Newsletter No. 431
4 No. 431, 19.1.2014 學生創新與創業作品展 Student Achievements in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition 2014年度學生創新與創業作品展覽 於1月6至24日假大學圖書館展覽廳 舉行,展出中大學生參加第十三屆 「挑戰盃」及「2012 – 13校長盃學生 創業計劃比賽」的得獎項目,包括三 項挑戰盃一等獎項目:「仿生拉線機 構及高效推進機器魚」、「高效紅外 到可見光的能量上轉換及其太陽能 電池上的運用」,以及「『五專一村』 鄉村可持續發展支援計劃」。 展覽開幕禮於1月6日舉行,由校長沈 祖堯教授、副校長張妙清教授和霍 泰輝教授、「挑戰盃」中大代表團團 長梁廣錫教授,以及「學生創新與創 業促進委員會」主席黃錦輝教授主禮。黃錦輝教授表示:「全國挑戰盃是一個有效的平台,讓學生展示他們的創新意 念。我期望獲獎學生能勇於將他們的創意發明發展成生意,開創自己的事業,成為未來的成功創業家。」 The Student Achievements in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition 2014 was held from 6 to 24 January at the Exhibition Area, University Library, to showcase the awarded projects of CUHK students of the 13th National Challenge Cup and the 2012–13 Vice Chancellor’s Cup for Student Entrepreneurship Competition. They include three first prize projects in the National Challenge Cup: ‘Under-actuated Wire-Driven Mechanism and Highly Efficient Robot Fish’, ‘Converting Infrared Light into Broadband Visible Light at High Efficiency Using Lanthanide-sensitized Oxides’, and ‘Five Institutions with One Village’. Held on 6 January, the opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Prof. Fanny Cheung and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, both Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Prof. Leung Kwong-sak, leader of the CUHK delegation, Prof. Wong Kam-fai, chairman of the Committee on Advancement of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Professor Wong said, ‘The National Challenge Cup provides a platform for students to demonstrate their innovativeness. I hope the winning students can take their inventions forward, start their own business, and become successful entrepreneurs.’ 丘成桐談哈佛百年數學發展 Yau Shing-tung Speaks on 150 Years of Mathematics at Harvard 中大博文講座教授、沃爾夫數學獎及菲爾茲獎得獎人丘成桐教授, 於12月23日主講中大五十周年傑出學人講座,題目為「哈佛百年, 中大五十—從哈佛百年數學看培育下一代」,吸引逾三百名學 者、學生、校友及公眾人士出席。 數學本是歐洲主導的學科,許多具影響力的數學家均出自歐洲。 然而,美國數學家於二十世紀開始急起直追,哈佛大學數學系更 是這股力量的核心。身兼哈佛大學數學教授的丘成桐教授介紹當 年於該校推動發展美式數學的先驅者,縷述 Benjamin Peirce、 Eliakim Hastings Moore 及 George David Birkhof f 等的 軼事和研究之路,以及後來學者如 Marston Morse、Hassler Whitney、Marshall Stone 等如何傳承這斐然成就。 哈佛大學數學系在百多年內發展成世界級的數學教育及研究中心,培育多位傑出數學家,開闢原創性的研究。丘教授 認為致力培養學生、社會人士慷慨解囊、大學之間的良性競爭、領導人願意接受新的研究方向、師生關係良好等,均是 促成以上成就的因素,值得教育界借鏡。 Prof. Yau Shing-tung, Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK, Wolf Prize laureate and Fields medalist, was invited to deliver a CUHK 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture titled ‘150 Years of Mathematics at Harvard’ on 23 December. The lecture drew an audience of over 300 academics, students, alumni, and members of the public. In the 20th century, American mathematicians began to make critical advances in a field previously dominated by Europeans. Harvard University’s mathematics department was at the centre of these developments. Professor Yau, concurrently a mathematics professor at Harvard, gave a lively and accessible account of the pioneers who trailblazed a distinctly American tradition of mathematics, including Benjamin Peirce, Eliakim Hastings Moore and George David Birkhoff, their research journey, the heady mathematical concepts that emerged, and the people who shaped them, including Marston Morse, Hassler Whitney, Marshall Stone. Over the past 150 years, the Mathematics Department at Harvard has developed into a world-class teaching and research centre of mathematics, nurturing a number of eminent mathematicians who inherited the tradition of the masters. Professor Yau believed that the commitment of the University to nurturing talent, generous support from society, the healthy competition among universities, the willingness of the leaders to accept new research direction and the rapport in the department—all these have contributed to the outstanding achievement of Harvard. 一期臨床研究中心成立 Phase I Clinical Trial Centre Opens 中大獲特別行政區政府食物及衞生局資助成立一期臨床 研究中心,加強本地及亞洲的藥物研究及開發。開幕典 禮於12月18日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括中大校長沈祖堯教授 ( 右二 )、北京協和醫院臨床藥理研究中心一期臨床研 究室主任江驥教授( 左二 )、中大醫學院院長陳家亮教授 ( 右一 ),以及一期臨床研究中心首席總監陳德章教授 ( 左一 )。 研究中心設於威爾斯親王醫院,目標是成為國際認可的 新藥開發先導中心,招募有特殊醫療需要的病患及健康 志願者參與研究;與學術研究機構及藥業界建立緊密夥 伴關係,提升香港在藥物科研方面的競爭力;以及促進 香港及亞洲區內有志於早期藥物研究之醫療專業人士的 知識交流和持續教育。 新藥需要無數志願者在不同的研發階段參與研究,嚴格 進行至少七年以上的人體臨床試驗,才能獲批准正式使 用。一期臨床研究是過程中的第一步,是藥物由實驗室 研究進入正式臨床應用的關鍵橋樑,可確定藥物最安全 和最有效的劑量,為實踐二、三期較大型的臨床研究作 好準備。 Commissioned by the Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, CUHK has established the Phase I Clinical Trial Centre (CTC) to strengthen the clinical research and development of new drugs in Hong Kong and Asia. The opening ceremony, held on 18 December, was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd right ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Prof. Jiang Ji ( 2nd left ), director, Phase I Unit, Clinical Pharmacology Research Center, Peking Union Medical College Hospital; Prof. Francis K.L. Chan ( 1st right ), Dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; and Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan ( 1st left ), chief director, Phase I Clinical Trial Centre, CUHK. Located at the Prince of Wales Hospital, CTC is established with the following objectives: to become an internationally recognized centre of excellence for the development of new drugs by recruiting patients with special medical needs and healthy volunteers to participate in research; to boost the competitiveness of Hong Kong in drug research and development by fostering partnerships with academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry in clinical research; and to promote knowledge transfer and education amongst health care professionals in early phase drug development in Hong Kong and the region. The development of a new drug has to undergo at least seven years of clinical trials in human subjects, requiring the participation of a large number of volunteers at different stages of research. Phase I clinical trial is the first and a critical step in this process that brings drugs from the laboratory to clinical application. It helps to determine the safest and most biologically effective dosage of new drugs, facilitating the large- scale evaluation in phase II and III trials.
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