Newsletter No. 428
2 No. 428, 4.12.2013 中 文大學11月21日舉行第七十四屆大會,由校董會 主席 鄭海泉 博士主禮,共頒授三千二百八十四個 學士學位及五千七百八十二個碩士學位。畢業禮上, 沈祖堯 校長勉勵應屆畢業生不要隨波逐流。 這是一個怎樣的時代? 沈校長引用 錢穆 先生「認識你的 時代,帶領你的時代」之語,指出 每個時代的人都需要有理想,有 理想才可以成就學問和事業,領 導群倫。 校長說,現今社會是一個… 「 個人主義抬頭的時代:個人利益凌駕於群體福祉。 但海納百川,有容乃大。我們不應只顧自己的利益。 我相信中大的書院生活,已為你培養合群、共融和 願意聆聽的品格。 「 資訊爆炸、是非難辨的時代。中大的通識教育,正 是希望培養你慎思明辨的能力。 「 利益在前,道德在後的時代。但願中大的人文風 骨,已經在你的內心播下種子。我們所追求的,理應 是較名與利更能持久的東西。 」 臨別寄語 繼承創校先賢的高遠理想,並付諸實踐,是沈校長對每 一位畢業生的期望︰「我盼望中大畢業生能虛懷若谷, 不流俗、不盲從,做個對社會有貢獻的人。」 典禮後,畢業生在風和日麗的林蔭大道和喜氣洋洋的 黃色帳篷下,與親朋好友拍照留念,留下了不少溫馨 片段。 請掃描QR碼閱讀致辭全文 T he Chinese University held its 74th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 21 November. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng , Chairman of the University Council, presided over the congregation and conferred 3,284 bachelor’s degrees and 5,782 master’s degrees. In his speech, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung encouraged graduates to develop a good understanding of the time they live in, and to strive to become future leaders. What Sort of an Age Do We Live in? Professor Sung quoted Dr. Ch’ien Mu ’s words from ‘Know Your Time, Lead Your Time’, and pinpointed that humankind should be guided by the ideal of the age. People who embrace this ideal will commit themselves to their study and work, and prepare to assume leadership. But the present age, observed Professor Sung, is one in which: ‘ Individualism is in the ascendant, a time when individual interest is often placed above that of the community. We must understand that wisdom often resides in collective thinking, and that we should not focus solely on personal interest. I sincerely hope that the college life at the Chinese University has developed in you an inclination to corporate endeavours, a conciliative mindset, and a propensity to listen to others’ views. 本科課程 Undergraduate Programmes 共 頒 授 個學士學位,包括︰ A total of bachelor’s degrees were conferred, including: 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 468 工商管理學士 * Bachelor of Business Administration * 597 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 39 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 74 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 386 法學士 Bachelor of Laws 71 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 123 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 237 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 31 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 20 理學士 ** Bachelor of Science** 672 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 527 * 其中一名畢業生同時獲得工程學士學位 Including one graduate who was simultaneously also awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree ** 其中九名畢業生就讀雙學位課程並同時獲得工程學士學位 Including nine graduates who were simultaneously also awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree for a double degree programme 碩士課程 Master’s Programmes 共 頒 授 個學碩士學位 A total of master’s degrees were conferred 3,284 各科頒授學位數目 Number of Degrees Awarded 5,782 學士及碩士學位頒授典禮 Congregation for the Conferment of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees ‘ This is an age that has witnessed information explosions, and one in which it is hard to tell right from wrong. The general education programmes of CUHK are what we have created to prepare you for a perpetual process of careful examination and judicious discernment. ‘ This is an age in which profit is often placed in front of ethics. It is very much to be hoped that the seeds of humanistic integrity have taken root in the hearts of our graduating students. Our pursuit is certainly for matters that are more long-lasting than profit and reputation. ’ Parting Words It was Professor Sung’s wish that that all graduates could share the ideal of the University’s founders, and strive to realize it, ‘I sincerely hope that you will approach the world with humility, and be thought and trend leaders without drifting into vulgarism, or blindly following fashion.’ After the ceremony, bachelor’s and master’s graduates enjoyed the memorable day with friends and family members under the yellow canopy and the blue sky. Scan the QR code for the full speech 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 每年此刻,百萬大道上帳篷鮮黃,燦如朝陽。數以千計的學 子穿上學袍,接過證書,與親友分享學有所成的歡樂後,大 抵都在為未來籌算。 沈祖堯 校長引 錢穆 先生之說,殷殷勸 勉畢業生莫把個人利益凌駕群體福祉,而要在這個莫衷一 是的時代慎思明辨,追求超越名利的理想,「認識你的時 代,帶領你的時代」。 學府理應是適時預警的瞭望台,諾貝爾獎學人 斯蒂格利茨 教授月初在校園發表演說,便引2007年的金融危機為鑑, 籲請經濟學家和決策者汲取經驗,認清世界經濟的隱憂。 參與聯合國氣候變遷評估工作多年、面對不少駭人數據的 劉雅章 教授,在今期的「……如是說」也提醒我們如何保障 群體的福祉。面對保險經紀如簧之舌,很多人會危機感頓 增,簽下保單,希冀為人生各種未能確定亦不欲發生的局面 奪回些許主宰權,那怕只是一點金錢補償。面對地球日益 嚴峻的命運,我們卻總不肯直視,也不願投保。劉教授的揭 示,也許會為我們的人生路帶來新方向。 At this time every year, yellow canopies bright as the sun hover over both ends of the University Mall, as thousands of students in black gowns receive their certificates and thousands of family and friends share their joy. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor, quoting the illustrious scholar Dr. Ch’ien Mu , advised the fresh graduates to put the communal above the personal, to ponder and judge with caution the proliferation of views that marks our age, and to pursue ideals beyond private gain and status— ‘Know your time, lead your time.’ With their pool of expertise, universities often serve as effective watch stations for a society, and issue warnings when they foresee actions leading to undesirable results. Nobel laureate Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz delivered a lecture on campus earlier in the month. Citing the financial crisis of 2007, he urged economists and policy-makers to learn from the experience and focus on the underlying problems of the global economy. Prof. Gabriel Lau , who has done climate assessment for the United Nations for many years, including helping to calculate some sobering figures, reminds us to ensure the well-being of the world in ‘Thus Spake …’. People buy insurance to manage life’s unpleasant surprises, yet when it comes to the environment, many still refuse to take out an insurance policy. Let’s hope Professor Lau’s revelations will change that. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 學士及碩士學位頒授典禮 2 Congregation for the Conferment of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees 校園消息 Campus News 4 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f&b 6 宣布事項 Announcements 6 人事動態 Ins and Outs 7 劉雅章如是說 Thus Spake Gabriel Lau 8
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