Newsletter No. 224
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新 設 課 程 及 課 程 易名 New Programmes and Name Change 教務會於四月九日的會議通過開設下列新課程︰ 由二零零三年九月起開設 •職業醫學碩士課程(自資,兼讀制) •男性健康文憑課程(自資,兼讀制) •高級 管理人 員物流和供應鏈管理理學碩士課程(自資,兼讀制) 由亞太工商研究所開設 •行政人員財務策劃培訓課程(由二零零三年四月起) •財務策劃培訓課程(由二零零三年五月起) 由校外進修學院開設 •應用翻譯高級文憑課程(由二零零三年九月起) •工商管理高級文憑課程(由二零零三年九月起) •詐騙審查專業文憑課程(由二零零三年五月起) •心血管灌注科技文憑課程(由二零零三年七月起) •行政領導證書課程(由二零零三年六月起) •歷奇旅遊證書課程(由二零零三年五月起) •基礎韓語證書課程(由二零零三年九月起) •危重病護理學證書課程(由二零零三年七月起) •物流及運輸管理證書課程(由二零零三年六月起) 教務會另核准亞太工商研究所將四個深造文憑課程的英文名稱由 「Graduate Diploma」 更改為 「Executive Diploma」 ,中文名稱則不變;以及該所的「商學文憑課程」易名為「商業 管理文憑課程」。而「中醫進修文憑課程」亦獲准易名為「中醫學進修文憑課程」。 The Senate approved the introduction of the following programmes and name change at its meeting on 9th Ap r il 2003. • Self-financed part-time Master of Occupational Medicine Programme in September 2003 ; • Self-financed part-time Diploma Programme in Men's Health in September 2003; • Self-financed part-time Executive Master of Science Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2003-4; • Executive Financial Planning Training Programme in Ap r il 2003 by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business; • Financial Planning Education Programme in May 2003 by the Asia-Pacific Institute o f Business. By the School of Continuing Studies • Higher Diploma Programme in Applied Translation Studies in September 2003; • Higher Diploma Programme in Business Studies in September 2003; • Professional Diploma Programme in Fraud Examination in May 2003; • Diploma Programme in Cardiovascular Perfusion Technology in July 2003; • Certificate Programme in Administrative Leadership in June 2003; • Certificate Programme in Adventure Tourism in May 2003; • Certificate Programme in Basic Korean in September 2003; • Certificate Programme in Critical Care Nursing in July 2003; • Certificate Programme in Logistics and Transport Administration in June 2003. Name change of five Asia-Pacific Institute of Business programmes and one Faculty of Science programme • Diploma Programme in Business to Diploma Programme in Business Management; • Graduate Diploma in Advanced Business Management to Executive Diploma in Advanced Business Management; • Graduate Diploma in Finance to Executive Diploma in Finance; • Graduate Diploma in Marketing to Executive Diploma in Marketing; • Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management to Executive Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management; • Diploma Programme for Practising Herbalists to Diploma Programme in Chinese Medicine. 非 教 學 僱 員 考 績 報吿 Appraisal Reports for Non-Teaching Staff 非教學僱員二零零二至二零零三年度(即二零零二年七月一日至二零零三年六月 三十日)的考績程序即將開始,人事處將通函各單位主管有關安排,俾便考核員和受考 核僱員早作準備。人事處訂於六月二十六日為新任的考核員舉辦簡布會,有興趣參加 而仍未報名者,可與人事處培訓事務經理周偉榮先生(電話二六零九八六零七)聯絡。 人事處網頁 ( 載 有《考 核員手冊》和《受考核僱員指引》,供大學同人參考。查詢可聯絡人事主任利順琼女士 (電話二六零九七一八三,「甲」類服務條例僱員)或張燕儀女士(電話二六零九七二八 七,「乙」、「丙」類服務條例僱員)。 The 2002-3 appraisal cycle for non-teaching staff covering the period 1st July 2002 to 30th June 2003 w i l l soon begin. A l l unit heads w i l l receive a general circular from the Personnel Office announcing the relevant arrangements. Meanwhile, appraisers and a ppraisees concerned are encouraged to prepare themselves for the app raisal. A briefing session to help familiarize the new supervisors (i.e. those j o i n i ng the University or becoming supervisors in the past year) with the appraisal scheme has been scheduled for 26th June 2003. Those who are interested but have not yet enrolled may contact Mr. Daniel Chow, training manager of the Personnel Office, at 2609 8607 for details. The Appraisers' Manual and Appraisees' Guide are available at the Personnel Office website ( . Enquiries pertaining to the appraisal scheme can be directed to Ms. Corinna Lee, personnel manager, at 2609 7183 for Terms A staff, or Ms. Ivy Cheung, personnel manager, at 2609 7287 for Terms B and C staff. 圖 書 館 系 統 暑 期 開 放 時間 Summer Opening Hours of the University Library System 大學圖書館系統今年加強服務,轄下圖書館提前於八月十八日 起全線回復常規開放時間。 As an additional service to the students and staff of the University, all six libraries of the University Library System w i ll resume regular opening hours on 18th August 2003, two weeks before school starts. 大學、崇基、新亞及聯合多媒體圖書館 UL, CC, NA & UC 2 . 7 - 17.8.2003 from 18.8.2003 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 7 . 00 p.m. 8.20 a.m. — 10.00 p.m. 週六 Sat 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m. 8.20 a.m. - 7 . 00 p.m. 週日 Sun 閉館 closed 1.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 建築學圖書館 Architectum Library 2.7 - 17.8.2003 from 18.8.2003 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 9 . 00 p.m. 週六 Sat 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5 . 00 p.m. 週日 Sun 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 2.7-3.8.2003 from 4.8.2003 週一至五 Mon-Fri 8.30 a.m.-7.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m. - 9 . 00 p.m. 週六 Sat 9.00 a.m. - 5 . 00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5 . 00 p.m. 週日 Sun 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 飯 堂 維 修 工程 Canteen Overhaul and Renovation 大學部分飯堂於下列日期進行裝修或維修工程,暫停服務。 The following canteens w i ll be closed for renovation during the specified period: 范克廉樓大膳堂 BFC Student Canteen 9 - 19.7.2003 范克廉樓教職員餐廳 BFC Staff Canteen 6 - 16.7.2003 范克廉樓咖啡閣 BFC Coffee Corner 23.6 - 3.7.2003 范克廉樓快餐店 BFC Fast Food Shop 21.7. — 8.8.2003 基本醫學大樓飯堂 Basic Medical Science Building Canteen 22 - 28.6.2003 崇基眾志堂 Chung Chi Tang 9— 20.6.2003 崇基教職員聯誼會 CCC Staff Club 21.7 - 2.8.2003 李慧珍樓咖啡店 Li Wai Chun Building Coffee Shop 29.6 - 5.7.2003 新亞飯堂 New Asia College Staff/Student Canteen 16 - 27.6.2003 新亞雲起軒 New Asia Yun Chi Hsien 4 - 10.7.2003 逸夫飯堂 Shaw College Canteen 21.6- 11.7.2003 大 學 游 泳 池 延 長 開 放 時間 University Swimming Pool Notice 大學游泳池已由六月九日起延長開放時間(假日照常)為: 第一節:上午八時至十時四十五分 第二節:上午十一時三十分至下午一時四十分 第三節:下午三時十五分至四時四十五分 第四節:下午五時三十分至晚上九時 為免非典型肺炎傳播,大學游泳池特增設兩段清潔時間,分別是上午十時四十五 分至十一時三十分,以及下午四時四十五分至五時三十分;並暫只開放予學生/教職 員/校友及其直系親屬使用,不開放予其他訪客,至另行通告為止。 With effect from 9th June 2003, the daily opening hours of the University Swimming Pool have been extended as follows: 1st session: 8.00 a.m. - 10.45 a.m. 2nd session: 11.30 a.m. - 1.40 p.m. 3rd session: 3.15 p.m. - 4 . 4 5 pm 4th session: 5.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. To prevent possible SARS transmission and infection, two extra sterilizing sessions are scheduled from 10.45 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and from 4.45 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. during the peak swimming season from 9th June. Meanwhile, the pool w i l l initially be open to students/staff/alumni and their immediate family members only. No visitors are allowed to use the facility until further notice. 《帝女花》專題討論會 音樂系戲曲資料中心將於七月十九日(星期六)下午二至五時在崇基學院謝昭杰室舉 辦《帝女花》專題討論會,由阮兆輝先生、葉紹德先生、陳守仁教授、朱慶祥先生和余少 華教授主講,並由阮兆輝先生、黃綺雯女士、朱慶祥先生、王勝泉先生和王勝焜先生示 範。歡迎各界人士出席,名額一百四十人,請上網 ( news20030719b.html) 了解詳情,或致電(二六零九六七一五或二六零三五零九八)查詢。 訃告 Obituary 學生事務處二級文員李曉明先生於二零零三年五月二十九日辭世。李先生於一九 九三年三月加入中大服務。 Mr. L i Hiu-ming, general clerk I I of the Office of Student Affairs, passed away on 29th May 2003. Mr. L i joined the University in March 1993. 5 第二二四期 二零零三年六月十九日
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