Newsletter No. 170

CUHK Newsletter No. 170 4th October 2000 3 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 本年度《香港中文大學概況》英文版已經上網 The Chinese University Calendar 2000- 2001 Available on the Net 二零零零至二零零一年度之《香港中文大學概況》 將於本月稍後出版。該書之英文電子版已經上網,網 址為 m , 歡 迎瀏覽。 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Calendar 2000- 2001 will roll off the press later this month. An online version is already available for browsing at the following website: http: // 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 財務處公布公積金內各項投資基金於二零零零年八月之回報如下: From the Bursary The investment returns of August 2000 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 二零零零年八月 A u g u s t 2000 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaud i t ed) 增長 Growth 2.15% 1.48% 1.80% 平衡 Balanced 1.52% 1.42% 1.32% 穩定 Stable 0.49% 0.45% 0.55% 港 元 銀 行 存 款 H K D Bank Deposit 0.52% (年息 Annualized 6.15%) 0.54% (年息 Annualized 6.33%) 0.42% (年息 Annualized 4.92%) 美元銀行存款 U S D Bank Deposit 0.57% (年息 Annualized 6.48%) 0.55% (年息 Annualized 6.33%) 0.49% (年息 Annualized 5.72%) 范克廉樓膳堂營業時間 Opening Hours of BFC Canteens 范克廉樓地庫快餐店已重新開放,營業時間暫定為上午七時半至晚上十時半, 逢星期日休息。新增設之西餐部,由侍應提供服務,開放時間為上午十一時半至晚 上十時半。另外,范克廉樓大膳堂(包括學生膳堂及教職員膳堂)由十月十四日起, 逢星期六休息。敬請留意。 The BFC Fast Food Shop has re-opened after renovation. The opening hours have tentatively been changed to 7.30 a.m. - 10.30 p.m. (closed on Sundays). In addition to the self-help fast food comer, a dining section serving western food will begin operation in early October. It will be open from 11.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. From 14th October, the BFC Canteen (including the Student Canteen and the Staff Canteen) will be closed on Saturdays. A Web-based Teaching Platform Awaits You A web-based teaching platform consisting of the following three interrelated tools was launched in late August. These tools should render the application of advanced information technologies in teaching and learning easier. Web-based Teaching L i n k s —A University-wideIndex PageListingWeb-based Courses This tool provides a University-wide index page listing all available web-based courses at the University and the links to their online course materials. Teachers can publicize the URL links of their courses her e so that their students can qu ickly locate the course materials. To find out how to use it, visit learning/webteaching/. CU Forum—A Tool forHostingDiscussionForumsandSharingofFilesandURL Links CU Forum is developed by the Information Technology Services Centre for teachers looking for a simple web-based teaching tool. With CU Forum, teachers can specify topics to be discussed, post course materials for the class to download, and share websites with the class. To open a forum for your class, visit http://www.cuhk. W e b C T —A Toolfor CreatingWeb-based Educational Environment WebCT is a software package for the creation of a web-based educational environment. It facilitates the design and publication of web-based course materials. It also allows teachers to keep track of the reading progress of each student and distribute course assignments to the class on the web. Students can chat online with other members and ha ve exercises auto-marked o nline. To understand how WebCT works and to apply for aWebCT course, visit For more information and enquiries, contact theWeb-based Teaching and Learning Support Team by e-mail ( or visit their central web page ( . Corrigendum In the news article 'More Care for Children of Divorcing Parents', earned in the 4th September issue (No. 168) of this Newsletter, the principal investigator of the study on the impact of marital well-being on children's psycho-social well-being should have been 'Prof. Miranda Chung'. 新書New Books 文物館 A r t Museu m 《虹影瑤輝—李景勳藏清代玻璃》 Elegance and Radiance Grandeur in Qing Glass —The Andrew K.F. Lee Collection 中國約於周代開始製造玻璃,但製作工藝至清初才發揚光大。清康、雍、乾三 朝,是中國玻璃製造的高峰時期,由清宮造辦處玻璃廠製作的玻璃器水平極高,數 量亦頗鉅。 此書是文物館現正舉辦的同名展覽的圖錄,中英對照,由許建勳和林業強合 著,黎淑儀編。一百四十八項展品各有不同造型和色彩,年代由十七世紀後期至二 十世紀初期,大部分刻有由康熙至宣統的年款,是斷代的重要依據。展品除以彩圖 展示外,俱附詳盡說明及有關考據,部分更附有紋飾拓片,展現精湛設計及雕工。 此書另收錄張榮、張維用和林業強所撰寫的有關玻璃研究的文章,並首次發表雍 正、乾隆年間宮廷玻璃製作的檔案紀錄,極具參考價值。 國際統一書號962-7101-51-6,布面精裝,三百八十四頁(彩版二百頁),九百港 元。 Though Chinese glass made its first appearance around the Zhou period, it was not until the early Qing dynasty that development of this medium proceeded in earnest. Throughout the three consecutive reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, enormous quantities of excellent quality glass objects were produced at the glasshouse of the palace workshops. It was during those periods that glass manufacture in China reached a pinnacle. This catalogue accompanying the exhibition of the same name held at the Art Museum is authored by Humphrey K.F. Hui and Peter Y.K. Lam, and edited by Lai Suk-yee. The 148 items illustrated in this catalogue, dating from the late 17th to the early 20th century, represent a rich repertoire in monochromes and multi-coloured examples. A great number bear genuine reign marks from Emperors Kangxi to Xuantong and are important pieces for dating. Detailed entries substantiated with Chinese scholarship accompany all illustrations, some of which are accompanied by panoramic rubbings to reveal the elaborate decorative designs. Apart from scholarly essays contributed by three well-known experts in the field, Zhang Rong, Zhang Weiyong and Peter Y.K. Lam, there are also useful archival records of glass production which are published for the first time. ISBN 962-7101-51-6, clothbound, 384 pages (200 colour plates inclusive), HK$900. 香港亞太研究所 大學服務中心研討會論文系列第十六號 《以農民合作的名義: 1986-1999 四川省農村合作 基金會存亡里程》 四川省農村合作基金會於一九八六年成立,對僵化 的傳統農村金融體制產生了重大的衝擊。基金會得到地 方政府的支持而壯大;但亦因此而依附地方政府並缺乏 農民參與,導至產權關係模糊,監督機制匱乏,管理水平低下,終於一九九九年後被 全面取締。其興起反映了中國農村金融體制變革的內在需求,其衰亡則表明農村合作 金融若沒有真正的創新制度和農民的實際參與,實難以發展。 作者郭曉鳴和趙昌文認為農村合作金融組織具有商業銀行不能替代的功能,在世 界各國農村金融發展中佔有主導地位。中國政府整頓農村合作基金會後,雖則解決了 潛在的金融風險,但卻使農村金融重現壟斷情況,這會加劇農村內部的金融矛盾。 國際統一書號962-441-716-4,平裝本,六十頁,三十港元。