Newsletter No. 292

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 第二九二期 二零零七年二月四日 No. 292 4 February 2007 3 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ 當代中國研究權威主講中日關係 World Authority in Contemporary China Studies Ezra Vogel Lectured on Sino-Japanese Relations ■ 香港電腦奧林匹克競賽2007 ■ 優先錄取資訊日 ■ 聯合書院萌芽學者學術交流計劃 HK-Mainland-US Budding Scholars Exchange Programme of United College ■ 逸夫書院院慶 Sir C.K. Chow Speaks at 21st Founder ’ s Day Celebration Ceremony of Shaw College ■ Lecture by Wei Lun Visiting Professor, W.K. Alfred Yung ■ 「華文戲劇百周年」戲劇研討會 身高兩米的女巫肆虐文化廣場,然而 途人卻沒有躲避,皆因她是「文化女 巫」,肩負推廣義大利文化的重責。 語言學及現代語言系和學生事務處於 上月十至十二日合辦義大利文化節, 節目包括義大利文化講座、本地義大 利機構的職業資訊講座、音樂演奏、 電影欣賞、紅酒品嚐及La Befana派 對等。這位踏著高蹺,手執掃把的 女巫亦是活動之一。義大利駐港領事 Marco Cerbo先生更應邀於上月十日 為義大利文化節主持開幕禮及簡述義 大利在本港的足跡。 The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages and the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK organized the Italian Cultural Festival from 10 to 12 January 2007. The event featured a series of talks on Italian culture and careers in Hong Kong-based Italian companies, performances of Italian music and ‘Witch on Stilts’, film screenings, wine tasting, and La Befana closing party. The Italian Consul, Mr. Marco Cerbo officiated at the opening of the festival and delivered a speech about the presence of Italy in Hong Kong.