Newsletter No. 403
No. 403, 19.9.2012 3 請掃描QR碼閱讀全文版 Scan the QR code for the full version 校園新臉孔 Meeting Fresh Faces 姚欣岐 Yiu Yan-ki 姚欣岐考得6A高考成績,獲中大環球商業學錄取。 欣岐表示:「香港很多人對商業感覺負面,認為只 是賺快錢。我修讀商科,希望運用知識貢獻社會, 改變這種負面觀念。」她計劃畢業後先在投資銀行 工作,累積商界經驗,然後投身公營機構,為巿民 服務。 Yiu Yan-ki is admitted to the Global Business Studies Programme on the strength of six A Levels at A grade. She says, ‘Many people in Hong Kong do look at the business sector negatively, on the assumption that all that a businessman wants is to make quick money. However, what motivates me to take up business as my major is an urge to be able to contribute what I learn to society.’ She is planning to start her career with an investment bank. Having gained some experience in how the world of business works, she will then move on to the public sector and work for the benefit of the community at large. 李安琪 Lee On-kei 與小行星命名有關的中大人事,除了校訓「博文約 禮」和沈祖堯校長外,又添了今年醫科錄取的文憑 試考生李安琪。她前年憑藉在科研的積極表現,獲 贈一顆小行星。安琪對科學有濃厚興趣,中四開始 研究烏龍茶對癌細胞的影響,透過科研實驗及參與 國際比賽,學會如何克服困難。種種的體驗更令她 確立目標,投身科 研,期望可以實驗 成果造福病人。 The Chinese University motto and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, the Vice- Chancellor, have been the inspiration for the naming of two asteroids. Lee On- kei, a medical freshman, also has an asteroid named after her. On-kei, who has always been fascinated by science, began studying the effects of oolong tea on cancer cells in Secondary 4. Experience in conducting experiments and taking part in international competitions has helped to build up her devotion to scientific research. She hopes her research will benefit mankind in the future. 何文樂 Ho Man-lok 通過非聯招途徑獲運動員獎學金入讀運動科學與 健康教育課程的何文樂,剛經歷了一個緊張精彩的 暑假。他是香港四乘一百米 接力隊現役代表,隨香港田 徑隊參加在倫敦舉行的奧運 會。文樂自2009年起,已代表 香港出外比賽,如亞洲青少 年田徑錦標賽、亞運會、世 界大學生運動會等。他希望 將來能成為體育科教師, 將自己的經驗傳授給田徑 界新力軍。 Ho Man-lok was admitted to the Exercise Science and Health Education Programme through the CUHK Sports Scholarship Scheme. A member of the Hong Kong 4 × 100 relay team, he competed at the London Olympics this summer. He has represented Hong Kong since 2009 at many competitions, including the Asian Junior Athletics Championship, the Asian Games, and the Universiade. Aspiring to be a physical education teacher, he wants to pass his experience and knowledge to the next generation of athletes. 王浩宇 Wang Haoyu 7月雪域高原的陽光格外明媚,靜謐的山谷中瀰漫着 格 桑花的芬芳,淳樸的牧民趕 着 犛牛在山坡放聲高歌,這 一幕幕已深深烙在來自西藏高考理科第一名的王浩宇心 底。身為中大招收的第一批西藏考生,入讀商學院的浩宇 感到十分榮幸與喜悅。 Sun-drenched plateaux with snow-capped mountains in July, valleys scented by cosmos, and hills where yaks and their singing herdsmen roam are vivid memories of Wang Haoyu, top scorer at the National University Entrance Examination (science category) in Tibet. Haoyu feels honoured and happy to be CUHK’s first batch of students recruited from Tibet, and cherishes the opportunity to study business at the University. 李佳樂 Li Jiale 中大今年在內地錄取的本科生中,有兩人年僅十四 歲,其中一位是來自河南省的李佳樂。她的高考成 績位列全省理科第十五名。佳樂自幼聰敏,五歲時 經學校老師測試後,獲破格直接入讀二年級。十歲 升讀初中,僅僅 用了一年時間, 完成了初二、初 三課程。佳樂打 算選擇數學或物 理學作主修。 Among the mainland students newly admitted to CUHK, two are only 14 years old. One is Li Jiale, who ranked 15th in the National University Entrance Examination (science category) in Henan province. Jiale was admitted to Primary 2 when she was just five years old. She entered junior high school when she was 10 and finished 8th and 9th grades in just one year. Now she plans to take up mathematics or physics as her major. J St Clair Christie Barlow 在申請入讀中大前,來自南非的 J St Clair Christie Barlow曾親臨校園了解這裏的環境、設施及課程, 感覺中大對學生非常友善。選擇中大的生命科學 課程,是因對生物學、細胞及分子生物學、化學生 物等甚感興趣,並有志向研究基因醫學治療方面深 造。香港是J最喜歡的城市之一,完善的交通網絡, 繁華都市外又有一片片郊野綠林,令他覺得這城市 份外美麗。 J St Clair Christie Barlow from South Africa had visited CUHK to familiarize himself with its environment, facilities and programmes before applying for admission. He had the impression that the University treats its students very nicely. He chose to study life sciences because he is interested in biology, cellular and molecular biology, chemical biology and wants to pursue genetic medicine. Hong Kong is one of the cities he likes the most for its efficient transportation network and greenery. Rebecca Denise Tanda 家並不是你住在那兒的地方,而是令你有一種自在 的感覺,這是來自奧地利的Rebecca Denise Tanda 對家的闡釋。Rebecca 生於美國,曾於不同國家的 城市居住。她自小喜歡戶外活動如遠足、露營等,並 對環境保護有一份使命感。她將入讀社會科學,並 計劃主修地理與資源管理學,期望學習如何使快速 增長的經濟與環境可持續發展取得平衡。Rebecca 期待在中大獲得家的感覺。 Home is where you feel comfortable and safe instead of where you live. This is Rebecca Denise Tanda’s view of home. Rebecca is from Austria and was born in the US. She has lived in many cities in different countries. She likes outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, and feels obligated to protect the environment. Rebecca has been admitted to the social science programme and plans to take up geography and resource management as her major. She wants to learn to balance economic development and environment sustainability and is expecting to feel at home at CUHK.
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