Newsletter No. 224
李家祥議 D r. the Ho 李家祥議員 人,亦為香 組別議員, 曾出任香港 與公共事務 會福利諮詢 會主席及立 員一向關心 金計劃的獨 詢委員會主 專才。 Dr. the Hon partner of Public Acc the Account the Legislat many awar profession service. He Commissio Advisory C Council of Accounts C Council. He Trustee of t of the Univ adjunct pro Accountanc 利 乾 先 生 M r , Lee Chien 利乾先生是傑出實業家,現任希慎興業有 限公司、利希慎置業有限公司、利園國際 集團及 Scottish and Eastern Investments Services L imi t ed 之董事, 太古股份有限公司非執行董事,以及北山 堂基金監管人。利先生熱心公益,十分關 注大專敎育事業,對中大發展尤其關懷。 中大創校以來,利氏家族迭捐鉅款,匡助 大學多方面的發展,並捐贈獎學金,對敎 育事業作出重大貢獻。 A successful entrepreneur, Mr. Lee Chien is director of Hysan Development Company Ltd., Lee Hysan Estate Company Ltd., Lee Gardens International Holdings Ltd., non- executive director of Swire Pacific Ltd., governor of Bei Shan Tang Foundation, and director of Scottish and Eastern Investment Services Ltd. Mr. Lee's contribution to community service, education, and philanthropy in Hong Kong over the years has been most remarkable. He and other members of the Lee family have also made magnanimous donations to support the academic and research endeavours of the University since its inception. 張敏儀女士 Ms. Cheung M a n Yee 張敏儀女士是中大的傑出校友,也是出色 的公務員。她曾任職於香港電台、政府新 聞處,並成為香港首位華人廣播處長,其 後出任香港特別行政區政府駐東京經濟貿 易首席代表,為本港首位女首席代表。張 女士為香港廣播業的發展作出了重要貢 獻,她是首位來自亞太區及首位女性當選 為英聯邦廣播協會主席。張女士關心社 會,曾獲選為十大傑出青年。她畢業後, 一直與母校及崇基學院保持密切聯繫,熱 心支持大學的發展。 A distinguished alumna of the University, Ms. Cheung Man Yee was the first Chinese to become Director of Broadcasting in Hong Kong, after rendering 14 years of service at Radio Television Hong Kong. In recognition of Ms. Cheung's enormous contributions to the broadcasting field, she was awarded the Outstanding Young Persons' Award in 1980. She was also the first woman and first chief of broadcasting from the Asia-Pacific region to be elected president of the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association. After her retirement from the post of Principal Hong Kong Economic and Trade Representative in Tokyo, she was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2002. Ms. Cheung has maintained a close relationship w i th CUHK, and w i th Chung Chi College in particular, since her graduation in 1968. 陳天機教授 Prof. Chen Tien Chi 陳天機敎授是中大計算機科學與工程學 榮休講座敎授,早年曾在萬國商業機器 擔任要職,後歷任中大的電子學系客座 敎授、計算機及電子學講座敎授、計算 機科學系系主任、聯合書院院長等職。 陳敎授與中大淵源深遠,貢獻至鉅,不 單為計算機科學系奠定了堅實的基礎, 亦帶領聯合書院的通識及非形式敎育朝 更成熟的方向發展。榮休以後,他仍不 斷支持中大,又擔任中大通識敎育客座 敎授。陳敎授學術地位備受尊崇,為多 個國際專業學會成員,並獲獎無數。 Emeritus professor in computer science and engineering at the University, Prof. Chen first joined CUHK as visiting professor of the Department of Electronics in 1979, becoming professor of computer science and electronics, and subsequently, founding chairman of the Department of Computer Science. He also served as head of United College between 1980 and 1988. Since his retirement in 1992, Prof. Chen has remained active in his service to CUHK, rendering guidance to the Office of University General Education in his capacity as visiting professor. A prominent figure in computer research, development, and application. Prof. Chen is a member of numerous professional organizations and highly respected in his field. 陳德霖先生 M r . Chan Tak L am, No r man 陳德霖先生為中文大學的傑出校友,現任香 港金融管理局副總裁,也是香港按揭證券有 限公司執行董事、香港印鈔有限公司及外匯 基金投資有限公司董事。他致力維繫香港金 融市場的穩定,鞏固香港的金融基礎,成就 卓越。陳先生對母校的發展十分支持,關心 後學的成長,更參與崇基學院的學長計劃, 鼓勵及指導學弟學妹。 An outstanding alumnus of the University, Mr. Chan Tak Lam is a deputy chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. He is also an executive director of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, and a director of Hong Kong Note Printing Ltd. and Exchange Fund Investment Ltd. Mr. Chan plays a key role i n maintaining monetary stability in Hong Kong and the proper functioning of the local financial market. He has been very supportive of the development of his alma mater and Chung Chi College, and has, since 2000, been a participant of the college's mentor programme. 馬臨教授 Prof. Ma L i n (左 left) 馬臨敎授一九七八至一 九 八七年 出任中 大校長,現為逸夫書院校董會主席。馬敎授是出色的科 無數。在其校長任內, 馬敎授加強了中大與內地及海外之學術聯繋 ,開設博士學位課程, 招收 程,招收首 批本科 暫取生,改革本科課程及推行學分制,加強通識敎育。馬敎授榮休後,繼續 士每年捐資支持內地及本港之敎育及醫療發展 ;去年更協助成立邵逸夫獎,在國際間推廣學術 Prof. Ma Lin was vice-chancellor of the University from 1978 to 1987 and is currently chairman o College. A remarkable biochemist and a devoted educator. Prof. Ma's vice-chancellorship was d achievements. These included the extension of academic exchange to the mainland, launch of establishment of the Faculty of Medicine and admission of the first-batch of medical students, i undergraduate programme, implementation of the Provisional Acceptance Scheme and the credi strengthening of general education. After his retirement in 1987, Prof. Ma still played an import Shaw College. He also assisted Dr. Run Run Shaw to finance the development of higher, second medical services in mainland China and Hong Kong, and set up the Shaw Prize to promote scho 岑才生先生 M r . Shum Choi Sang (右 right) 岑才生先生為本港資深報人,現為華僑置業集團有限公司主席,曾任《華僑日報》督印人,服務 出版專業團體要職,更熱心公益,身兼多個政府、敎育及公共事務團體的職務。岑先生為本校 遠,早於中大創校之初已擔任聯合校董,現任聯合校董會主席,多年來慷慨捐助及支持該院發 An elder statesman of the press and a dedicated community leader, Mr. Shum Choi Sang is Overseas Chinese Enterprises Group Ltd. He was publisher of Wah Kiu Yat Po, an organizat years, and has undertaken important posts in media organizations. Mr. Shum has been an a wide charities and public services. His association w i th the University dates back to 1963 w of Trustees of United College. He is currently chairman of the Board of Trustees of United C University Council. The University and United College have benefited tremendously from counsel over the years. 4 No. 224 19th June 2003
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