生物科技研究院於一九九二年落成啟用 The Hon g Kon g Institut e o f Biotechnology , officiall y opene d i n 199 2 3) 高錕校長榮休前最後一次校董會會議(一九九六) Vice-Chancellor Charle s K . Kao at his las t Council Meetin g (1996 ) 4、5) 高錕校長(右二)欣見校園公益行人頭湧湧(一九九五) Vice-Chancellor Charle s K . Kao (righ t 2) delighted b y the hug e gathering a t the charitable walkatho n (1995) . 4 No. 222 19th May 2003
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