Newsletter No. 409
No. 409, 19.12.2012 7 三學生獲西班牙文化獎 Three Students Receive Spanish Culture Promotion Awards 三位語言學及現代語言系西班牙語課程學生關嘉琳 (左一) 、蔡菁華 (前排左二) 和尹愷彤 (右一) ,獲得西班 牙領事館西班牙文化獎,資助他們前往西班牙參加語言 及文化暑期課程。頒獎禮於10月17日舉行,由西班牙駐 港領事Juan Manuel L ó pez Nadal先生 (右二) 主持。 Three students, Kwan Ka-lam Sharon Marie ( 1st left ), Choi Ching-wah ( 2nd left, front row ) and Wan Hoi- tung Pinky ( 1st right ), of the Spanish programme of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages were awarded the Spanish Consulate’s Prize for the Promotion of Spanish Language and Culture to support their summer language studies in Spain. The award presentation ceremony was held on 17 October with Mr. Juan Manuel López Nadal ( 2nd right ), Consul General of Spain, as the officiating guest. 氣候變化研討會 Symposium on Climate Change 中大與國家自然科學基金委員會地球科學部合作,於11月26至29日舉行「2012氣候變化研討會」,國家重點基礎研究 發展計劃(973計劃)專家顧問組組長徐冠華院士、清華大學地球系統科學研究中心羅勇教授,以及美國國家海洋和 大氣管理局地球物理流體動力學實驗室氣候診斷項目首席科學家劉雅章教授作主題演講,另有九十位來自中港兩地 的氣候變化專家及研究生出席,發表了二十八篇學術報告。 Co-organized by CUHK and the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the 2012 Academic Symposium on Climate Change was held from 26 to 29 November. Academician Prof. Xu Guanhua, advisor to Project 973; Prof. Luo Yong of the Centre for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University; and Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel, head scientist of the Climate Diagnostics Project at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, gave keynote speeches. Over 90 leading scholars and postgraduate students from the mainland and Hong Kong in the field of climate change attended the symposium and 28 talks were delivered. 中大深圳研究院全面啟動 Opening of CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute 中大深圳研究院於11月28日舉行全面啟動儀式,宣布正式展開部分研究項目、為多個實驗室揭牌,並與前海管理局簽 署合作協議,參與前海發展事宜,以及與十家企業及科研機構簽署實習基地框架協議。儀式主禮嘉賓有深圳市委書記 王榮、秘書長李華楠、副市長陳彪、廣東省衞生廳副廳長耿慶山、中大校長沈祖堯教授,以及原常務副市長劉應力教授。 The inauguration of the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) was held on 28 November. At the ceremony, SZRI announced the launch of certain research projects and unveiled the plaques of its laboratories. It also signed memoranda of understanding on internship with 10 corporations and research units, as well as with the Qianhai Development Authority to strengthen the collaboration in the development of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. Wang Rong, Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee; Mr. Li Huanan, Secretary General, Shenzhen Municipal Committee; Mr. Chen Biao, Vice-Mayor, Shenzhen Municipal Government; Dr. Geng Qingshan, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Health of Guangdong Province; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Liu Yingli, former Executive Vice-Mayor, Shenzhen Municipal Government. 劉明康教授作品展開幕 Art Exhibition of Prof. Liu Mingkang 善衡書院榮譽院務委員、前中國銀監會主席劉明康教授 的「舊憶」美術作品展,於11月28日舉行開幕禮。為期兩 周的畫展,展出劉教授二十九幅作品,以細膩筆觸勾勒 出他於七零年代在內地的生活和近年在各地旅遊的心路 歷程。 The opening ceremony of the painting exhibition ‘Reminiscence of the Past’ of Prof. Liu Mingkang, Honorary Fellow of S.H. Ho College and former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, was held on 28 November. The two-week exhibition featured 29 paintings in which Professor Liu depicts life on the mainland in the 1970s and his recent experiences travelling in different parts of the world.
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