Newsletter No. 224
Seve n Selecte d fo r Th eExemplar y Servic e Awar d 200 2 T he University's Exemplary Service Award 2002 presentation ceremony was held i n the Esther Lee Building on 31st May 2003. Over a hundred guests including senior management, staff, students o f the Unversity, and family members o f award recipients attended the function. Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor, presented awards t o seven awardees: Ms . Lee K i u Yun, Iris (Department o f Psychology), Miss Sin Yuk Chun (Personnel Office), Mr . Lam Chin Keung (Faculty o f Education), Ms. Y i k Siu Yee (Department o f Computer Science and Engineering), Ms . Chan Suk Y i ng (Estates Management Office), Miss Poon Fung Mu i, JoJo (Department o f Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences), and Ms. Kwan Suet K i ng (University Library System). Prof. P.W. L i u , chairman o f the Staff Training and Development Committee, and Prof. Michael Hui, chairman o f the Selection Panel o f the Exemplary Service Award 2002, commended the winners o n their commitment t o customer service o f high quality. On the same occasion, a special tribute was paid to the medical staff in the Faculty of Medicine who were involved i n combating th e SARS epidemic. While presenting a crystal trophy to Prof. Sydney Chung, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the vice- chancellor thanked th e medical colleagues f o r their i n v i n c i b le courage, admirable professionalism, and selfless dedication, all of which constituted the kind o f exemplary service that the University treasures. He c a l l ed o n t h e U n i v e r s i t y community t o follow their example and render services most needed by Hong Ko ng du r i ng pos t -SARS recuperation. Prof. Sydney Chung (left) and Prof. Ambrose King More CEOs Share Insight o n CUHK-RTHK Show S ir Gordon Wu, chairman of Hopewell Holdings Ltd., was the guest speaker o f the 11th Ma y episode o f Talking to CEOs. The programme i s coorganized by CUHK and RTHK. Sir Gordon urged Hong Kong people to capitalize on China's economic growth and the trading opportunities that abound in th e next tw o decades. ' Hong Kong people do this best — they are astute and quick a t identifying opportunities. W e s hou ld take f u l l advantage o f ou r geographical location an d decades o f accumulated expertise i n international trade and services,' he said. S i r G o r d o n h o l d s p r o f o u n d admi r a t i on f o r Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and Singapore's senior minister Lee Kuan Yew. He intends to study history after hi s retirement because ' wha t 's happening, and what w i l l happen, i s bu t history replayed, over and over again'. His parting words o f wisdom t o the packed audience o f students and alumni o f the U n i v e r s i t y ' s E M B A a n d M B A Programmes were: study The Story of the Three Kingdoms and listen t o classical music. The former i s a valuable guide fo r business strategy and th e latter brings tranquility o f mind fo r clear vision. The theme o f the 25th May episode of Talking to CEOs was 'Leading a Non- profit Organization'. The show featured Mrs. Pamela Chan, chief executive of the Consumer Council. Mrs. Chan said the easy part o f her j ob was th e clarity o f mission, that is , protection o f the consumer. The difficult part was it s wide coverage and funding, wh i ch i s hampered b y th e fact that th e Co n s umer C o u n c i l cannot accept donations. Mrs. Chan's heroes are great leaders such as Dr. Sun Yat Sen, who d o not only have a vision but are selfless i n their pursuit o f a worthy cause. Mrs. Chan also serves o n a number o f committees an d wo r k i ng parties t o reform civil rules and procedures o f the High Court as well as legal education. Her contributions t o consumer protection extend beyond Hong Kong. Sh e wa s president o f Consumers International, a n i n t e r na t i onal body o f 27 0 consumer organizations i n 121 countries, from 1997 to 2000. Frui tFl yUnde rScrutin ya tExhibitio n by Biochemistr y Departmen t T he Department o f Biochemistry i s staging a popular science exhibition with the theme 'Fruit F l y Drosophila — Using Fruit F l y t o Study Human Diseases' i n collaboration with the Hong Kong Science Museum, from June to August 2003, on the second floor o f the Science Museum. The exhibition comprises poster and specimen display, video show, and computer games. Officating a t the opening c e r e m o n y of the exhibition o n 10th June 2003 were Prof. Waller K.K. Ho. chairman of the D e p a r t m e n t o f Biochemistry, and Dr. Y . Y. Yeung, senior lecturer o f t h e Ho ng K o n g Institute o f Education. UC Berkeley Welcomes CUHK Students P rof. Robert Berdahl, Chancellor of UC Berkelely, welcomed the first batch of 15 students from Chung Chi College to join his university's summer programme this year. The students began their studies on 27th May. Seen here is a CUHK student presenting Prof. Berdahl with a souvenir from Chung Chi. In his addressProf. Berdahl said that one of the joys being Chancellor is welcoming students from around the world to the University, which is a 'wonderfully diverse and international place'. 'I am very pleased that Vice-Chancellor Donald McQuade, who is with us today, was able to meet with you during his visit to The Chinese University of Hong Kong earlier this month, and we lookforward to continuing our collaboration with your distinguished university,' he said. Chinese University Water Sports Centre '470' Course Outin g O n Sunday 25th May 2003, 29 students, staff, and alumni of the University sailed in 14 boats from the University's Water Sports Centre t o Lai Chi Chong as part of their '470' course. A l l parti cipants completed the course. The '470 ' i s a 4.7 metre sailing dingy, a class o f boat that has been used i n the Olympic games fo r almost 3 0 years. The Water Sports Centre i s presently leasing three o f these boats from The Hong Kong School Sailing Association fo r the use o f CUHK students, staff, an d alumni. The centre also organizes many beginners' courses i n sailing and windsurfing for al l members o f the University. Interested parties can enrol b y contacting th e centre's office a t 2603 6776 o r e-mai l . 3 No. 224 19th June 2003
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