Innovation Skills Workshops: Applying Digital Tools in Telling Stories with DATA (工作坊 2: 2018年5月25-26日)


由圖書館與創業研究中心合辦 Innovation Skills Workshops: Applying Digital Tools in Telling Stories with DATA 系列之 工作坊 2: Preparing and Exploring Your Data in Python 將於5月25-26日進行,歡迎所有有興趣將數據轉化為具影響力故事中大師生參加。工作坊 3 將於約 9 月中至10月初進行,所有完成三個工作坊的參加者將獲發出席證書

Workshop 2: Preparing and Exploring Your Data in Python (9 hrs) (2018年5月25-26日) 

a. Preparing (pre-processing) your data for growth (3 hrs)

  1. Know your sources: interviews, field studies, open data, API, websites, IoT, and digital archives
  2. ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) in CSV, XML, and JSON formats for data preparation
  3. Finding a home for your data - cloud computing and its infrastructure for growth and support
  4. Popular tools for data preparation (e.g. Knime, Open Refine, Google Sheet/Xpath, Scrapinghub, Beautiful Soap, and Scrapy)

日期及時間: 2018年5月25日 (星期五) 晚上6時30分至9時30分

b. Exploring your data in Python (6 hrs)

  1. Using Anaconda Jupyter Notebook for data exploration in Python
  2. Introduction to Python operations (operator and operand), control structure, data structure, and function
  3. Useful Python modules for data exploration, analysis and mining (Mathpotlib, Numpy, Pandas, etc.)
  4. Free online resources for self-paced learning in Python (,,,, etc.)

日期及時間: 2018年5月26日 (星期六) 上午10時至下午1時 & 下午2時30分至5時30分

Workshop 3: Visualizing and Publishing Your Data in Python (9 hrs) (暫定於9月中至10月初進行) 
a. Growing your data in the cloud: From Google Sheet to Airtable (3 hrs)

  1. Beyond Google Sheet — Building relational database in Airtable for storing and managing your data
  2. The power of views — Displaying and filtering data in form, grid, calendar, kanban, and gallery views
  3. Functions and API for more advanced data modelling and application development
  4. Integration with other web applications for team collaboration and project management

b. Data Visualisation in JavaScript (3 hrs)

  1. Front-end vs. back-end programming: interface with the user and interface with the data using the Python Flask framework
  2. Useful JavaScript libraries (jQuery, D3, Mpld3, Leaflet, etc.) for data visualization and front-end interactions
  3. Create your first interactive chart in Matpotlib and Mpld3 
  4. Create your first interactive map in Leaflet

c. Publishing Your Project on the Web (3 hrs)

  1. The elements of user experience in web design
  2. The narrative components in user journey within a web design
  3. Combining Airtable and Bootstrap library for web publishing
  4. Use of Google Optimize and Google Analytics to track your web project

地點: 大學圖書館地下 數碼學術研究室
報名: 按此報名 (第二個工作坊)
備註: 參加者需自備手提電腦作練習。


Innovation Skills Workshop 2: Preparing and Exploring Your Data in Python