Newsletter No. 435

10 No. 435, 4.4.2014 1995公積金計劃內各項投資回報成績 Investment Returns on Designated Investment Funds of Staff Superannuation Scheme 1995 基金 Fund 2.2014 1.3.2013–28.2.2014 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 4.72% 3.88% 14.73% 11.38% 平衡 Balanced 2.96% 3.38% 6.89% 9.72% 穩定 Stable 2.08% 2.21% 3.34% 4.60% 香港股票 HK Equity 2.31% 3.02% 4.17% 0.79% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 3.84% 3.70% 2.10% 2.81% A50中國指數 ∆ A50 China Tracker ∆ –2.94% –3.09% –24.18% –21.44% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.11% 0.001% 1.10% 0.01% 美元銀行存款 * USD Bank Deposit* 0.05% –0.04% 1.18% 0.18% 澳元銀行存款 * AUD Bank Deposit* 2.75% 2.60% –9.55% –11.45% 歐元銀行存款 * EUR Bank Deposit* 2.39% 2.37% 6.06% 5.74% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: Δ Δ 累積回報是由2013年3月1日之後的十二個月之回報。實際投資回報數值包含由iShares安碩富時A50中 國指數ETF﹙2823﹚的市場價格及單位資產淨值的差異而產生的溢價或折讓。在2014年2月該溢價減少 了0.92%,而2013年3月至2014年2月之十二個月期間溢價的累計減幅為1.77%。 Cumulative returns are for the past twelve months from 1 March 2013. The return data include a premium or a discount between the Market Price and the Net Asset Value of iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF (2823). In February, there was a decrease in premium of 0.92% and for the twelve months from March 2013 to February 2014, the premium decreased by 1.77%. * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 教職員公積金計劃 (1995)—投資簡報會 Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995)—Investment Forum 財務處安排於4月14及16日舉行投資簡報會。詳情如下: Two investment forum sessions are scheduled for 14 and 16 April. Details are as follows: 14.4.2014(星期一 Monday) ¨ ¨ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm * * 李兆基樓4號演講廳 LT4, Lee Shau Kee Bldg • 增長基金 Growth Fund • 香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Fund • 香港指數基金 Hong Kong Index-linked Fund • A50中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund 16.4.2014(星期三 Wednesday) ¨ ¨ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm * * 李兆基樓3號演講廳 LT3, Lee Shau Kee Bldg • 平衡基金 Balanced Fund • 穩定基金 Stable Fund 薄備簡餐。請各成員踴躍出席。參加表格可於財務處網頁( eng/index.html )下載。查詢請致電薪津及公積金組:3943 1559/7236。 Light lunch will be provided. Your attendance at the forum is highly recommended. Enrolment form can be downloaded from the Bursary website ( bursary/eng/index.html ). For enquiries, please contact the Payroll & Superannuation Unit at 3943 1559 /7236. 「卓敏講座教授」及「傑出學人」榮銜 Awards of Choh-Ming Li Professorships and Outstanding Fellowships 為表揚在學術方面表現卓越的教學人員,大學分別設立「卓敏講座教授」及「傑出學人」 (學院層面)兩項殊榮。 這兩項表揚計劃於2012年首度接受提名,最後一共頒發了十一個「卓敏講座教授」及 九個「傑出學人」殊榮。前者於2013年卓敏教授席頒授典禮中頒發與獲獎者。 這兩項計劃現正再次接受學院院長提名。 In order to recognize academic staff with distinguished scholastic performance, the University has established the Choh-Ming Li Professorships and the Outstanding Fellowships (Faculty basis). Both award schemes were first open to nominations in 2012. In that exercise, 11 and 9 awards of Choh-Ming Li Professorships and Outstanding Fellowships were made respectively and the former were presented to the awardees at the installation of the Choh-Ming Li Professorships in 2013. The two schemes are now open again to nominations from Faculty Deans. 卞趙如蘭教授紀念展 An Exhibition in Memory of Prof. Rulan Chao Pian 為紀念2013年11月30日在美國劍橋家中辭世的卞趙如蘭教授,大學圖書館系統舉辦 「卞趙如蘭教授紀念展」。展品包括卞教授的手稿、筆記、書信、相片、著作及有關卞教 授的文章。 To commemorate Prof. Rulan Chao Pian, who passed away on 30 November 2013 at the age of 91 in her home in Cambridge, US, the University Library System organizes an Exhibition in Memory of Professor Rulan Chao Pian. Exhibits include Professor Pian’s manuscripts, notes, correspondence, photos, publications and articles about her. 日期 Period 27.3.2014 – 2.6.2014 地點 Venue 崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館 Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library 中大網站連續兩年獲無障礙嘉許計劃金獎 CUHK Website Wins Gold in Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Again 中文大學網頁連續第二年獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」評選為金獎級別,而CUHK Mobile 也贏得流動應用程式組別金獎。該計劃由政府資訊科技總監辦公室與平等機會委員會合 辦,本年度增設「最喜愛網站」獎項,嘉許具備優秀無障礙網頁設計而又受大眾歡迎的網 站。中大網站獲列入候選名單,公眾可於3月24至4月6日到網站 vote 投票選出自己最喜愛的網站。 For the second year in a row, the CUHK website has received the gold award of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission. CUHK Mobile also has won the gold award in the mobile application stream of the scheme. This year, the scheme introduces a new ‘Most Favourite Websites’ award to show recognition to exemplary and popular websites pursuing best practices in web accessibility. CUHK is one of the entrants eligible for the election. The public can visit the website www. to vote for their favourite website from 24 March to 6 April. 鋼琴音樂會 Piano Concert 音樂系將舉辦以下鋼琴音樂會,免費入座,歡迎參加。 The Department of Music will present a piano concert. All are welcome, free entrance. 演奏者 Performer Sophia Yan 日期 Date 24.4.2014 (星期四 Thursday ) 時間 Time 8:00 pm 地點 Venue 崇基學院利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College