Newsletter No. 320
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter R ecognized for T eaching and R esearch 中 大於6月3日頒發2007年度 三個表彰教學與研究成果 的獎項—「校長模範教學獎」、 「青年學者研究成就獎」及「研 究生最佳研究成績獎」,共有二 十二名師生獲殊榮。頒獎典禮由 校長劉遵義教授主持,出席來賓 近百,包括大學主管人員、獲獎 者的親友、同事和學生。 五獲教育學院模範教學獎 體育部陳德有博士 (左二) Five-time Faculty Exemplary Teaching Awardee Dr. Chan Tak-yau, Physical Education Unit (2nd left) 教授科目 Subjects taught: 壁球、壘球、手球及特別班(專為因健康問 題不宜接受一般體育課程學生而設),兼任 中大手球隊教練 Squash, softball, handball, special physical education (for students with disabilities or special health problems), and coach of the CUHK handball team 「盡快認識學生,了解各人的體能、個性和 習慣等,因應他們的體質設計練習方法,對 學生提出要求,以刺激學習,達至最佳成 效。更要關心學生,協助他們解決困難。」 ‘It is important to know each student as soon as possible, to tailor requirements according to their abilities, characters and habits hence motivating them to learn, to show students you care, and to help them solve their problems.’ 校長模範教學獎 Vice-Chancellor’s ExemplaryTeaching Award 2007 22 大學嘉許 22 名模範教學及傑出研究師生 A total of 22 teachers and postgraduate students received the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, the Young Researcher Award, or the Award for the Best Research Output by Research Postgraduate Students from Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, at a ceremony on 3 June 2008. Close to a hundred guests were in attendance, including University officers, awardees and their families, colleagues, friends and students. 二度校長模範教學獎得主 生物系葛偉教授 (右四) Second-time Honouree of Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award Prof. Ge Wei, Department of Biology ( 4th right ) 教授科目 Subjects taught: 動物及人體生理學、生命多樣性和高等分子生物學 Animal and human physiology, the diversity of life and advanced molecular biology 「要成為一位好教師,最重要的是具責任感。因此,我一直都謹守五個原則:準備充足─上課前必定備 課;教學為先─研究為次;不斷更新─教授內容適時更新;關心學生─歡迎學生隨時查詢;心懷熱忱─以 身作則,展示對所教所研的熱誠。」 ‘I always believe the most important quality of a good teacher is a strong sense of responsibility. With this always in mind, I also stick to the following principles in my teaching: Preparation—Never walk into the classroom unprepared; Priority— Never sacrifice teaching for research; Knowledge—Always bring teaching contents up to date; Care—Always leave the door open to students; Enthusiasm—Always demonstrate passion for the subjects.’ 最年輕得獎教師 英語教學單位何志豪先生 (左一) The Youngest Awardee Mr. Ho Chi-ho Allen, English Language Teaching Unit (1st left) 加入中大年份 Year joined CUHK: 2005 教授科目 Subjects taught: 閱讀及寫作 Reading and writing 「教學獲得認同,主要原因是深諳學習如何 教學,以及教學生如何學習的重要性。」 ‘My key to success is that I am aware of the significance of learning to teach and teaching to learn.’ 劉 校長(中)頒獎予出席的八位 模範教師。左起:文學院英語 教學單位何志豪先生、教育學院體育 部陳德有博士、工程學院訊息工程學 系張明遠教授、醫學院內科及藥物治 療學系胡志遠教授、理學院生物系葛 偉教授、社會科學院新聞與傳播學院 梁永熾教授、法律學院鄔楓教授及物 理系王永雄博士,工商管理學院會計 學院黃德尊教授因事不克出席。 校長模範教學獎項自1999年設立以 來,共頒發了六十四個獎項。 P rof. Lau (centre) presenting the awards to (from left) Mr. Ho Chi-ho Allen (English Language Teaching Unit, Faculty of Arts), Dr. Chan Tak- yau (Physical Education Unit, Faculty of Education), Prof. Chang Ming-yuen Michael (Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Wu Che-yuen Justin (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Ge Wei (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science), Prof. Louis Leung (School of Journalism and Communication, Faculty of Social Science), Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff (School of Law), and Dr. Wong Wing-hung (Department of Physics). Prof. T.J. Wong (School of Accountancy, Faculty of Business Administration) was unable to attend the ceremony. The nine recipients took the total to 64 outstanding educators since the establishment of the award in 1999.
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