Newsletter No. 316
第 316 期 2008 年 4 月 19 日 No. 316 19 April 2008 Prof. Lim Wan-fung Bernard, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Town Planning Board for two years from 1 April 2008. He has also been appointed by the Secretary for Development as a member of the Metro Planning Committee of the Town Planning Board for two years from 1 April 2008. Prof. Albert Lee, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare as a member of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee for three years from 1 April 2008. Prof. Cheng Chun-yiu Jack, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, has been appointed as a member of the General Affairs and Management Sub-Committee and the Areas of Excellence Group under the University Grants Committee with effect from 1 April 2008. He has also been appointed as the chairman of the Advisory • • • Committee on Rehabilitation Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for two years from 1 January 2008. Prof. Yeung Yue-man, research professor of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, has been re- appointed as the chairman of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Panel under the Central Policy Unit for one year from 1 January 2008. Prof. Sian Griffiths, director of the School of Public Health, has been appointed as the chairperson of the Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease Committee from 15 November 2007 to 14 November 2010. Prof. So Wai-man Raymond, associate professor in the Department of Finance, has beenappointedas amember of the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee for a term ending 31 December 2009. Mr. Lim See-wai David, director of Campus Development, has been re-appointed by the Building Authority as a member of the Structural Engineers • • • • Registration Committee Panel and appointed as a member of the Structural Engineers Registration Committee for two years from 2 January 2008. Prof. Joseph Bosco, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology, has been appointed by the Hospital Authority Board as a member of the Hospital Governing Committee of Rehabaid Centre from 4 December 2007 to 31 March 2009. The Rev. Prof. Lo Lung-kwong, director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, has been appointed as a member of the Disciplinary Committee Panel of the Social Workers Registration Board for three years from 16 January 2008. Prof. Chan Ngai-hang, chairman of the Department of Statistics, has been appointed by the Renmin University of China as a guest professor for three years from 29 September 2007. Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. • • • 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: 九項研究項目獲撥款 Nine Research Projects Received Grants ■ 新技術準確界定癲 病變源頭 New Technique for Evaluating Patients for Epilepsy Surgery 癲 癇是常見的神經疾病,歷史名人 如法國皇帝拿破崙及化學家諾 貝爾均是癲癇患者。據估計,香港現有 最少三萬名癲癇病人,三成不受藥物控 制,只可透過手術切除病變組織。 現時,醫生會使用一系列的檢查評估癲 癇病人是否適合進行手術。但憑初步 檢查結果,未必能準確界定癲癇病變源 頭。因此,部分病人檢查後不獲推薦進 行手術,繼續受病發之苦。 中大醫學院利用一項新技術—顱內腦 電圖監察技術,可更準確界定癲癇病變 源頭,評估手術的適切性。 顱內腦電圖監察技術主要通過手術,將 紀錄腦電波的電極槽放置在病人大腦表 層或較深入的部位,從腦部直接記錄電 波訊息,然後透過分析,讓醫生準確地 界定癲癇發作源頭的範圍,以進行切除 手術。此外,醫生亦可以利用顱內的電 極槽,確認腦內一些負責重要功能的位 置,如身體活動及言語功能區,避免在手 術時損害這些組織。 迄今威爾斯親王醫院已替超過70名病人 進行癲癇手術,當中三名原被定為不適 合接受手術的病人,在利用顱內腦電圖 監察技術找出癲癇病變源頭、接受切除 手術後,亦沒出現後遺症。 E pilepsy is a common neurological disorder. Historically, many famous figures were afflicted with recurrent seizures. French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and chemist Alfred Nobel were among those. It is estimated that in Hong Kong, at least 30,000 people suffer from epilepsy. In 30% of the sufferers, anti-epileptic drugs cannot control epilepsy. Some of these sufferers may benefit from epilepsy surgery which removes the brain tissues responsible for causing the seizures. Evaluating whether a patient is suitable for such an operation requires complex investigations to identify the brain tissues responsible. However, in a substantial proportion of patients, results of these initial non-invasive investigations are insufficient or conflicting and hence epilepsy surgery is not recommended. To help these patients, doctors from the CUHK Faculty of Medicine now apply a new method called intracranial EEG monitoring to locate the origin of the seizure before performing surgery. (左起)心理學系名譽臨床督導吳桂生博士、外科講座教授潘偉生教授、內科及藥物治療學系名譽臨 床副教授關國良教授,以及內科及藥物治療學系名譽臨床導師梁浩雲醫生介紹新技術應用成果 (From left) Dr. Ng Kwai-sang Sam, honorary clinical supervisor, Department of Psychology; Prof. Poon Wai-sang, Professor of Surgery; Prof. Kwan Kwok-leung Patrick, honorary clinical associate professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; and Dr. Howan Leung, honorary clinical tutor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics The sophisticated method involves an operation to place electrodes on the brain surface or in the brain substance. Since this method can record electrical signals directly from the brain, it can resolve the discrepancies among findings from non-invasive investigations, and help neurosurgeons decide on the brain tissues for removal. In addition, doctors can use these intracranial electrodes to ‘map’ brain areas with important functions, such as body movement and language, so that these areas will not be removed in the operation. Up till now, over 70 patients have undergone epilepsy surgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The use of intracranial EEG monitoring was applied to three patients who were previously considered not suitable for surgical operation. After years of epilepsy uncontrolled by medication, these patients have now become seizure-free without post-operation complications.
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