Newsletter No. 281

Embracing Shakespeare On 22nd, 23r d an d 24t h May, 1 2 team s fro m universities i n mainlan d China , Taiwan, Maca o and Hon g Kon g took par t i n th e performanc e finals o f th e Secon d Chines e Universities Shakespeare Festival held i n Si r Ru n Ru n Shaw Hall . Each team , consistin g o f thre e actors and a director, was given up t o 2 0 minute s o n stag e t o perform a shor t scen e from , a to impres s th e pane l o f international judge s wit h th e quality o f their understandin g of Shakespeare's dramati c art, their acting an d Englis h ability , a s well as th e creativit y o f thei r interpretation. The performances were watehe d b y almos t 3,00 0 Hong Kon g secondary students , who wer e t h r i l l e d t o se e Shakespeare's play s o n stage , most of them fo r the first time . The winning team was from the Universit y o f Internationa l Business and Economic s (UIBE ) in Beijing, which gave a striking performance o f th e traged y Julius Caesar. Th e scen e wa s memorable fo r it s incorporatio n of stylize d movement s an d sound effects from Pekin g opera and Chines e martia l arts . Members o f the UIBE team wil l enjoy thei r firs t priz e i n Augus t —a week watching Shakespeare performances i n Londo n an d Stratford. Othe r prize-winner s included Nanjin g Universit y ( Measurefor Measure), Wu h a n University (King Lear) an d th e University o f Maca u (The Tempest). In the days leading up to the performances, al l team s wer e given master-classe s b y a n international tea m o f tutor s including Prof. Susanne Wofford (University o f Wisconsin) , Mr . Joe Grave s (U S acto r an d director), Mr . Colin George (UK actor an d director ) an d tw o actors from the Bell Shakespeare Company o f Sydney , Mr . Chri s Stollery an d Mr . E d Wightman. The tw o Bel l actor s als o gav e performances o f Shakespeare . The judge s wer e Prof . Wofford, Mr . Georg e and Prof . Richard Ho , presiden t o f th e CUHK-Tung Wa h Grou p o f Hospitals Communit y College . The whol e even t i s sponsore d by th e Dr . Tie n Chan g Li n T e c h n o l o gy I n n o v a t i o n Foundation. 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 非敎學僱員考績報吿 Appraisal Reports for Non-Teaching Staff 非敎學僱員二零零五至零六年度(即二零零五年七月一日至二零零六年六月三十日)的 考績程序即將開始。人事處將於七月份發出通函和電郵,告知各單位主管和同人有關安排。 同人屆時可於人事處網頁( 下載經更新的 考 績報告表格、《考核員手冊》和《受考核僱員指引》。由二零零五至零六年度開始,按「乙」 類和相類服務條例受聘的行政/專業/硏究職級僱員,將跟隨其他按「乙」、「丙」類服務條 例受聘的僱員,使用相同格式的考績報吿表格,即考核員須就僱員工作表現各範疇作等級評 定。有關考績計劃的查詢,可聯絡人事主任顧佩芬女士(電話二六零九七二四九,如屬「甲」 類服務條例僱員者)或張燕儀女士(電話二六零九七二八七,如屬「乙」、「丙」類服務條例 僱員者)。 The 2005-06 appraisa l cycl e for non-teachin g staff covering the period 1s t July 2005 t o 30th June 2006 will soo n begin. A general circular and an e-mail announcing the relevant arrangements will b e issued by the Personnel Office in July. The updated Appraisal Repor t forms, Appraisers' Manual an d Appraisees' Guide wil l b e availabl e fo r downloa d a t th e Personnel Offic e websit e ( . Starting from thi s exercise, executive/professional/research staf f on Terms of Service (B) and equivalent terms will also use the same Appraisal Report formas other Terms (B) and (C) staff, which requires the appraiser to check boxes for different levels of performance ratings. Enquiries pertaining to the appraisal scheme can be directed to Miss Margaret Koo, personnel manager, at 2609 7249 for Terms (A) staff, or Ms. Ivy Cheung, personnel manager , at 2609 728 7 for Terms (B) and (C) staff. 「窯火凝英:文物館藏陶瓷選」展覽 Exhibition on 'The Art of the Chinese Potter: Selections from the Art Museum Collection' 文物館今年慶祝三十五周年館慶,特別挑選館藏陶瓷精粹展出,介紹中國陶瓷工藝的成 就,推廣中國陶瓷的愛好,並感謝各方友好的熱心捐贈和支持。展覽現於文物館展出,展期 至十月,歡迎參觀。 中國陶瓷歷史悠久,由新石器時代綿延至今,其用途遍及祭祀、陪葬、建築、貿易、陳 設、觀賞、收藏各方面,內容豐富,與歷代中國的社會文化息息相關。文物館藏有不少中國 陶瓷,年代自新石器時代而至近代,頗成體系,歷年各方慷慨賜贈,有以致之,舉其要者如 下:林炳炎基金會捐贈盛清官窯,暫得樓惠贈早期陶瓷和明清堂名款瓷器,關善明博士及鍾 棋偉先生捐贈晚清官窯,北山堂惠贈宜興紫砂和石灣陶塑,淘石齋捐贈唐代長沙窯,以及經 館友會、鄭德坤敎授伉儷和北山堂合資入藏木扉藏貿易瓷等。 Chinese ceramics has a long history of production, spanning from the Neolithic perio d to the present . Th e differen t function s o f ceramic s includ e sacrificia l ceremony , burial , architecture, trade , decorative display, aesthetic appreciation and collection. Ceramic s is so closely related to society that its content is extraordinary rich . The Art Museum i s proud to have a comprehensive collection o n ceramics, thanks to the generous contributions o f the B.Y. Lam Foundation, the Zande Lou , the Bei Shan Tang, the Taoshi Zhai, the Friends of the Art Museum, Dr . Simon Kwan , Mr. Anthony Chung , and Prof. and Mrs. Cheng Te- kun. I n celebration o f it s 35th anniversary , the Art Museum present s this exhibition tha t highlights th e artistic attainmen t of the Chinese potte r and pays tribute to the donors for their support over the years. The exhibition will ru n until October 2006. All are welcome. Mission Hills Golf Club Membership From the Bursary: The University is a Diamond member of the Mission Hills Golf Club (MHGC) in Shenzhen. Staff from the University may be nominated as a member of MHGC. Terms (A) and equivalent terms staff are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University-nominate d membe r (w.e.f. 1s t September 2006) on the following terms and conditions: 1. Th e minimum bi d (monthly charge payable to the University ) i s $1. 2. Membershi p i s subject to the nominee remainin g a full-time Terms A/equivalen t employee o f the University . 3. Th e new membe r pay s the non-refundabl e nominatio n transfe r fe e of $20,00 0 charged b y MHGC. The fee can be paid via payrol l deduction s ove r a period o f two years. 4. Th e minimum ter m i s two years , which ca n be extended for another year at the request of the member, subject to agreement by the University . 5. Th e vice-chancellor ha s discretion over the assignment of membership. I n case of similar biddin g prices , preferenc e wil l b e given t o those who hav e no t bee n a nominee before . 6. I n addition to the monthly charge payable to the University, the nominated member is required to pay a monthly membership fee to the golf club concerned, plus other usage charges. 7. Th e member i s required to abide by the rules of the relevant golf club. Presently, MHGC ha s ten 18-hol e courses, with nigh t golfing available on two of the courses. MHGC als o ha s a five-star resor t hote l plu s facilities attache d to the gol f club . Members can arrange accommodation at discounted rates . The club operates a shuttle bus service from their parkin g lot at San Tin and i t takes about 5 0 minutes to travel from the parking lot to the club. The nominated membership also covers spouse and children unde r 21 years of age. Eligible staf f member s wh o ar e intereste d shoul d submi t thei r bid s t o the Tende r Board, do Busines s Office , G/F , John Fulto n Centre , indicatin g the amoun t he/sh e i s willing t o pa y t o th e Universit y a s the monthl y charge . Bid s shoul d b e submitted i n envelopes marke d 'Application fo r Golf Club Membership'. Al l submission s mus t reach the Tender Board before 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 18th July 2006. Applicants will be informed of the results in due course. Please note that transfer documentation normall y takes three weeks to complete, which mean s the new member would commence the membership i n mid-late Septembe r 2006 . Please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887 for any further informatio n an d visit the Business Office's homepage at t o download the bidding form. World Trade Centre Club Membership The Universit y hold s a membership o f the Worl d Trad e Centr e Clu b (WTCC) . A staf f nominated b y the Universit y to take up membership i s eligible to use the Club's facilities including th e function rooms , the sport s facilities locate d a t Par k Lan e Hotel , an d the reciprocal arrangement s that the club has made with the Millennium Cit y Club and Hong Lok Yuen Country Club, Shatin Race Course Private Box, and a number of golf clubs. Full-time Terms (A) or equivalent staff members are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University' s nomine e with effect from 1s t September 2006. The minimum bid , i.e. the monthly charge payable to the University, is HK$1. In case of identical bids, preference will b e given to staff with longe r service. Membership, subject to the nominee remaining a full-time Terms (A) or equivalent employee of the University , has a minimum term of two years and can be extended for another year at the member' s request an d wit h th e University' s agreement . Th e ne w membe r pay s a transfer fe e o f $3,000 charged by WTCC as well as a monthly membershi p fee of HK$880 (inclusiv e of spouse and children betwee n 1 6 and 21 years of age). The transfer fee is refundable i f the staff keeps his/her membership for over two years. No pro-rata refund will b e made. Eligible an d interested staf f members should submi t their bid s to the Tender Board , do Busines s Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, in envelopes marked 'Application for World Trade Centre Club Membership' befor e 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 18t h July 2006. Applicants will b e informed of the results in due course. Please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887 for any further informatio n an d visit the Busines s Office' s homepag e a t t o download the bidding form. 3 No. 281 19t h June 2006