
數碼學術研討會 2019  |  過去研討會

數碼學術研討會 2019

文字(再)勘探:由傳統到數位 (2019年3月19日)

數碼學術研討會 2019香港文學研究中心及圖書館合辦的第二屆數碼學術研討會已於 2019年3月19日在大學圖書館數碼學術研究室舉行,主題為 "文字(再)勘探:由傳統到數位",旨在能探索新世代文本勘探的技術與應用。研究人員一直以來使用傳統微觀的方式作文本勘探,但在數碼學術及科技的不斷發展下,他們就可以用更宏觀的方法勘探文本。

是次一天研討會由伊利諾大學厄巴納─香檳分校信息科學學院副院長 J. Stephen Downie 教授作專題演講。研討會三個專題討論題目,包括 英文文本與社交媒體香港文學中文文本,邀請了來自本地及海外大學的學者分享他們文本勘探的研究項目。研討會節目小冊子提供報告撮要及講者簡介,歡迎下載



HathiTrust Research Center: Creating New Opportunities in Support of Scholarly Text Mining
Prof. Stephen DOWNIE
Professor and Associate Dean for Research, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Digital Scholarship Sympsoium 2019 opening Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Keynote speech Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 keynote Q & A

主題 1: English Text and Social Media (主持: Prof. YE Jia, Michelle) [錄影]

  • Automatic Text Classification – Models, Applications, and Recent Trends
    Prof. LAM Wai
    Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bilingual Text-mining for Inspiring Personalized Reflection
    Prof. KONG Siu Cheung
    Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Text Mining for Communication Measures on Social Media
    Prof. LIANG Hai
    Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Panel 1 Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Lam Wai Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Lam Wai Q & A

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Kong Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Liang Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Panel 1 Q & A

主題 2: Hong Kong Literature (主持: Prof. FAN Sin Piu) [錄影]

  • Network Theory, Plot Analysis: a case study of Lu Lun’s “Poverty-Stricken Alley/Dead End”
    Prof. WONG Nim Yan
    Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • (Re-)Mining Text: An Experiment on Visualising Author Network in An Annotated Bibliography of the Classical Writings of Hong Kong Poets
    Ms. Kitty K.Y. SIU
    Digital Scholarship Librarian, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
    Ms. Daphne T.Y. SO
    Research Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

  • A Pilot Study on Topic Modeling of The Chinese Student Weekly
    Dr. Wendy H.Y. WONG
    CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Panel 3 Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Wong Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Kitty

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Wendy Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Q & A  Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Q & A

主題 3: Chinese Text (主持: Dr. Maria L.C. LAU) [錄影]

  • Using CORPRO to Revisit the Authorship Controversy of Dream of the Red Chamber
    Prof. CHUEH Ho-chia
    Associate Professor, Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University
  • Extracting Stylistic and Intertextual Markers from Chinese Text
    Prof. Paul VIERTHALER
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Digital Humanities, Leiden University
  • Unveiling the Sheng XuanHuai Archive @ CUHK – Experience Sharing on Using Corpus Data for Text Analysis and Beyond
    Mr. Jeff LIU
    Associate Librarian, Lingnan University Library
    Mr. Tony TSANG
    Assistant Computer Officer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
    Mr. SHENG Chang-Hung
    Descendant of SHENG XuanHuai

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Panel 4 Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Prof. Chueh Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Paul

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Jeff Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Q & A Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019 Q & A 2