
Research begets new knowledge. New knowledge is discovered everyday by CUHK faculty members and researchers, in their laboratories, research centres, and classrooms, and in their discussions with their colleagues. The fruits of research have done much to change our society and improve the quality of daily life. People today live longer, travel faster, connect more easily to people, and enjoy instant access to information on a wide range of topics.
To maximize its impact, knowledge has to be transferred effectively to the wider community. This is an area where an appropriate balance needs to be found between the social utility of an invention and the legitimate expectations of its inventor. While new inventions should be made as widely available as possible, knowledge must also be selectively protected as intellectual property, as this greatly increases the incentives for the creation and adoption of new knowledge. We now appreciate that the incentives to create and to adopt new knowledge can be greatly increased if knowledge can be selectively protected as intellectual property. We also recognise that the potential benefits of an invention may not always be immediately apparent, and that community projects offer researchers an important opportunity to explain their knowledge and apply it in practical form..
ORKTS administers five separate funds aimed at facilitating knowledge transfer. The Patent Application Fund (PAF) helps researchers to protect the intellectual property attaching to their inventions, so that they can eventually be commercialised. The Technology and Business Development Fund (TBF) helps researchers to experiment with their product ideas and test their commercial viability.
To maximize its impact, knowledge has to be transferred effectively to the wider community. This is an area where an appropriate balance needs to be found between the social utility of an invention and the legitimate expectations of its inventor. While new inventions should be made as widely available as possible, knowledge must also be selectively protected as intellectual property, as this greatly increases the incentives for the creation and adoption of new knowledge. We now appreciate that the incentives to create and to adopt new knowledge can be greatly increased if knowledge can be selectively protected as intellectual property. We also recognise that the potential benefits of an invention may not always be immediately apparent, and that community projects offer researchers an important opportunity to explain their knowledge and apply it in practical form..
ORKTS administers five separate funds aimed at facilitating knowledge transfer. The Patent Application Fund (PAF) helps researchers to protect the intellectual property attaching to their inventions, so that they can eventually be commercialised. The Technology and Business Development Fund (TBF) helps researchers to experiment with their product ideas and test their commercial viability.

Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) encourages faculty members and researchers to be personally involved in applying their knowledge and ideas in projects that are visible and beneficial to the community.

Personal Enhancement Fund (PEF) provides funding for faculty members and researchers to learn about knowledge transfer and its process. Last but not least, Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) is a new fund that provides up to $500,000 per year for teams of CUHK students and professors to commercialize R&Dresults by starting their own companies.