Newsletter No. 403
4 No. 403, 19.9.2012 今年是雙班年,新生人數也來個雙倍。各書院及學院學系 籌辦的迎新活動,也比以往更豐富多彩。部分書院更於迎 新活動中加入社會服務元素,培育新生的公民責任感,傳 承中大的人文精神。例如首度招生的伍宜孫書院就與香港 有機資源再生中心和地球之友合作,學生在迎新活動中參 觀該中心,了解食物回收再用的過程,還親身參與用廚餘 來養殖蘑菇,並使用有機肥料種植蔬菜。 另外,書院又舉辦「惜煮惜食烹飪大賽」,參賽新生只可 用大學飯堂提供的剩餘食材,發揮創意製作美食。評判包 括沈祖堯校長、前警務處處長李明逵、前警務處副處長任 達榮,以及書院院長李沛良。 至於同為首年招生的敬文書院,以「創意,領導,服務」為 主題,籌劃了一個別開生面又饒富意義的迎新營。新生分 組參加不同主題的外展探訪和體驗,包括到粉嶺農地體 驗務農生活、探訪綜援家庭及少數族裔人士。學生感受到 本地農業的困境和艱難,也關注到貧窮和歧視等社會問 題。 這些迎新活動令學生在踏入大學校門之時思考自己的社 會責任。 另外,崇基、新亞、聯合、逸夫、晨興、善衡、敬文、伍宜孫 及和聲九所書院新生分批前往百萬大道,齊喊口號,加強 對中大及書院的歸屬感。千多名來自本地、內地和海外的 新生更在一副巨型對聯上,以顏料印上自己的掌印。對聯 由沈校長親自撰寫,聯曰:「中外古今,書中自有人文意; 大江南北,院內常存兄弟情」,寓意各中大學生手牽手、心 連心,體現團結一致的精神。 As the University has admitted twice the number of new students in this double-cohort year, the orientation activities organized by our Colleges, Faculties and departments were more diverse than before. Some Colleges integrated social services into their orientation activities to instill social responsibility and a sense of humanity in their students. Wu Yee Sun College, which admitted its first batch of students this year, organized a series of orientation activities in collaboration with the Hong Kong Organic Waste Recycling Centre and Friends of the Earth. Its new students visited the centre to learn about food waste recycling and tried first-hand to use food waste to cultivate mushrooms and organic fertilizer to grow vegetables. In the ‘Love Food! Cook Up!’ competition, participants used food waste provided by canteens on campus to cook. The panel of judges included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Lee Ming-kwai Dick, former Commissioner of Police; Mr. Peter T.W. Yam, former Deputy Commissioner of Police; and Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, Master of the College. C.W. Chu College, which also welcomed its first intake of students this year, organized a series of orientation 不一樣的迎新體驗 An Orientation Experience Like No Other activities with the theme ‘Creativity, Leadership, Service’. New students were divided into groups to visit local farmers, families on welfare and ethnic minorities, gaining a better understanding of the predicament in which local farmers found themselves, and becoming more concerned with poverty and discrimination issues. These activities helped our freshmen to reflect on their social responsibility before starting their university life. Nine Colleges, namely, Chung Chi, New Asia, United, Shaw, Morningside, S.H. Ho, C.W. Chu, Wu Yee Sun, and Lee Woo Sing, chanted slogans in praise of the University and their Colleges at the University Mall. More than 1,000 local, mainland and international students left coloured palm prints on two long pieces of cloth, on which Professor Sung had written a couplet, symbolizing the solidarity among CUHK students.
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