Newsletter No. 275

Vi ce-Chancel lor Lead s CUH K De l ega t i on to Paris V ice-Chancellor Prof . Lawrenc e J . La u le d a delegation t o Pari s from 19t h t o 24t h Januar y 2006 t o furthe r th e University' s partnership s wit h French teachin g an d researc h institutions . The delegatio n wa s receive d b y president s an d other senio r leader s o f th e to p Parisia n institutions , including Universit y Pari s I —Panth é on-Sorbonne, Universit é Pari s I V — Sorbonne , HE C Schoo l o f Management Paris , Ecol e National e Sup é rieure d e Mines d e Paris , and Science s P o (Paris) . A M e m o r a n d u m o f U n d e r s t a n d i n g f o r Cooperation betwee n CUHK an d the Centre Nationa l de l a Recherch e Scientifiqu e (CNRS ) wa s signe d t o p r omo te researc h c oope r a t i o n an d scientifi c cooperation betwee n CNR S laboratorie s an d department s a t CUHK. Th e first of suc h project s wa s initiated through an agreement for a joint researc h project on traditional Chines e medicine betwee n CUHK's Institut e o f Chines e Medicin e an d th e CNR S laborator y locate d a t the Ecol e National e Sup é rieure d e Chimi e d e Paris . The delegation als o visited the Frenc h Ministry o f Foreig n Affair s an d EduFranc e to explor e ho w interaction s betwee n French institution s an d CUH K coul d b e further intensified . Pro-vice-chancello r Prof . Jack Chen g visite d INSER M t o star t discussions tha t w i l l lea d t o researc h collaboration i n medicine. Durin g the visit, the vice-chancello r als o me t wit h alumni , outbound exchang e students , an d othe r friends o f CUHK . The delegatio n include d Prof . Jac k Cheng, Prof . Fun g Kwo k Pui , hea d o f United College , Prof . H o Pu i Yi n o f th e Department o f History , an d Mr . Thoma s Wu, directo r o f academi c links . Memorandum of understanding signing ceremony at CNRS Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) with president of Universit é Paris IV —Sorbonne Prof. Jean-Robert Pitte School o f pub l i c Hea l t h Op e n D a y I mproving th e healt h o f population s locally , nationally an d internationally , an d stron g link s between Eas t and West, were two theme s of the first Open Da y of the School of Public Healt h of th e Chines e University , o n 11t h February. Th e Schoo l o f Publi c Health , which ha s bee n reorganize d ove r th e past few months , wa s hos t to ove r 20 0 students, visitor s an d staf f a t it s Ope n Day a t th e Princ e o f Wale s Hospital . The schoo l showcase d it s teaching an d r e s ea r ch a s w e l l a s t h e ma n y collaborative project s that are currentl y underway. Visitor s took the opportunit y of th e exhibition s an d informatio n sessions to find out about the postgraduate course s run b y the schoo l an d to discus s options fo r stud y informally wit h academi c staff . At th e star t o f the Ope n Day , th e Directo r o f the Schoo l o f Publi c Health , Prof . Sia n Griffith s ( right), togethe r wit h associat e dean o f medicine , Prof. Joseph Sung (left), unveile d the new log o fo r the school. The new logo , which ha s been create d to conve y th e importanc e o f integratio n an d synthesis t o publi c health , i s no w o n displa y a t the school . Th e openin g ceremon y wa s attende d by guests and colleagues from bot h the school an d the University , includin g foundin g hea d o f th e school, Prof . Le e Shiu Hung , an d hospita l cluste r chief executiv e (Ne w Territorie s East) , Dr . Fun g Hong. E-NEWSLETTER ABSTRAC T Volume 3 No. 2 Three Hi Tech Products Developed by CUHK W i n Hong Kong Awards for Industries A Bluetoot h syste m module , a photo-editing softwar e fo r mo b i l e phone s , an d a n advanced Sense-and-Respond ® supply chai n managemen t system develope d b y teacher s an d student s o f CUH K hav e received th e Hon g Kon g Awards fo r Industrie s 2005 . German Ambassador to China Analyses Sino-German Relationship Dr. Volke r Stanzel , ambassado r of th e Federa l Republi c o f Germany t o China , wa s invite d by CUHK t o delive r a lecture o n campus o n 1s t March 2006 . Th e l e c t u r e, e n t i t l e d ' G l o b a l Challenges Nee d Globa l Answers : Task s for Germany , Task s for China' wa s attende d b y some 20 0 guest s includin g CUH K staf f and student s an d consuls-genera l i n Hon g Kong . For details, please visit Eventful CUHK Green Week ' T h i n k Globally, Ac t Locally , Respon d Individually ' wa s I th e theme o f the University' s Environmenta l Protectio n Week whic h opene d o n 28t h Februar y t o rais e environmenta l awareness amon g CUHK staf f and students . Dr. Sara h Liao , Secretar y fo r th e Environment , Transpor t and Works , an d Prof . Lawrenc e J . Lau , vice-chancellor o f th e University, officiate d a t the openin g ceremon y hel d o n 28t h February i n Ch o Yi u Hall . Dr . Lia o an d Prof . La u presente d appointment certificate s t o energ y conservatio n coordinator s from different departments of the University . These coordinator s are responsibl e fo r promotin g energy conservation o n campus . Events o f th e specia l wee k include d a n energy-wis e workshop, a n exhibition, a visit to the Electrical and Mechanica l Services Department , an d a flea marke t sellin g environment - friendly an d use d products . Dr. Sarah Liao (right 3), Prof. Lawrence Lau (right 2), and Prof. Lam Kin- che (left 3), chairman of the University Steering Committee on Environment, with energy conservation coordinators 1 No. 27 5 19t h Marc h 200 6