Newsletter No. 330
No. 330, 4.1.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室揭幕 State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology Opens • 司法覆核國際學術會議 International Conference on Judicial Review • 農 業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)揭幕 典禮於12月13日舉行,由中國人民政治協商會議 全國委員會副主席兼科學技術部部長萬鋼教授( 圖右四 )、 外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署副特派員詹永新先生 ( 左三 )、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教 育科技部副部長李凌先生( 左二 )、商務及經濟發展局副 局長蘇錦樑先生( 左一 )、中國農業大學副校長孫其信教授 ( 右二 ),以及劉遵義校長( 右三 )主禮。 在揭幕典禮上,萬部長表示實驗室的設立有助促進中港兩 地科技人員的交流、科研工作的互動,以及科學探索的成 果。他更讚揚中大具備良好的研究基礎、精幹的科研團隊 和優良的實驗設施。 劉校長對中大成立第二個國家重點實驗室感到十分欣喜, 他說:「中文大學再次獲得中央政府批准,在香港成立國 家重點實驗室,不但說明了國家對我們科研工作的欣賞和 肯定,更標誌中大農業生物技術的研究水平踏進了嶄新的 里程。」 該國家重點實驗室位於科學館與科學實驗室專門大樓的 實驗室組群,由中國工程院院士辛世文教授主管。 T he State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) was officially opened on 13 December. Prof. Wan Gang (photo, 4th right), Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology; Mr. Zhan Yongxin (3rd left), deputy commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR; Mr. Li Ling (2nd left), deputy director of General Education, Science and Technology Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR; Mr. So Kam-leung Gregory (1st left), Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development; Prof. Sun Qixin (2nd right), Vice President of the China Agricultural University; and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (3rd right), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, officiated at the plaque unveiling ceremony. Minister Wan congratulated CUHK on the establishment of the laboratory. He believed the laboratory would further enhance exchange between scientists in Hong Kong and the mainland, and encourage collaboration. He praised CUHK for its solid foundation in research, strong research team and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. Prof. Lau was pleased to see the establishment of the second state key laboratory at CUHK. ‘The Chinese University has once again gained state approval to establish a state key laboratory here in Hong Kong. This is evidence of not only the state’s recognition of our research endeavours, but also the University’s success in spearheading advancement in agrobiotechnology.’ Directed by Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the laboratory is housed in the complex comprising the Science Centre and the Centralized Science Laboratories Building. 兩 百五十多位國際法律精英匯聚香港,參加由中大 法律學院和劍橋大學公法研究中心於12月10至 12日合辦的學術會議,深入探討各項司法覆核課題。 會議以「有效司法覆核—良好管治的基石」為主題,旨在 評估司法覆核這一法律機制,以及法院如何覆核行政機關 和政府的決定。 與會的法律精英來自澳洲、加拿大、香港、印度、以色列、 內地、新西蘭、南非、南美洲、英國和美國等地,而應邀作 主題致辭者則包括香港特別行政區終審法院首席法官李 國能先生,香港特別行政區終審法院非常任法官、前英格 蘭及威爾斯上議院大法官、中大法律學榮譽講座教授伍爾 夫勳爵,香港特別行政區律政司司長及資深大律師黃仁龍 太平紳士,英格蘭和威爾斯上訴法院大法官勞斯勳爵,以 及劍橋大學前任校長兼終身名譽教授、御用大律師威廉 教授。 W orld-renowned legal luminaries took judicial review to task in a ground-breaking conference from 10 to 12 December in Hong Kong. The conference was jointly hosted by the CUHK’s Faculty of Law and the Centre for Public Law of the University of Cambridge. The conference, entitled ‘Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance’, took an evaluative look at the institution of judicial review and how the courts review decisions of administrative tribunals and the state. The first-ever conference on judicial review, the conference attracted an outstanding array of speakers from jurisdictions across the world, including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Israel, mainland China, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, the UK, and the USA. Plenary addresses were given by The Honorable Chief Justice Andrew K.N. Li, HKSAR; The Right Honorable Lord Woolf of Barnes, Non-Permanent Judge of the HKSAR, Former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales and Honorary Professor of Law, CUHK; The Honorable Wong Yan-lung, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice of the HKSAR; The Right Honorable Lord Justice Laws, Lord Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales; and Prof. David Williams, QC, Emeritus Vice- Chancellor and Emeritus Professor of the University of Cambridge.
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