Newsletter No. 212
香港中文大學四 CUH K 40 t h Anniversar Progrmme Highlights Round-the-C U Walkatho n and Carniva l The Round-the-CU Walkathon is a grand assembly of staff, students, alumni, friends of CUHK, and the public to raise funds for the Cancer Centre of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The event will be enlivened with dance and music. A full-day carnival with the theme Healthy Environment and Healthy Living will also be held at the Lingnan Stadium. (23rd February 2003) Universit y Presidents ' Globa l Forum 2003 : Universitie s in th e 21s t Centur y Over 50 presidents and vice-chancellors of universities from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia will exchange views on the topic of 'Universities in the 21st Century' at the University Presidents' Global Forum. (24th-25th March 2003) 40th Anniversary Fai r The weeklong fair, organized around the anniversary theme 'Advance and Excel', will feature exhibitions, special talks, visits and performances. It will showcase the University's achievements over four decades and present the University's vision for the future. (20th-26th September 2003) The traditional Feast-for-a-Thousand, organized separately by each college, will be held at the same time on the evening of the University's Founding Day, as one grand Feast-for-Ten-Thousand. (17th October 2003) 40t h Anniversar y Alumn i Dram a The CUHK 40th Anniversary Alumni Drama will be produced and performed by CUHK alumni, including Raymond To kwok-wai, Chung King Fai and Ko Tin-lung. CUHK members of all ages will find resonance in this story of two generations of CUHK students. Not to be missed. (21st to 23rd November 2003) Anniversar y Banque t c u m Dinne r in Honou r of the 2003-200 4 Honorar y Degre e Graduate s University members, alumni, and friends of CUHK are invited to the Anniversary Banquet cum Dinner in Honour of the 2003-2004 Honorary Degree Graduates, to be held at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. (6th December 2003) 4 0 t h An n i v e r s a ry Conce rt As the grand finale to the 40th Anniversary celebration, the CUHK 40th Anniversary Concert will be held in the Concert Hall of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Music especially composed by a member of the Department of Music for the anniversary will be performed. There will also be a choral performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony by over a hundred singers, including the Chung Chi choir, University staff, students, and alumni, accompanied by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. (11th January 2004) 2003 1 10 吳階平基金成立典禮暨醫學院領導交流會 小兒外科及小兒骨科新進展學術研討會聯合開幕典禮 Launch of the Professor Wu Jie-ping Fund cum Joint Opening Ceremony of Medical School Leaders' Forum and Advances in Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Symposium 2 2 「活力四十」電視系列節目啟播 Launch of the 'Healthy 40' TV series 23 香港中文大學慈善健步行暨繽紛嘉年華 Round-the-CU Walkathon and Carnival 23 香港中文大學四十周年校慶:大學敎職員足球邀請賽 CUHK 40th Anniversary Soccer Tournament 。 出版第一期《中華管理評論——香港中文大學四十周年紀念專輯》 Publication of the first special issue of the web journal Chinese Management Review for the CUHK 40th Anniversary 3 1 傑出學人學術講座:香港中文大學偉倫榮譽講座敎授饒宗頤敎授主講 Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Jao Tsung-i, Wei Lun Honorary Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 4 傑出學人學術講座:一九八六年諾貝爾化學獎得獎人、台北中央研究院 院長李遠哲敎授主講 Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Lee Yuan-tseh, President of Academia Sinica, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1986 13-15「跨國聯網:海外華人研究與文獻收藏面臨的挑戰」國際會議 International Conference: Transnational Networks — Challenges in Research and Documentation of Chinese Overseas 22 旅遊策略論壇 Tourism Forum 24-25 二零零三年全球大學校長論壇——廿一世紀的大學 University Presidents' Global Forum 2003: Universities in the 21st Century 4 。 出版第二期《中華管理評論——香港中文大學四十周年紀念專輯》 Publication of the second special issue of the web journal Chinese Management Review for the CUHK 40th Anniversary 5 22-25「中國文化的承傳與開拓」學術會議 Academic Conference: 「中國文化的承傳與開拓」 。 傑出學人學術講座:哈佛大學燕京學社社長社維明敎授主講 Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Tu Weiming, Director of Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University 。 「中國就業發展獎勵計劃」重聚聯歡晚宴 Reunion Dinner for the China Career Development Award Programme 6 15-18「發展中經濟的策略管理:對傳統智慧的挑戰」學術會議 Academic Conference: Strategic Management in Emerging Economies — Challenging Conventional Wisdom 20-25《譯叢》三十周年書展 Renditions 30th Anniversary Book Exhibition 7 4 傑出學人學術講座:一九九七年諾貝爾物理學獎得獎人、史丹福大學 物理及應用物理學敎授朱棣文敎授主講 Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Steven Chu, Theodore and Francis Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University, Nobel Laureate in Physics 1997 4-7 二零零三年中港台社會工作學術研討會 Academic Conference: A Regional Social Work Symposium 2003 12-13香港中文大學校友宿舍生活重溫周末營 Alumni Home-coming Weekend 24-26網絡傳播國際研討會:邁向智能社會 International Conference: 'Internet Communication' Toward Intelligent Societies 24-27「中國就業發展獎勵計劃」展覽 Exhibition on the China Career Development Award Programme 。 風險管理研討專題日 Risk Management Workshop 。 二零零三年全港電腦遊戲創作比賽頒獎典禮 Hong Kong Computer Game-Maker Challenge 2003 。 科學鐵人比賽 Iron Man of Science Competition 。 日期未定 date unfixed * 暫定 proposed 節目如有變更,以四十周年校慶活動網頁(網址見下方)公布為準,請不時查閲。 Changes will be announced on the 40th Anniversary Celebration Activities homepage at 4
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