Newsletter No. 428
No. 428, 4.12.2013 5 林品晶談藝術創作 Lam Bun-ching on Arts and Creativity 林品晶博士在講座中即席演奏 Dr. Lam Bun-ching performs music during her lecture 知名作曲家林品晶博士應中大與信興集團之邀,於11月5日蒞校主講信興藝文講 座,以「江動月移石—詩、畫、樂」為題,講述創作靈感來源。活動吸引了一百六十 名師生、校友及公眾人士參加。林博士曾把不同語言的詩詞入樂,有些作品亦以藝 術圖書的形式發表。她在講座中談到自己獨到的創作體驗,如何從文學作品中發 掘靈感,並跨媒介把文字轉化成圖書以至音樂。 On 5 November, renowned composer Dr. Lam Bun-ching delivered a talk on ‘River Flows, Moon Moves Stone: Poetry – Images – Music’, which was part of the lecture series in arts and humanities co-organized by CUHK and the Shun Hing Group. The event attracted an audience of about 160 academics, students, alumni, and members of the public. Over the years, Dr. Lam has set a number of poems to music in different languages and some of them also exist in art book form. In the lecture, she talked about how to seek inspiration in poetry, shared her work in transforming text from one medium to another, and explored the multiple interpretations of language. 何善衡泌尿中心開幕 S.H. Ho Urology Centre Opens 外科學系獲何善衡慈善基金會慷慨支持成立的何善衡泌尿中心在11月8日舉 行開幕典禮,主禮嘉賓包括基金會主席何子焯博士及董事何子樑醫生、沈祖堯 校長、醫學院院長陳家亮教授、外科學系系主任賴寶山教授和中心主任吳志輝 教授。 中心的使命是加強對醫護人員及公眾有關泌尿疾病治療的教育,並進行基礎和臨 床研究,尤其着重蒐集本地華人的經驗和數據,藉以促進本港和鄰近地區民眾的 泌尿系統健康。在各類泌尿疾病中,前列腺癌將是該中心的重點研究領域之一。 With a generous donation from the S.H. Ho Foundation, the S.H. Ho Urology Centre at the Department of Surgery opened on 8 November. Officiating guests included Dr. Ho Tzu-cho David, chairman of the Foundation; Dr. Ho Tzu-leung, governor of the Foundation; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, dean, Faculty of Medicine; Prof. Paul B.S. Lai, chairman, Department of Surgery; and centre director Prof. Anthony C.F. Ng. The key mission of the centre is to promote urological education for physicians and the public education in Hong Kong and the region, as well as basic and clinical research, in particular, the establishment of local Chinese experience and data. Among all urological diseases, prostate cancer will be one of the centre’s focus research areas. 傑出社會參與獎2013 Awards of Excellence in Social Engagement 2013 知識轉移處在10月23日舉行傑出社會參與獎2013頒獎典禮,獎項設立的目的是表彰應用專 業知識造福社會的中大教職員,從而鼓勵更多人參與知識轉移活動。典禮上,副校長張妙清 教授感謝評審小組成員,包括規劃署署長凌嘉勤先生和香港社會服務聯會蔡劍華先生。 三個項目獲頒大獎︰陳英凝教授為籌辦CCOUC災害與人道救援研究所而開展的項目獲最 佳跨學科獎,莊紹勇教授的「學習村莊」獲最佳創新獎,余秀鳳教授的「戰勝失眠:知識轉移 到實踐」獲最佳社會效益獎。 另有五個成就獎,得獎者是吳恩融教授、李詠恩教授、車錫英教授、關海山教授和華瑋教授。 On 23 October, the Knowledge Transfer Office presented the Awards of Excellence in Social Engagement 2013. The awards were established to recognize the efforts of CUHK members in applying their knowledge to benefit the community, and to encourage academics to join the knowledge transfer endeavour. At the ceremony, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro- Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, thanked guest panel members Mr. Ling Kar-kan, director of the Government’s Planning Department, and Mr. Cliff Choi of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, for reviewing the projects. Prof. Emily Chan’s project which laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response won the best interdisciplinary award. Prof. Morris Jong’s project ‘Learning Village’ won the best innovation award. Prof. Doris S.F. Yu’s project ‘Overcoming Insomnia: Transferring Knowledge to Practice’ won the best impact award. Achievement awards were presented to five individuals, namely, Prof. Edward Y.Y. Ng Prof. Vivian Lee, Prof. Chair Sek-ying, Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan and Prof. Hua Wei. 中心主任吳志輝教授在開幕禮上簡布有關診斷前列腺癌的研究結果 Centre director Prof. Anthony C.F. Ng presents his recent research findings on the diagnosis of prostate cancer at the ceremony
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