Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任勞格文教授為中國研究講 座教授,由2008年9月1日起生效。 勞格文教授1975年獲哈佛大學中 國文學博士學位,是法國遠東學院 院士,曾任台灣中央研究院民族 學研究所訪問學者、日內瓦大學客座教授,2000年加入 法國巴黎索邦大學高等研究實踐學院,現為該院講座教 授,研究範疇為中國宗教,尤專於道教。 勞格文與中大淵源深厚,曾在1990年任人類學系客座教 授,復於1993至95和1996至98兩度擔任設於中大的法 國遠東學院聯絡中心代表,並任教於宗教系,2004年獲 中國文化研究所邀請為訪問教授。 Prof. John Lagerwey has been appointed Professor of Chinese Studies with effect from 1 September 2008. Prof. Lagerwey received his PhD in Chinese Literature from Harvard University in 1975 and is a member of the École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO). He was a visiting scholar of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica in Taiwan and an invited professor of the University of Geneva. Prof. Lagerway joined École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris-Sorbonne) in 2000 and is now its Directeur d’Études (Chair Professor). His research interest is Chinese religion and especially Taoism. Prof. Lagerwey was a visiting professor of the Anthropology Department of CUHK in 1990. He served as the representative of EFEO centre at CUHK and visiting professor of the Religion Department from 1993 to 95 and from 1996 to 98. In 2004, he was a visiting professor of the Institute of Chinese Studies. O 疫苗注射運動 Vaccination Campaign 保健處將於10月2日至17日舉行疫苗注射運動,為教職 員及學生注射成人適用的預防疫苗,包括甲型、乙型、 甲乙型混合肝炎和流感疫苗,同期舉行疾病資料展覽, 並提供驗血服務。 甲型及乙型肝炎驗血服務將於10月2日及3日辦公時間 (上午9時至下午5時30分)在保健醫療中心進行,甲型 肝炎驗血費用為七十元,乙型肝炎抗原及抗體驗血費用 為九十元。欲注射乙型肝炎疫苗者,必須驗血;甲型肝 炎疫苗則可選擇直接注射;注射流感疫苗無須驗血。 疫苗注射於10月15日至17日進行,詳情請閱覽保健處網 頁: , 或致電2609 6428向許小姐 查詢。 The Vaccination Campaign will be held from2 to 17October 2008 at the University Health Centre. Common vaccinations for adults will be provided to staff and students, including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Influenza vaccines. There will also be exhibitions and blood tests. Blood tests for Hepatitis A and B will be held from 9 am to 5:30 pm from 2 to 3 October 2008 at the University Health Centre. Charges are HK$70 for Hepatitis A and HK$90 for Hepatitis B. A blood test is required for Hepatitis B vaccination and optional for Hepatitis A. No blood test is required for Influenza vaccination. Vaccinations will be given from 15 to 17 October 2008. Details are available on the University Health Service website ( ). For enquiries, please contact Ms. Hui at 2609 6428. 「防止性騷擾」推廣活動資助計劃 Sponsorship on Preventing Sexual Harassment Programme 「防止性騷擾」推廣活動資助計劃現已接受教職員及學 生團體申請,目的是鼓勵教職員及學生團體舉辦活動, 以推廣對預防性騷擾及性別平等的認識。申請資助的活 動應符合以下其中一項目的:防止性騷擾、提高預防性 騷擾的意識、推動兩性機會平等。第一期截止申請日期 為2008年10月15日,第二期為2009年2月28日。 資助額最高為五千元。成功獲資助活動的團體成員均 獲頒發證書。有關資助細則,請閱覽防止性騷擾政策 網頁: 或 致電2609 8716與陸燕芳女士聯絡。 The Sponsorship on Preventing Sexual Harassment Pro- gramme is now open for application. The programme aims at encouraging staff and student organizations on campus to organize activities promoting understanding of the prevention of sexual harassment and gender equality. The funded 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibitions 澄懷古今:莫家三代藏珍 日期:2008年7月26日至11月 地點:文物館展廳I 及 III 香山莫仕揚家族是香港著名買辦 家族。本展覽展出莫家自莫幹生 起的三代藏珍。展廳I的展品包 括莫幹生、莫慶堯及承訓堂所 藏的繪畫書法、文房雅玩、陶 瓷玉器等,並輔以祖傳家具、 歷史畫像圖片等。展廳III則專題展出「朝天錦繡:昇雯 閣藏明清宮廷服」。 馳騁縱橫:中國藝術中的馬 日期:2008年7月14日至2009年2月 地點:文物館展廳II 傳統中國藝術中的馬豐富多姿,本展覽的展品包括先 秦至漢代銅印、漢代銅馬及畫像磚石拓片。陶瓷有漢 代及北朝彩繪陶馬、隋代釉陶騎馬俑、唐三彩馬、元 明清青花瓷器等。繪畫方面有明末清初至近現代著名 畫家的精品佳作。此外亦有竹、木、牙、玻璃等文玩 工藝。 香江考古拾趣 日期:2008年9月12日至2009年7月31日 地點:文物館展廳IV 展覽以中國考古藝術研究 中心發掘的香港出土文物 材料為基礎,以不同專 題深入淺出,介紹考古 學及該中心近年研究成 果。內容包括考古學簡 介、考古與各種自然學 科的關係、地層學在考古中 的應用、中原商文化南漸,以 及香港古代飾物作坊等。 Timeless Legacy: The Mok Family Collections Date: 26 July–November 2008 Venue: Galleries I & III, Art Museum The Mok Sze Yeung family from Xiangshan, Guangdong was one of the best known comprador families. This exhibition presents the Mok family collections of three generations in two galleries. Featured at Gallery I are highlights from the collections of Mok Kong Sang, Mok Hing Yiu and the Cheng Xun Tang, including paintings, calligraphy, objects for the scholar’s studio, ceramics and jades. These are supplemented by ancestral furniture and portraits. Gallery III is dedicated to ‘Heavenly Splendour: The Edrina Collection of Ming and Qing Imperial Costumes’. Heavenly Steeds: Horses in Chinese Art Date: 14 July 2008–February 2009 Venue: Gallery II, Art Museum The horse is a favourite theme in Chinese art. This exhibition features all forms of horses in Chinese art. It starts with bronze seals of the Warring States and Han periods, a Han bronze horse head, Han period bricks and rubbings of stone carvings with horse scenes. For Chinese ceramics, there are painted pottery horses of the Han and the Northern Dynasties, horses and riders with straw glaze of the Sui, the flamboyant sancai horses of the Tang, and blue and white wares of the Yuan to Qing periods. In addition, there are paintings by celebrated artists from late Ming to Qing and modern China, and fine art objects made for the scholar’s studio in wood, bamboo, ivory and glass. Excitements of Digging in Hong Kong Date: 12 September 2008–31 July 2009 Venue: Gallery IV, Art Museum Illustrated by artefacts unearthed from excavations in Hong Kong, this exhibition introduces aspects of archaeology and research outputs of the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art in recent years. Topics include: what is archaeology, archaeology and science, stratigraphy in archaeology, spread of Shang culture of the Central Plain to the south, and local ancient ornament workshops. activities should meet one of the following objectives: preventing sexual harassment, promoting awareness of sexual harassment, upholding equal op- portunities between women and men. The application deadline for the first batch is 15 October 2008 and the second batch 28 February 2009. The funding limit for each successful application is HK$5,000. Members of all funded organizations will receive a certificate. For details, please visit hk/policy/harass or contact Ms. Yvonne Luk at 2609 8716.
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