Newsletter No. 306
第 306 期 2007 年 11 月 4 日 No. 306 4 November 2007 早 在1840年代,香港已有印裔人士紮根,目前估計居港印人約有35,000名。雖然印度文 化與中國文化關係密切,例如中國的佛教中剎那、魔等用語,以及輪迴的觀念,都 源於印度,但本地華人對印度文化往往一知半解。因此,國際奎師那知覺協會香港分會慨捐 港幣400萬,資助中大文化及宗教研究系設立印度宗教與文化學專任教席,以加強中大對印度宗 教及文化的教研及推廣工作。英國牛津大學的Prof. Kenneth Valpey已應聘出任該教席。 該教席的成立暨支票捐贈儀式,於10月11日在祖堯堂舉行,主禮嘉賓包括印度駐港總領事L.D. Ralte先生、國際奎師那知覺協會香港分會 Sri Radhika女士和Bhaktivinod先生,以及中大副校長廖 柏偉教授。廖教授說:「設立印度宗教與文化學專任教席是一個重要里程,有助促進我們日後與 印度院校的學術合作和交流。」 L.D. Ralte先生很高興有民間團體資助成立該教席。Sri Radhika女 士則說,本地印裔人士一直以香港為家,相信「透過這些新課程可增進公眾對印度多元文化的理 解,並促進本地華人和印裔人士之間的友好關係」。Prof. Valpey認為,香港學生對印度宗教和文 化認識甚少,但這反而有利於他們以開放的胸襟來學習。 文化及宗教研究系系主任賴品超教授表示,該系除了開設有關印度宗教及文化的科目,供該系 學生、本科生及國際交換生修讀外,日後也計劃增設這個領域的碩士課程,並會籌辦各類型的 學術及文化活動,增進大眾對印度宗教及文化的認識。 左起:Bhaktivinod先生、Bhavatarini女士、譚偉倫教授、L.D. Ralte先生、廖柏偉教授、賴品超教授、 Sri Radhika女士、Prof. Kenneth Valpey和Chandra先生 From left: Mr. Bhaktivinod, Ms. Bhavatarini, Prof. Tam Wai-lun, Mr. L. D. Ralte, Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Prof. Lai Pan-chiu, Ms. Sri Radhika, Prof. Kenneth Valpey and Mr. Chandra 全港首次藥劑師白袍慶典 Hong Kong’s First White Coat Ceremony 中 大藥劑學院為慶祝藥劑學學士學位課程成 立15周年,於10月12日舉行了全港首次藥 劑師白袍慶典,由中大醫學院副院長沈祖堯教授、 衛生署及醫管局的高級藥劑師、本地三大藥劑師協 會代表,以及舊生會主席等主持儀式,為藥劑學院 全體百多名學生穿上白袍,象徵他們正式加入成為 藥劑學專業的一份子,肩負濟世救人的神聖使命。 學生並宣誓努力學習藥劑學知識,貫徹良好的醫療 操守,服務社會。該儀式源自美國哥倫比亞大學, 目前為大部分美國大學醫學院沿用。 未來一年,中大藥劑學院將舉辦一連串有關本港 醫療及藥劑服務的活動,包括工作坊、國際會 議、論壇及培訓營,作為15周年的誌慶,並促進 業界的知識交流及專才培訓。 T he School of Pharmacy of CUHK held a white coat ceremony, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, on 12 October to mark the 15th anniversary of the establishment of its Bachelor of Pharmacy programme. The event was officiated by Prof. Sung Jao-yiu, associate dean of the Faculty of Medicine; senior pharmacists I ndians have made Hong Kong their home as early as the 1840s. It is estimated that at present there are some 35,000 Indian residents in Hong Kong. Connections between Chinese and Indian cultures are intimate. Examples include Chinese Buddhism, certain ‘borrowed’ words in the Chinese language, and the concept of reincarnation, which all originated in India. Yet knowledge of Indian culture among local Chinese is half-baked at best. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness of Hong Kong (ISKCON-Hong Kong) made a generous donation of HK$4 million to CUHK to subsidize the establishment of a professorship in Indian religions and culture in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. The aim is to strengthen the University’s teaching and research in the related fields. Prof. Kenneth Valpey of the University of Oxford in England has accepted the offer of the professorship. A professorship inauguration cum cheque presentation ceremony was held on 11 October in Cho Yiu Conference Hall. The officiating guests included Mr. L.D. Ralte, Consul General of India; Ms. Sri Radhika and Mr Bhaktivinod, both from ISKCON-Hong Kong; and Prof. Liu Pak- wai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. Prof. Liu says, ‘The inauguration of the professorship in Indian religions and culture is an important step in promoting cultural exchange, and establishing and developing relations between academic institutions in India and Hong Kong.’ Mr. L.D. Ralte is pleased that a community organization is subsidizing the establishment of the professorship. Ms. Radhika says, ‘The setting up of this new programme will bring about a better understanding of the diverse culture of India, and further enhance the existing goodwill and rapport between the local Chinese people and the Indian community, who have made Hong Kong their home.’ Prof. Valpey observes that Hong Kong students know very little about Indian religions and culture, but this would only make them more open-minded about acquiring knowledge in these areas. Prof. Lai Pan-chiu, chairman of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, remarks that besides organizing courses on Indian religions and culture for the department’s students, other undergraduates and international students, there are plans to launch a master’s programme and hold academic and cultural activities to enhance the public’s understanding of Indian religions and culture. from the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority; representatives of three major local pharmaceutical organizations; and the chairman of the alumni association. Over a hundred students of the school were presented with a white coat to mark their entry into the pharmaceutical profession and their taking on the mission of saving lives. The students pledged to confirm their untiring pursuit of knowledge, observance of the code of ethics and professional conduct, and commitment to the community. Originating at Columbia University, the ceremony has become common practice in many US medical schools. In the coming year, the School of Pharmacy will launch a series of healthcare events, including workshops, international conferences, forums and training camps, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its pharmacy programme, promote intellectual exchanges, and groom talent for the field. 藥劑學院院長李漢良教授與穿上白袍的準藥劑師合照 Prof. Vincent Lee Hon-leung, director of the School of Pharmacy, and pharmacists-in-training in white coats 中大首設印度宗教與文化學專任教席 CUHK Establishes Hong Kong’s First Professorship in Indian Religions and Culture
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