Newsletter No. 482
接待家庭計劃 Home Away From Home—Host Family Programme 那打素護理學院專業顧問 黃玉嬋 博士曾於澳洲修業,十分了解留學生在外面對陌生環境的 心態,去年得悉學生事務處為外來生徵求接待家庭,她立刻就支持。「人生路不熟,文化語 言都不同,當然希望有人指點一二。」黃博士接待的是來自泰國、修讀工商管理學士綜合課 程的 Ploy ,兩人同屬崇基學院,都喜愛聽歌、遠足,很自然就被配對。 學生事務處於三年前推行此計劃時,認為若要求接待家庭提供住宿,不但有點不切實際,也 會局限了參與,所以計劃的主要目的,是讓接待者加強學生對本地文化的認識。黃博士說: 「我和Ploy見面多是吃吃飯,聊聊天。Ploy對本地的教育制度很感興趣,我就盡量向她 解釋。」 Ploy認為接待家庭計劃讓他有機會從另一個層面了解香港,值得向所有外來生推薦:「如果 沒有加入這個計劃,相信我大部分時間就只會和同學在一起。不過,要較全面認識香港的歷 史和文化,必須和不同年齡層的本地人交往。記得農曆新年時,黃博士送給我一封象徵長輩 祝福的『利是』,讓我感到非常窩心。」黃博士則認為,從老師的角度來說,與外地的年輕人 深入交往,也有助他們了解外來生的思想和文化。 Dr. Doris Wong , Professional Consultant of Nethersole School of Nursing, has the experience of living and working in Australia before coming to CUHK. She understands the feelings shared by many incoming students as they leave their hometowns to study in Hong Kong. In order to show her support to these students, she has volunteered to become one of the host families for incoming students at CUHK last year. ‘It’s important to support incoming students and help them to get used to studying and living in Hong Kong.’ Dr. Wong was arranged to be the host for Ploy —a year-one student of Integrated BBA from Thailand. The host families are not required to offer accommodations, as it is impractical to do so in a densely populated city like Hong Kong. Instead, the programme encourages participating families to engage incoming students in activities that will enhance the latter’s knowledge of local culture. Dr. Wong remarked, ‘Ploy and I usually meet up for lunch or dinner once every two months. She is very interested in the education system in Hong Kong, and I tried my best to let her know more about it.’ Ploy is very thankful for Dr. Wong’s guidance over the past year. She is very happy to have joined the Host Family Programme and will recommend it to all foreign students. ‘If I hadn’t joined the programme, I would have probably only hung out with my classmates all the time. But I think it’s important to befriend Hong Kong people from different age- groups in order to have a complete understanding of the local history and culture. I still remember the moment I received a lai-see from Dr. Wong as a symbol of blessings and good fortune during the Chinese New Year. She really makes me feel like I have another family here in Hong Kong.’ According to Dr. Wong, interacting with students from another region or country has also helped her as a teacher to understand the culture and mindset of youngsters from different parts of the world. 學生事務處現徵求2016 — 17年度接待家庭,有意者請於9月15日前填妥並遞交網上申請表格: If you wish to be part of this programme, please complete the online application form before 15 September 2016. Online application website: 查詢 Enquiry: 余曉芬小姐 Miss Kathy Yu ( , 3943 1528). 從肉醬意粉看星體形成 From Spaghetti Bolognese to Star Formation 「星體演化猶如一盤肉醬意粉的形態,肉醬就好比各種物質,理論上是向內塌下,意粉儼 如磁場,限制了肉醬向內塌的移動。我的研究是不同份量的肉醬和意粉組合,會變成甚 麼樣的狀態。換言之,是星體在不同環境下的形成。」物理學博士生 袁嘉豪 (左)就是以此 向研究資助局—富布萊特(香港)學人計劃評選委員概念介紹其研究計劃,贏取他們的青 睞,獲得獎學金,並於上月底前赴美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校進行為期十個月的研究。 嘉豪在2010年循拔尖途徑入讀物理系,由於對研究深感興趣,所以畢業後隨即留校修讀 博士學位。「指導老師 李華白 教授給我極大的自由度,讓我任意發揮,加上我愛跳躍的思 維,研究工作像是在創業般,即有挑戰性,又有成就感。」 嘉豪是李教授率領的恆星形成研究團隊成員之一,團隊研究發現磁場在高質量恆星的演 化過程起着關鍵作用,結果並在去年刊登於《自然》期刊。在李教授鼓勵下,他以此研究為 基礎,申請研資局—富布萊特(香港)學人計劃獎學金。 接下來的十個月,嘉豪會跟隨天文學教授 Alexandre Lazarian 學習。嘉豪說:「Lazarian 教授是星體形成研究的翹楚,發表論文逾五百篇。期望在他指導下,能優化我的星體引發 研究理論部分。然後,回來完成餘下一年的課程及論文。」嘉豪並計劃到德國開展博士後研 究工作。 ‘Star formation is like a plate of spaghetti Bolognese. Myriads of stellar elements are like the bolognese sauce, which theoretically would sink inward. But the magnetic field prevents these elements from sinking inward the way spaghetti beneath the bolognese sauce prevents its inward movement. What I want to find out is how different sauce to pasta ratios create different conditions, namely, star formation under different environments.’ By using the above metaphor in his presentation, Yuen Ka-ho (left), PhD student in physics, impressed the selection panel members of the Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Programme. He was granted the award for conducting his research for 10 months at the University of Wisconsin-Madison starting late August. Ka-ho was admitted to the Department of Physics through the JUPAS Early Admissions Scheme in 2010. His deep interest in research drove him to go for a PhD upon graduation. He said, ‘To me, doing research is like enterprising. I tend to think non-linearly and Prof. Li Hua-bai , my thesis adviser, gives me total autonomy. I am free to explore. It’s just challenging and fulfilling.’ Ka-ho is a member of the Star Formation Group led by Professor Li. The group has found that the magnetic field plays a vital role in the formation of massive stars. These findings were published in Nature last year. Encouraged by Professor Li, Ka-ho applied for the Fulbright awards to support his related research. Ka-ho’s supervisor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is Prof. Alexandre Lazarian , professor of astronomy. He said, ‘Professor Lazarian is a world-renowned scholar of star formation who has published over 500 research papers. With his guidance, I look forward to fine-tuning the theoretical focus of my research. Then I’ll return to CUHK to complete my final year of study and thesis.’ He plans to do his post-doctoral research in Germany. 05 # 4 8 2 | 0 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 6 2015—16 年度接待家庭與外來生聚會 Reunion of host families and incoming students of 2015–16
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